A little bit of fun

1308 Words
June POV . . I woke up the next morning and was surprised to see Sara dressing up I glanced at the wall clock and jolted up from the bed “ what is wrong?”. Sara asked me “ I need the be in class”. I replied and she gave a weird look I quickly rushed into the bathroom to freshen up, I returned to the room with my towel wrapped around my body . “ Are you really going to put this on?”. I asked Sara as I stared at the short harmless blue gown she was wearing “ what is wrong with it?”. She asked “ it is too short, your body is exposed”. I replied “I don’t need your preaching this morning”. She said with an eye roll She sat on her bed and watched me as I get dressed “ you have a very nice shape”. She remarked, but you cover it oversized clothes “I like it like that”. I replied “ Are you really going to wear that sac?”. She asked as I brought out a brown gown “ what is wrong with it?”. I asked “ it is big and ugly”. She replied “ At least it covers my body” I said as I put on the gown “Really June, you need to have some fun and stop living a boring life”. She replied “What kind of fun can I have?”. I asked her She thought for a while “ go with me to a birthday party”. She said, Steph birthday party “ is it the party both of you were talking about?”. I asked “ yes. She replied grinning “ I am not interested”.i drawled “It is going to be fun”. She said , just try and have little fun “ I will think about it”. I replied “Good”. She said as she picked up her bag “ can we go to class now?”. She asked I looked at her, I never knew she was waiting for me “You can go, I am waiting for sister”.i replied “Alright June”. She said and walked out of the room . I was about dialling Mary number when she rushed Into my room “ I am sorry June”. She apologised, Miguel delayed me I looked at her smirked “ he probably didn’t allow you to come over to my room last night as you promised”. I queried “ I am sorry June”. She said feeling guilty “It is alright”.i replied, Let us go . . We walked together to the lecture building “ This is your class”. Mary said as we stopped in front of a class, “ Alright”. I replied “ have fun”. She waved . I walked into the class and was surprised to see Sara seated “What are you doing here?”. I asked her “A retake “ she replied “What is that?”. I asked her “ I had a fail in this course and I have to retake it”. She explained “ you can seat here”. She said tapping on a seat beside her and I happily sat down beside her The Lecturer soon walked in and the class became quiet as she lectured... I looked on in surprise when Steph walked in,she was wearing a crop top and a bum shorts . “Is she a fresher of retake student”.i wondered “ Steph”.The lecturer called , you are late “ I was busy with Troy”. She replied rudely and walked over to a seat beside me “who is Troy”.. I thought “ hi”. I greeted She looked at me and gave me a small smile . . . “ I am hungry”. I told Sara after lectures, can you please direct me to the cafe ? “ The food in the cafe is unappetising”. She replied. We can get something better in the gardens “Where is that?”. I asked “ it is an open place where student meet to talk , play and laugh, Food, snacks and drink are also sold there “. She explained “ wow!”. I exclaimed, I can’t wait to see this gardens . We walked to the gardens and I noticed people staring at me awkwardly “ it is because of your cloth”.sara explained , it looks old fashioned I looked at my clothes, I saw nothing wrong with it . . We soon got to the gardens and it was so beautiful . I was surprised to see Mary and her Miguel eating ,I suddenly felt jealous “She doesn’t care for me , she cares only for Miguel”.i thought “hey”. I greeted walking towards her “June”. She greeted back smiling, i can see you are already getting along?”, she asked glancing at sara who was busy with some guys “ yes”.i replied, she is fun to be with “helo June”.Miguel greeted eyeing me “hi”.i replied “ you should teach your sister some fashion sense Mary”.he said referring to me “ she will change with time”.Mary replied shrugging her shoulders I glared at him and sat down beside Mary “ I have to take care of somethings”.Miguel said standing up, he gave Mary a kiss before leaving “Must you all always kiss?”. I asked with an eye roll “June”. Sara called coming to join us.I was searching around for you, I never knew when you left”. She said as she sat down beside me and nodded at Mary “You were too busy to notice”.i replied smiling “Here”.she said handing me a sandwich and drink, I got it for you “ Thanks”. I replied, I completely forgot I came here because I was hungry We started munching our meals when Mary suddenly exclaimed “What is it?”.Sara asked “ Troy is headed here”. She replied “Who is this Troy again”.i thought I turned to look and gasped in surprise when I saw the prettiest boy I have ever seen coming in to the gardens with Steph beside him. “ is this Troy?”, I asked Sara “Shuuuush! don’t be loud”. She replied placing a finger on her lips I nodded and continued staring as he sat on a seat at the extreme end I noticed most student staring at him “ who is he?”. I asked curiously She looked at me in surprise “ are you living in the Stone Age?”. She asked with sarcasm. He is Troy, the sole owner of Daniel corporate “Really?”. I exclaimed,I have heard about Daniels corporate but I never knew it was owned by someone this young “ Steph must be really lucky”. I said They both looked at me and laughed “ why are you laughing?”. I asked staring at both of them “She is his b***h and would soon get dumped”.Mary replied, he date the prettiest and sexiest girls and dump them when he is tired of them “. She explained “ why does he do that?”, I asked “ I don’t know”.Sara replied, maybe he doesn’t believe in commitment I looked at him and stared in awe as he smacked Steph butt as she danced on his laps “holy Mary! I exclaimed loudly and I gasped in shock when I met the coldest gaze I have ever seen I shuddered in fear and quickly jolted up running towards the hostel . . I sat down on my bed panicking when the door flung opened and Sara walked in “ why did you do that?”. She asked “ is he coming to get me?”. I asked ignoring her question She looked at me and laughed “No, he doesn’t even know you exist”. She drawled “ what happened after I left?”. I asked curiously “Nothing, he just stared at you as you ran off “. she replied I sighed in relief “Are you in or not?”. She asked “ I don’t understand “.i replied “Will you go with me to Steph birthday?”.She asked , say yes please “ can I go?”. I muttered to myself,It will not be bad to have a little fun “ yes”.replied , I will go with you “ you made the right choice”. Sara said smiling..... . . TBC
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