Chapter : 10. Applying in..

2111 Words
Elora’s point of view :- ------------------------------- “You aren’t worth it.” “If you do want to get money desperately, find yourself a billionaire too. Don’t ask from mine.” These words kept ringing in my ears again and again. Am I really worthless? What does she think of me? Does she want to say that I can’t get myself a rich guy like her? Does she mean to say that no one will find me attractive or lovable? That’s not true and I will prove it to her. I will prove that I can get myself a rich man if I want. I will prove that I can have it all if I want, the way she does. So, grabbing my phone immediately, I called Maya. “Maya. I need the information about the site you recommended. The sugar daddy thing..” “So, you finally changed your mind. Wait. Let me join that friend of mine at a conference. She can explain it better to you.” I waited as she put me on hold to conference her friend. “Hey Claire? I have my friend Elora at a conference. She wants to join the Sugaraddy site that you told me about. She has some questions about it. Would you mind clearing it for her? I am at work right now and can’t really talk.” “Sure. No problem. I was free anyway. So, what do you want to know first, Elora?” Maya helped me talk to her friend directly, which was even better for me. “So, what is the name of the site that I have to apply to?” “Go to the search bar and type www.mysugardaddy,com and once you are in, it will let you log in for free and ask you what you are registering as. You have to press the sugar baby and you will be logged into the sugar baby page. There you have to make your profile with your name, your contact ID, your location, and your current photo, along with a brief description of yourself and what you are looking for. Are you a virgin?” I was a bit taken aback by her sudden question. “Umm.. Yes.” “Oh! That’s even better. You will notice there is a special offer going for the virgins that is probably flashing on the banner. You can apply there with a proof of your age. It’s like an auction and the highest paying daddy will get to win you. It will be your choice to accept it or not in the end. Is there anything else you want to know about?” “Yes.. Uhh.. Is this safe? I mean.. What if the person who I choose turns out to be a serial killer or something like that?” “You have nothing to worry about because this company that handles the site is completely legal and it asks for identity proof as soon as you log in as a sugardaddy. They run it through the police records and only accept if they are clean. It’s a completely safe site for young girls like us.” “And I was wondering what the ages of the men will be in there? Will it be too old?” “That depends on luck. People of all ages come here to find joy and excitement. But as I said, in the end, you will be the one to choose them. There’s one more thing I should let you know. In the auction, you won’t be able to see who were bidding on you. You will only see the amount and their username. They will ask you to sign a one year contract with them for which you have to come face to face. He will check you and you will check him before making the final decision and signing it. So, if you feel like he’s not your type, you can always back up before signing.” “Okey. And how much time I have to give him and how is he going to pay me? Will it be at the beginning or the end or in instalments?” “You have to discuss it with him yourself. Everyone has their own way of making the deal. You have to make everything clear with your sugar daddy before signing the contract. Look. I can understand that you are scared to take this leap of faith. I was scared too at first. But then I gathered the courage and just gave myself in. And now I know that I made the best decision of my life by doing this. It changed my whole life. Now I have the chance to do something in my life. I have the chance to fulfil my dreams. You can do it too. Just open the site and give it a try. I am sure you will thank me and Maya one day for this.” “Okey. Thank you. That really helped me a lot. And if I ever have any more questions later, can I call you again?” “Of course. Maya’s friend means my friend. I would be more than happy to help. Save my number and give me a call anytime you need me.” “Okey. Thank you..” Cutting the call, I took a deep breath. After clearing everything from her, I think I am ready to give it a try. If it’s my decision in the end, then let's just give it a try. Thinking about this, I went to my room and opened my tab. There I did exactly as Claire told me to and logged myself in the site. I created a profile of myself and put a nice picture of me on it that I took when I was still at boarding school. I remember that day Maya made me take pictures of myself because I had none on my tab. I also put in my description that I am a student and I am looking for someone who can help me continue my studies and give me enough time to attend my classes. That was all my recommendation for whoever I get chosen by. As she informed me, there was indeed a banner on the top of the webpage that was flashing the words- “Are you a virgin and in need of a lot more money? Then we have a perfect offer for you. Join the auction and let them fight for you. Make them pay way more for the prize only you have. This is your chance..” I clicked the banner and instantly my profile came onto the screen with some additional slot to put the rest of my information, like my age, my height, weight, proof of my age and address. I filled it all with the correct information and at last I pressed the apply button below. I saw the page get divided into two. On one side, there was my profile showing on the screen and on the other there was a blank chat room. I have no idea what I am supposed to do now. Do I have to write hi or something to start the chat? Or is it for them to approach me? I was really confused about what to do next, so I just ended up keeping staring at it for quite some time until a beep sound came out of my tab. “Sugardaddy327 bid- 20,000.” This was the text I saw on the blank side and instantly perked up. So this is where I will see the bidding. As Claire said, there was no picture of the person who agreed to pay 20k for me, but I could only see his username. There is also a small button below that text that says ‘accept’. I understood that as soon as I pressed that accept button, the bidding would end and I would end up with this person. But 20k? What am I supposed to do with only 20k? “Sugardaddy211 bid-30,000.” “Sugardaddy401 bid-40,000.” “Sugardaddy58 bid- 50,000.” It wasn’t even a minute, as I thought I was only worth 20 thousand dollars when my tab started beeping continuously and I could see people bidding more and more for me. My hands started shaking and my breathing got faster to see so many people agree to pay me so much amount just to have my virginity. I was literally selling myself on the market. “What am I doing? I am actually selling myself to the person who will pay me most. No. I can’t.. I can’t do this..” I got so scared to think about all of it that I just closed my tab and threw it on my bed, far away from me. Guilt took over me as I was calming down. How could I do this to myself? Just because my mom said a few mean words to me, I forgot all my beliefs. I forgot everything grandma taught me. I was going to become like my mom. I was going to find myself a rich man to pay for my expenses, just like she did. I was about to walk on her steps without realizing my mistake. But thankfully, I got my scenes back in time. I am grateful that I didn’t accept any of those offers. This is my life and I will be the one to control it, not her. So, what if I don’t get to be at that university? That doesn’t mean my life has ended. I won’t just give up so easily. I will fight. I will fight for survival as long as I can. With that, I just accepted my fate. Maybe I am not meant to become a doctor. But I can be something else. Something small but important for society. I just have to figure out what. I will go out tomorrow and try to find myself a job. I will work and I will feed myself. I will be happy with what I have and never look back on the mistake I was about to make. Most of all, I won’t let myself end up like my mom. I did as I decided. For the next two days, I went out in search of a job all around the city. I wanted to find a decent job that would pay me enough to feed myself and save a little for the future. But it didn’t go as I planned. The first problem was no higher paying places were agreeing to keep an inexperienced girl as an employee. And for the minimum wage places, I was too young or too pretty to attract unwanted attention. The other problem of all was I was a complete stranger to them. Even when I tried to use my grandma’s name in some places, they ended up remembering my mom and how rebellious she is. That was a definetly no as the daugheter of Evelyn. On the third day, when I was done visiting every single place in the nearby city, I returned home defeated. I never expected that finding a job would be so hard for me. The next city is way far from here and I have to use transportation every day if I find a job there. It will waste more than half of my p*****t that I might be able to get there. There’s no way it’s going to work. So, is this why my mom never worked? Is it because no one ever offered her a job just like they are doing with me? “You are still here? I thought you had left”. I was startled once again by my mom as she came out of her room this time. I haven’t seen her for the past three days. “Why are you so upset? Failed to find a rich guy to pay for your college? I should have known when you came back here and said you had no other place to go. I am sure you have never even had a boyfriend before? Who would date that ugly face of yours anyway? You are truly worthless.” “Could you please stop insulting me every time you see me? You have no idea what I am going through, yet you always seem to make it worse for me. What do you want from me?” “I only want one thing from you. Get out of my life. Go anywhere you can, but just get out..”
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