Chapter : 11. Close interaction..

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Elora’s point of view :- ------------------------------- I had another fight with mom and she keeps reminding me that I have no place in her heart. She wants me to leave at any cost. It’s like she can’t even bare seeing me around. But why doesn’t she understand that I have nowhere to go? I have no one to be with. She’s everything I have. If not as a daughter, then couldn’t she at least treat me as a distant relative? It would be so much easier for both of us, if she just accepts the truth. Three more days passed and now I am searching for a job in another cities. Anything would work at this moment. But unfortunately, I just couldn’t get the right one. While in search of a job as a waitress, I did get an offer to work in a nightclub. But I know it’s not my kind of place to work in. And with that salary, there’s no way I would throw myself in front of a group of drunk perverts. With another failed attempt, I once again returned home and faced my mom’s bulls*it like every day. “What did you do? You b*tch.. What did you say to him?” I had no idea what she was talking about as she was charging at me angrily. “What are you talking about?” “Alistair. What did you say to him?” “Nothing. I said nothing. Why would I need to tell him anything? He is your husband, isn’t he?” “Really? When was the last time you saw him then?” I tried to remember when did I last saw him. It was probably the day I went to the bank. “I don’t know. I think it’s been a long time now. But why are you asking me this?” “That’s because I haven’t seen him for the past three days. He’s not even picking up my calls. You must have done something to drive him away. You always do that to every single guy I get used to..” “Why are you putting this on me? Wasn’t it clear to you that he was going to dump you one day? He was only using you by feeding you lies. He was only one of those toxic boyfriends of yours who left you. Where is my fault in it at all?” “I don’t know, but I am sure it is your fault. It is always your fault. Eighter, you have said something to him that made him leave me. Like when you told him about my age the very first day you were here. Or you would have seduced him with this young body of yours to make him believe that he can do better than me. Eighter way, I am sure it’s your fault.” “Mom. Grow up. Learn to love yourself. People will only use you like this as long as you will live in this delusional world of yours. Who told you that you are not the best? Who told you that he can find someone better than you? Start loving yourself first to get others’ love. And most of all, learn to see through people and let your heart say who loves you the most.” Before I could realize it, she gripped my hair and pulled it hard, making me gasp in pain. “Stop giving me your lectures. I don’t need any of it. Just remember one thing for sure. If I find out that he left me because of you, that would be the last day on earth for you. Run while you still have time.” Once she was done, she threw me on the floor like a doll before storming out of the house. I don’t understand. Why does she always believe that everything bad happening to her life is my fault? Why does she keep blaming me when I didn’t do anything wrong? Is this going to be my life from now on? I have to live in this house because I have no other option. But bearing this torture every day is too much for me. Alistair did return the next day while mom was out of the house. He was wearing a suit like a business man and looked really unhappy to be back. But seeing him home, I remembered what mom said to me because of him and I just couldn’t stop myself from screaming at him in anger. “Where the hell were you for the past four days?” Hearing that, he just smirked at me. “Why? Were you missing me?” “Miss you, my foot. It’s your wife. She’s eating my brains out, saying that you left her because of me. If you are really planning to run away, then could you at least convince her that it has nothing to do with me? You have places to be other than this, but I don’t. I have to stay here and listen to her bulls*its for the rest of my life. So, could you please at least make sure we can live in peace? This is my only request to you.” “But what if it really is because of you? Then what should I say?” For some reason, he started walking towards me with slow steps. “What.. what do you mean? What did I do to you?” “You know. Your mom never told me that she has a daughter. And of this age. She lied to me about her age, her family, her past.. I trusted her and gave her the life she wanted. But she betrayed me in return. Then why shouldn’t I leave her? Why should I be with a lying, useless b*tch like her?” Hearing that insult from his mouth about my mom, I really wanted to slap him hard. But I know things are not going right between them now. This little step of mine could ruin their marriage. No matter what condition they are in, my mom really wants to be with him and I don’t want to be the reason for their divorce. I have to fix it for her. “Look. I am sure she didn’t tell you the truth for a reason. I left her.. I left her for my own profit. She was just so angry at me that she disowned me. It’s not her fault, really. She is just angry from outside. But she is a really nice person on the inside. You really shouldn’t ruin your marriage just because of me. How long will I stay here anyway? I am going to leave very soon. I promise. And after that, everything will be back to its place as it was before. Think of it like I don’t even exist..” He chuckled out loud to hear that and came even closer to me, gripping my cheeks softly with his huge hard hands. “Lying for your mother? I thought you hated her. You really surprise me, Elora. You are really unique. And I love that..” I don’t know what he was trying to do, but his face was coming closer to mine, scaring me more and more with each inch. His nose was almost about to touch mine when the sound of the door opening startled us both. Seeing that it was mom, we both stepped away from each other instantly. “Alistair? You are back. I thought you left me. I thought I lost you.” Seeing her husband, she ran to him and took him in a hug. “What? Why would I leave you? It’s just I am going back to office from now on. I think it’s time to focus on our future. I might not be around as much as I used to all this time, but I will always come back. I will return as long as I don’t get what belongs to me.” “But what is that thing you want? Everything belongs to you already.” “No. Not everything. You are going to find out soon what I am talking about. So, don’t worry about anything anymore. You got me tied up to you forever in a way that you don’t even understand yourself.” “Honey. Sometimes you speak in such a metaphorical way that I can barely understand it. But everything’s okey as long as I have you..” I have no idea what is going on with him. He’s being so weird all of a sudden. He said all those words to my mom, but his deep brown, intimidating eyes were stuck on me, staring deep into my soul. It seemed like everything he said was meant for me. Could it be possible that mom’s doubt was true, and he has bad thoughts about me? No. That can’t be right. He is my stepfather. There’s no way he would have such a thought about me. For the rest of the night, I just couldn’t stop thinking about my interaction with him. I can still feel his hands on my cheeks, pressing it softly. And the way he was looking at me, the way his face was closing to mine. I can still feel his warm breath on my lips. He was going for my lips. He was about to kiss me.. Realization hit me and I sat up straight. Was he truly trying to kiss me? But why? Why would he do that? He is married to my mom. Why would he have bad thoughts about me? Right at that moment, I remembered another incident. That day in the bathroom. I was standing in front of him, naked. He was staring at me. He probably saw everything. That’s why he got these thoughts. Maybe he thought I am into this stuff too. I did see some videos where a step-daughter was getting intimate with her step-father. Maya also told me that it actually happens in real life as well. Stepbrother and sister, stepmother and son, stepdaughter and father. So, does that mean he is into that kind of thing and expecting me to co-operate with him? There’s no way I will do something like that. I have to talk to him and make it clear to him. He needs to know that we can never have that kind of relationship. So, the next day, I woke up early and waited for him to come out of their room. I know he stayed back last night. As I expected, he did get out early to go wherever he works. I am not sure he does even have a job, or he is just pretending, but it’s none of my business. “Hey! Can we talk for a minute?” “Of course. You have all my time.” He was going towards the bathroom, but ended up sitting on the couch when I was sitting. “Listen.. Umm.. I don’t know how to say this, but.. what do you think about me? I mean, do you see me as a daughter or..” “Why? What do you want me to see you like?” “Can you give me a straight answer, please? I am not in the mood to play.” “I will give you a straight answer if you tell me how do you see me? Do you think I am old and boring?” “No. You are not old or boring. But that’s not the point..” “Then how exactly do you see me? Do you think I am a matured man with a handsome appearance and a well-built body? Tell me the truth. Do you get attracted to me when I stand in front of you without a shirt? Do you think we could have something if I wasn’t married to your mom..” The more he kept talking, the more profusely I was sweating. I called him to ask him about what he thinks of me. But instead, he revealed more to me that he does have some forbidden feelings for me that shouldn’t have been there. “I.. I should go. Umm.. I have something on the stove..” I was about to get up from there and leave. But before I could, he caught hold of my wrist. “You didn’t give an answer to my question. I thought you had something important to discuss.” “No. I have nothing to say to you. Leave my hand. Please..” Just as I said that, he let go of my hand and I ran inside my room, locking myself in. What is this? What is going on?
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