Chapter : 9. Student loan..

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Elora’s point of view :- ------------------------------- Sitting in my bed on this sleepless night, I couldn’t stop thinking about what to do next. Can I really let my dream slip out of my hand so easily? Isn’t there any way to get at least the admission fees? Maybe I should take a student loan and continue my study and we will see what the future has kept for me. I have to keep trying if I want to succeed. If only I had someone to discuss my problems with. I need at least one person’s support to get the courage on keep going. Right at that moment, I remembered Maya. I can talk to her. She understands me very well, and she has given me some useful advice in my troubles. She can give me a clear idea about whether I should take the loan or not. I need her suggestion. It was late at night but still I called her in hope that she will pick up. “Hello? Elora? What’s wrong? Are you okey?” Thankfully she did pick up. “Yeah. I am fine. Why?” “Did you see the time? I thought you were in trouble for calling me so late.” “Sorry. I just needed to talk to you, that’s all. I miss you.” “Ohh! I miss you too. I miss you every minute I was in the restaurant. So, how is it going? Did you talk to your mother yet?” “Yes. I did. But things are more complicated here now than before. She got married to a guy who is obviously lying to her by making her believe that he is a billionaire and living off of my money. And you won’t believe what she did. She used all my money on implants for her b*obs and a*s. She used all the savings..” “That bi*ch..” “I am going crazy now, maya. I have no idea what I am going to do. How am I supposed to manage the admission fees now?” “If you take my words, go and find yourself a sugar daddy. That’s the only way you can get that money now. It’s a sign girl.. It’s your opportunity to give yourself a better life.” “What? No! I told you. I am not into that stuff.” “Then what are you planning to do? Stay in the house and become like your mom? Maybe that’s not a bad idea. Find a minimum wage job and find a toxic husband, have kids and settle down. That all you can do now.” “Maya. Don’t be too dramatic. You know I would do anything rather than become someone like my mom. But for now, I was thinking about getting the student loan. I know it’s going to put some additional pressure on me before I can even begin the journey, but it’s the only way I can see. I will work hard and try my best to overcome all the difficulty. It will be just a matter of like six years, and once I become a doctor, I will get paid enough to pay it back easily.” “Elora. Six years! Do you realize how long six years will become with that pressure? I have heard some students even take their lives in depression in the path you are taking. I would say that it’s a bad idea.” “But I have no choice. I can’t do what you are asking. Besides. I am not like other students. I have faced many hard times already and always got out of it with my right mind. So, I believe that I can do it this time as well. I believe in myself.” “Okey then. If you think you can do it, who am I to stop you? I just hope whatever you do, you stay happy and safe.” “I will. I promise. I will take care of myself. Thank you Maya, for caring about me so much. You are the only one who I have to call my own. Thank you for everything. And I am sorry that I bothered you so late.” “No problem. You can call me any time you like. Got to sleep now and don’t worry too much. Everything will be fine. Good night.” I really felt a bit free after talking to Maya. Although she didn’t agree with me to take the loan, but she let me know that she cares about it. That is what made me feel good. I at least have someone who wishes well for me. I did manage to fall asleep after that and woke up early the next morning to go to the bank and apply for a student loan. I am all ready to take this risky step. Surprisingly, when I woke up this morning, I found Alistair in the kitchen making breakfast. It was really a surprise and I couldn’t stop myself to go and talk to him. “Hey! What are you doing?” “Making breakfast.” “This time?” “Your mom didn’t make me any food last night, so I got hungry. Besides, I have an important meeting to attend this morning.” “I’m sure you do..” I chuckled sarcastically. “I made some for you too, so come quickly. And no need to thank me..” “Yeah! Like I was going to..” By saying that, I went to take a shower and clean up. Once I was done, I realized he was actually waiting for me at the table with the food he made. “You really know how to cook?” “Of course. Who do you think makes us food in this house? Your mom doesn’t. I make food for her, I clean her house, I pay her bills..” I didn’t let him finish and asked the real question. “Then why did you marry her? If you are really not happy with her, then why did you marry her?” “It’s.. complicated. I will tell you all when it’s time. So, where are you headed so early? Should I drop somewhere?” “No, thank you. And it’s none of your business. You might be her husband, but you are not my dad. So, keep your head out of my problems. I can take care of myself. I have been doing so for the past 11 years..” He became silent after hearing that. Finishing my food quickly, I did say thanks to him and went out of the house to go to my destination. I didn’t take the bus and chose to walk all over to the bank with the necessary documents to present. I even got the chance to meet the manager and discuss my application. But the rest didn’t go as I expected. “Miss. You are currently unemployed with no stable source of income. We can’t grant you a student loan. And even if we consider giving that amount to you based on your academic skills and your property evaluation, the interest rate will go way up high than you can manage. There is an only way for you, which is the education loan. You can take that loan with a primary co-applicant which are your parents or any immediate family member who takes the loan with you and shares the responsibility of repaying the taken loan in due time. If you want to get a loan, we must need your parents concent.” With that, my last hope of getting the money for my fees were also gone. I can’t take a student loan with no job. The only way to get it now is by making my mom agree to take the loan with me. She would never do that. She will never help me with anything that can bring me success. From what I saw yesterday, she just doesn’t care about me to help me at all. With a defeated heart, I walked back home with slow steps. I felt all doors close between me and my dream. I am losing it all. After I reached home, I just took a seat in the living room and didn’t move out of there for hours. The sun came down, and I stayed in the dark, trying to get used to the darkness that’s hovering over my future. This is going to be my life if I can’t manage to get the money. All of a sudden, the lights turned on, making me flinch in the sudden brightness. I didn’t know mom was out till now. I didn’t know anything about where she goes or when she comes back since I came. “Oh god! You scared me. What are you doing in the dark? You know what? I don’t have the time to listen to your whining. I have a birthday party to attend.” She just brushed me off and went into her room to get ready. It wasn’t even five minutes when she came out again. She was leaving for the supposed party when I thought to at least take a chance by asking her for help. “Mom. Can I talk to you for a minute?” “No. I am busy.” “Please..” “Fine. Just until I get my shoes on. What is it?” “I went to the bank today to apply for a student loan. But they told me that I need your co-operation to get it. You have to apply for the loan with me. So, I was wondering if you will just go with me to the bank one day and give them a sign, I cane get the loan and continue my study. You don’t have to pay them anything. I will do it all. I will take the whole responsibility. But I just need one sign from you.” “What? No. Absolutely not. I know what you asking from me. You want me to take the loan with you so that you can vanish with that money and I end up paying for you all my life? I am not going to take that risk. I am not that stupid.” “Please mom.. I swear I won’t do anything like that. I will pay it all. Trust me. Please.. This is my last chance to get into the university. Please agree with it.” “No. Never. I am not falling for your tricks. I do want you to leave me alone. But not like this. I won’t take any loan with you.” “Then.. If you can’t take the loan, at least could you help me collect it? We might have some money left somewhere. If not, then could you at least ask your husband to give me some? You said he is a billionaire. I am sure it wouldn’t be a problem for him at all. And once you give it to me, I will leave you alone. I will go far away from your life and never come back again. I promise. Think about it. Just a few thousand dollars and you will get rid of me for forever.” That did work on my mom as she started thinking about it silently. If she truly gives me that money, I will leave her alone. I don’t want to be around her as much as she wants for me. “How much?” Another hope raised in my heart when she considered giving me that money. “It’s not much. Just 50k.” “What? Fifty thousand dollars? And you say that’s not much? There’s no way in hell that I am going to ask for fifty thousand dollars from him.” “But he’s your husband. His money means your too. And if he is a billionaire, then this amount is nothing to him. Could you at least ask him about it for me? Please..” “No. He might give that money to me with no questions asked. But I am not going to ask for it for you. If it was 10 or 15. I would have considered. But 50? No way. You don’t worth it. Now stop wasting my time with this s*it. I have places to be. And if you do want to get money desperately, find yourself a billionaire too. Don’t ask from mine. Bye.” She waked out of the house, clicking her heels on the wooden floor, smashing my dreams under it. She made it clear to me that she won’t help me with anything. I was expecting that from her as well. But still it hurt me more than I thought. She made me lose the remaining love for her today.
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