Chapter : 8. She used it all..

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Elora’s point of view :- ------------------------------ I can’t believe he just barged into the bathroom like that and even stared at me without any shame. Like every day, I woke up early and went to take a shower. I clearly remember that I locked the door before taking my clothes off. But little did I know that the lock was now broken and it would be him to get in at that moment. How embarrassing it was. I was completely naked under the shower when he came in. I tried to cover myself with my hands, but there’s no way it would have worked. He saw me. He saw me like that. I was feeling so ashamed to think about the incident. No matter what, he is a man. He must have felt something to see me like that.. No. I shouldn’t think like that. He is an older person, and he is supposed to be my stepdad. I am sure he wouldn’t have thought as much of it as I am thinking. I have to act normal in front of him to make him feel like I am not bothered by what happend in the bathroom. It was just an accident. As I came out of the bathroom, I found him fast asleep in the living room. So, I didn’t call him and just went to do my chores. I have already cleaned my room before taking a shower. Now all I have to do is make some breakfast. I need to talk to mom and make a peace so that we both can live in this house without any fight. And for that, I should make something for her too. Well, for both of them. As I already saw last night, there weren’t any groceries in the kitchen except the basics. So, I also didn’t work much and made something out of what I had. I was plating up the table when I heard the sleeping man on the couch make some groaning noise. It was loud and seemed painful. Maybe he was having a nightmare. Just as I had last night in that very same spot. Soon I saw him jump up and take deep breaths, making my doubts clear. He was having a nightmare. So, I tried to be nice and offered him water. Although I don’t like him very much, he was kind to me last night. He was more kind to me than my own mother. So, I think he deserves a little respect. I am really not used to having a man around me all my life. I didn’t have a father to grow up with; I studied in an all girls’ school, and I never had a boyfriend. So, it was a bit awkward for me to be around a man in the very same house where I was living. Seeing him shirtless or in a towel was really bothering me. I tried to avoid looking at him as much as I can while I was talking to him. I invited him for breakfast along with my mom, only to end up arguing again. It took him like twenty minutes or so to wake my mom and come to the table. The way she’s acting, it seems like she is the daughter and I am the parent. “Can you not wake up the house so early in the morning? We need rest. We are not free all day like you to do this s*it.” That was her repay for the meal I just arranged for them. “Fine. I won’t do it again. But for now, sit. I need to talk to you.” “You are just like my mom. Always dominating. What do you want to talk about?” I took a big sigh, placing my bread down on my plate again. “You do remember that I am your daughter, right? I haven’t seen you or heard from you for three years. And now that I am here, you didn’t even think to ask how am I? Why didn’t you contact me? Why didn’t you receive any of my calls? I have no one else except you now that grandma’s gone. Didn’t you miss me at all?” “No. You were never a part of my life. I thought you knew that. I am just bearing with you because mom gave you that place.” She didn’t even hesitate to say that in my face. “Wow.. Well. I guess I am not so heartless like you. I missed you. So, how have you been? When did you two get married?” “We were good until you came. And it’s been two months since our marriage. Isn’t that right, Alistair?” She hugged the arms of her husband, showing off to me. “Two months? Two months and you didn’t get a minute to give me the news. Anyway.. Alistair? Do you have a job? A place of your own? Or.. are you living off of her?” “Elora!” Mom tried to put my voice down, but I am way past that stage now. “I do have a job, a house, and a family. I am just living here because your mom felt comfortable here rather than living with my family. And for my job, you can’t even imagine what I do or who I am. As a matter of fact, I have to be there right now. So, ladies. Enjoy your breakfast and I will see you later. Don’t start any fights while I am gone. And by the way.. I am still older than your mom. I’m 38.” As he said that, mom’s head snapped towards him and fear was clearly visible in her face. He knows her real age that she tried to hide all this time. “Elora. Stop ruining my relationships. All my life, you were the reason that I had to stay alone. And that I found a perfect man and got married, you are back again to ruin it. You know why I didn’t inform you about the marriage? Because I wanted you to stay away from us. I can’t lose him too. He’s rich..” “No. He’s not rich.. Can’t you see? He’s fake. He’s lying to you.” “You have no idea who Alistair is. He is a billionaire.” “Billionaire? Right.. If he is a billionaire, what is he doing here, in this little house? Why does he dress up like a regular person? How can he sleep till so late and party all night if he even has a job?” “That’s because he took a leave for our honeymoon. He wants to enjoy our first few months together.” “Two months leave? Mom. He is lying to you. He is tricking you to take everything you have. Even a blind person can see what’s going on. Stop being so stupid and come back to reality. He’s only using you.” “Well. If you don’t believe me, then fine. He is using me and I am letting him do that. I want to be used if the person is a man like him.” I shook my head in disbelief. “Fine. It’s your life, your choice. I am not going to interfere in it. I just came here to let you know that I got accepted to the University of Sydney with MBBS.” “So? What am I supposed to do with that information?” “Nothing. I am just here for the admission fees. I need it. And as soon as I get the money, I will be out of your life. Probably for forever.” “What money?” I sat up straight as soon as I heard her say that with no care. “What do you mean ‘what money’? The money grandma saved for me. For my education. The bonds she left for me.” “Oh! That.. I used it all.” It was like a slap in the face when she said she used it all. “What? Used it all? You mean all of it? How? How did you spend all that in just three years?” She got up from the chair and twirled around once to show me her body. “I used it to make myself sexier. Don’t I look awesome now? Look at my br*asts and my a*s.. Isn’t it attractive?” “You.. You mean you used all that money on yourself just so you could look better? But that was my money. Grandma kept it for my education. How am I supposed to go to collage now? What am I supposed to do?” “How would I know? That was my money. It was my mother who saved it. So, I spent it all on what I thought best.” “How could you do this to me? I trusted you. Grandma trusted you. You just ruined my whole future. You ruined my dream.. I hate you. I hate you so much.” I couldn’t hold myself anymore and broke down crying. The only hope of fulfilling my dream washed down the drain with my mom’s beauty. “Elora. I really don’t care if you love me or hate me. So, if you are done with your acts, leave my house. I don’t want you anywhere near me or my place.” That made me so angry at her that I snapped. “Your house? Your money? All of this is mine. All of it belongs to me. She left it in my name. I think you don’t realize that I can put you in jail for misusing my money without my permission. I am now 18 and grandma gave me that right because she knew what kind of bi*ch you are. And for the money. I can easily sell this house and start my life with the money, leaving you on the streets. No billionaire husband of your will care for you then. You will be destroyed. But you are very lucky that I am not a heartless wh*re like you to betray my own blood. You should be grateful to me for letting you live in this house. Keep this in mind before taking to me disrespectfully again. You understand?” Throwing the reality in her face, I stormed into my room, leaving her there in shock. What is going on with my life? Why does my own mother treats me like this? She doesn’t care about me. Not even a bit. Why can’t she just accept that we only have each other? No other person in the world would care about us. They will only try to find ways to use us. Why does she hate me so much? What have I ever done to her? It wasn’t my fault that she got pregnant. If she didn’t want to have a baby or wasn’t in a serious relationship, then why didn’t she just use a protection? This whole thought even makes me hate myself. But now what? What am I going to do about the admission money? How am I going to gather that amount? Is there any other way to get that money now? My head started pounding from thinking too much about it all. At one time I just couldn’t take it and went out to get some fresh air. I kept walking and walking until at one time I reached to the city area. That is when I remembered that I need some groceries. Forgetting all my problems for a while, I bought some groceries with the savings I had. I walked back home all alone. Made some food for myself and ate it on my own. I am not going to waste my money on those people who don’t care about me. Mom was not home ever since I returned and so does her new husband. It felt good to have the house empty and silent. But not for long. “Hi! Made dinner already? What are we having tonight? Spaghetti? Yum..” Alistair came and sat beside me, staring at my plate. “It’s not for you. It’s only for me.” “What? Why?” “I am not your maid. Go and ask you wife to make you dinner.” I snapped at him, remembering what his wife did to me. “Wow.. Spicy.. Evelyn can’t cook. Where is she anyway? Is she home?” “How would I know? You are her husband. You are supposed to know where she is.” “Okey. Had a fight while I was gone? I will leave you alone then.” He got up from the chair, but before leaving, he snatched the fork from my hand and took a big portion of my spaghetti and ate it. “Mmm.. Delicious. Well done.” I was so stunned by his action that I could only stare at his retreating self with an open mouth.
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