Feeling among

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June PoV continues . . We got back to the hostel really late “The party was so much fun”.Sara screamed in delight. She was a little bit tipsy I watched her as she pulled off her shoes and decided to tell her about Troy “Sara”. I called “Yes”. She replied without looking at me “ I saw Troy with with another girl” She immediately turned to look at me “ so?” . She asked “ what do you mean by that?” I asked, he is Steph boyfriend and Steph is your friend “ really?”. She asked laughing, I bet Steph knows about it “ what!!”. I exclaimed, how is that possible? “ You don’t really know Troy”.she replied and continued with what she was doing “ who is he?”. I mumbled...... . . . Troy POV . . “It was my day Troy, you could have at least respected me”.Steph queried I laid on my bed watching her rant “ you made me look like a fool “. She continued, I saw you when you signalled the b***h to join you in the toilet “ so?”. I asked, I was attracted to her “ why are you doing this to me?” She asked “ what am I doing to you?”, I asked her “ you are hurting me”. She replied I looked at her and smiled “ I think it is time to get someone else”. I drawled “ what do you mean ?”. She asked “ I am done with you Steph”.i declared “ you can do this to me Troy”. She pleaded moving towards me “Really”. I asked as I stood up from the bed “ where are you going?”. She asked “To the next room”. I replied “ what about me?”. She asked “ you can sleep here for the night but make sure you are out of here tomorrow morning “. I warned “Troy please”. She pleaded “ Good night Steph”. I said as I left the room . . I headed downstairs to the sitting room and met Andy at the bar drinking “Troy”. he called immediately he saw me “hey”, I replied “I thought you were asleep”. he said as he offered me a glass of wine “Thanks”. I muttered “ is anything wrong?”. he asked, I heard you and Steph arguing when I passed through your room “I was not arguing”. I corrected, she was the one ranting “ what happened?”. he asked “ I am done with her”. I replied with a smirk “Boss”. he called laughing,you could have dump her a day after her birthday “ I was already tired of the b***h”, I drawled, “What really happened at the party?”.he asked “I was told I was not pure”. I replied with a shrug He looked at me with a raised eyebrow “ what do you mean?”. he asked “Nevermind “, I replied sipping my drink. I thought about the lady and laughed , she was so funny . I met Andy curious gaze....... Steph POV . . I headed downstairs the next morning hoping Troy would forgive me I met him talking with his friend “Did he stay awake all night”. I thought “Troy”. I called He turned to look at me “ I am sorry”. I pleaded “ you didn’t do anything Steph”. he replied, I just got tired of you. It was all a game from the beginning and you knew about it “ I still want to be your personal b***h”. I muttered He smirked.” I sent some money to your accounts, it should be enough to get you whatever you need”. he replied “Please Troy don’t.........” “ Get out”. He barked “ Troy”.... “I said Get out”. he yelled and I immediately Jolted out his mansion... “ what will happen to me now?”. I thought, I will become the clown of the school.... June PoV . . I scattered my box looking for a better cloth, “ what are you still doing here?”. Sara asked walking out of the bathroom “Searching for something nice”. I replied “ really?”. She asked laughing, are you tired of your sac clothes “ I just don’t like the way people stare at me”. I replied, when I get home I will ask my mom to buy something better “ do your mom still buy clothes for you?”. She asked in surprise “ yes”. I replied “ what will you do if she buys you clothes you don’t like?”. She asked “I wear what she wants me to”. I replied “Oh June! She exclaimed, you let you parent control you and that is not right.What they just need to do is to advice you and not to impose stuffs on you “ I have no choice”. I sighed “ you really need to do something about it”. She advised. “ I will think about it”. I replied “ Let me help you”. She said as she bend down searching through my box “Wow, this is nice”. She said pulling out a short blue gown , “ it was a gift from a friend, I secretly wore it to prom and My Dad made me dip my legs into hot water when he found out”. I explained “That must have hurt”. She replied patting me, I looked at her and smiled . . I headed to class with Sara and I felt different, i notice some guys staring at me and I blushed “ is this how it feels to wear beautiful clothes”. I thought “ June”. Mary called running towards me “See you later”. Sara waved as she walked away June”. Mary called again when she got closer “hi”. I greeted, how are you? “ wow!. She exclaimed staring at my gown, you are really beautiful “Thanks”, I muttered “ where did you get the gown from?”. She asked “ it is mine ,I wore it to the prom. Remember?”. I asked her “ oh!”. She replied nodding, I can see you are getting used to college “ sure. I nodded “ where were you last night?”. She asked , I came over to you room but it was locked “ I went to a birthday party”. I replied “ whose birthday party?”. She asked “ Steph”. I replied “Really?”. She asked in surprise, I really wanted to be there but no one invited me “ Sara invited me”. I told her “ I know”. She replied, they are friends “Did you see Troy?”. She asked in whispers I nodded “Don’t get in his way”. She advised “ why?”. I asked “ I heard he is ruthless”. She replied “ why do everyone fear him?”. I wondered as I headed to the class. I thought about him, he has the coldest gaze i have ever seen . . . I walked into the room feeling tired. I met Sara searching through her bags “ how was lectures?”. She asked me “ stressful”. I replied “ sorry dear”. She said chuckling I watched her as she select some clothes dropping it on the bed “ are you going somewhere?”. I asked her She nodded “ where?”. I asked “ The club”. She replied “ what!!”. I exclaimed, I don’t want to sleep alone “ you can go with me if you want”. She replied, will you?”. She asked I looked at her and sighed “ fine, I will “... I replied . . . June June . . TBC
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