Chapter : 12. Traumas..

2113 Words
Elora’s point of view :- -------------------------------- I stayed in my room until I was sure Alistair was out of the house. There’s no way I was going in front of him again. Something was really wrong with him. He had gone mad. Just a few days ago, he was nice to me. But since yesterday he has changed. His character has changed. The way he looks at me has changed. I am not sure why, and I don’t want to know as well. “Hey! Did you see Alistair? Did he leave already?” I was out again once he went out of the house. Mom woke up a few hours after that and started questioning me about him. “Yes. I think he’s gone.” “That’s weird. He didn’t even say bye to me.” Mom seemed upset that he didn’t say bye to her, but I didn’t try to interfere. I don’t want to be dragged in between their relation anyway. I don’t have the energy to go out and find a job today. My mind is too occupied thinking about everything that’s happening around me. My mom is really attached to that guy. But he doesn't look too happy to be with her. On the other hand, he was trying to come close to me. I am not sure if it was truly his intention or if he was just teasing me. But if it’s true and mom finds out about it, she will kill me. She already hates me so much and this news will just make her go crazy. What should I do now? The day ended very fast while thinking about all of this. Soon it was late at night and neither mom nor Alistair came home. I was actually glad that they were not home. So, eating whatever I could manage, I went to bed to have a peaceful sleep for the night. I did even manage to fall asleep soon. But not for long.. “Get up. Get up right now and leave my house. I don’t want you here for another second.” I was still in my sleep when I felt someone pull me up on the bed. Opening my eyes, I found mom pulling my hand with an angry expression. “What’s wrong? What are you doing? Are you drunk?” I couldn’t understand what was going on or why she was pulling me out of the bed. But I can smell the excessive scent of alcohol reeking from her. “I want you out of my house right now. I found out the truth. I found out why Alistair is ignoring me. It’s because of you..” As soon as she said that, my eyes got wide open. Did he tell him anything about me or what we talked about this morning? Is that why she wants me gone right now? “I.. I didn’t do anything. It was him.. He was..” “I don’t want to hear another word from you. Ever since you came back, he has been distant from me. We haven’t even had s*x since that day. He doesn’t kiss me anymore or doesn’t appreciate me as much as he did before. And today he admitted that it’s because of you. He feels awkward with me because you are here. So, you need to leave because I want him here with me. So, go.. Get out..” She managed to drag me out of my room and was taking me towards the front door forcefully. “Mom, please. Stop. I can’t leave. Where am I supposed to go? I have nowhere to go.. Please..” “I don’t care. Go and sleep in the streets if you have to, but not in my house. Not anymore.” “Please, mom. Stop..” “I am not going to compromise anymore. You were not supposed to be born. You are not my responsibility. I am not going to let you destroy my life anymore. It would be even better if you come in front of a truck, or fell down from a bridge or high building, or maybe drink some poison accidentally once you are out of here. That way, we both will be at peace. You understand what I am asking you to do, right?” I looked at her face as tears formed in mine. I can’t believe she is telling me to commit suicide. She wants me to die. It’s not the first time she is telling me this, but it seems to hurt more now that I know the meaning of it. My mom is giving me tips on how to die. I became still and my head went blank. Her words affected my heart more than her hits. What is the meaning of my life if there is no one in the world who can love me? When there is no one to wish that I live a long life with them? How can someone be so alone in this huge earth? Is there no one to care for me? Unknowingly, I stopped fighting her. That made it easy for her to drag me out of the house and throw me down the steps of the porch. I fell hard on the dirt path to my house and didn’t even have the strength to get up. Falling down the stairs hurt me in a few places, but not as much as it hurts in my heart. “Evelyn! What is wrong with you? What are you doing? Elora? Are you okey? Are you hurt?” I was actually crying silently when I saw Alistair come out of a car right in front of our house and rush to pick me up. He helped me get up from the ground and stand up on my feet. “She’s not hurt. She’s just leaving. Elora will no longer stay with us. Let her go.” “No. I am not letting her go. I knew you might do this. That’s why I came back. This is her house, Evelyn, and she will stay right here. And if you have any problem with that, you can leave.” “Alistair? What are you saying? Isn’t that what you wanted? You told me that you could be with me as long as she’s in the house. You also want her gone. So, why are you saying this?” “Yes, I did say that we can’t get too intimate in front of her because that’s not proper. But I never said I wanted her gone. Why do you treat her so badly? She’s your daughter. Don’t you have any love for her? You really disgust me, Evelyn. I thought you were better than this. If you can’t love your own daughter, how are you supposed to love anyone? You know what? Maybe it’s better if I stay away from you for a few days until you realize your mistake. You need a lesson to start respecting relationships. And if you try to hurt her or force her to leave the house behind my back, you will never see me again. I promise you Evelyn. Be careful now..” Saying that, he walked straight towards his car and got in. My mom was so taken aback by his speech that she just stood still on the porch until he started the car and it was on the way. “Alistair.. Wait.. Alistair. Please come back.. I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. Please come back..” She started running behind the car like a crazy woman, weeping like she had just lost him. “You.. You did it again, didn’t you? You drove him away too. I knew this is going to happen. It’s your fault.. It’s your fault, you bi*ch..” A sudden flash of memory took over me, and I started hyperventilating in fear. It’s the same situation as eleven years ago. I remember that day she ran behind that man as well. And after he was gone, she blamed it on me just like this. And after that, she cut my hair. My long, beautiful hair. I gripped my long curls in fear that she would cut them again today. I was living that nightmare of my childhood again. And the moment I saw her take a step closer to me, I knew it was going to happen. It scared me so much that I just got up and ran into my room, locking it from inside. But it still didn’t give me relief, as I was still waiting for my mom to barge in and cut my hair again. I stayed awake and cautious for the next several hours. The fear wasn’t just leaving my mind. I know I am a grownup now and I should fight for myself. But sometimes some traumas have such an impact on you that you lose all the strength to fight. It just becomes too much to make you give up. My mom has that same effect on me. Whenever I see her angry, my mind takes me to my childhood, making me lose the power to fight against her. I somehow fell asleep near dawn after staying awake the whole night, and after I woke up, I was finally calm. Now I can think about everything much more clearly. If I remember correctly, the fight between my mom and her husband is actually because of me. I came here and ruined their happy life. I am the reason they fought and got separated last night. Although it’s not permanent, he did leave her because of me. I truly am the unlucky charm for my mom. No wonder why she hates me so much. If I want to give her the life she wants, I have to leave this house. It’s also the only way to save their marriage. Besides. I can’t stay in the same house with them both. One of them is abusive, and the other is a pervert. I am not safe here. So, instead of living in this danger and also making their life a hell, I better leave. I have to find a way to get away from here. Or maybe I have a way to fix it all that I am not accepting. Maybe that is the right path for me then live like this. So, taking out my tab, I opened the site I decided never to go again. ‘’. It’s been almost a week since I made my profile there. I have no idea what is going on or how much money they stopped bidding at. But whatever it is, I am going to accept it. This is the only way to solve all my problems. One little compromise and I will get to have my dream as well as live far away from my mom. I am sure it won’t be as bad as I was thinking. I opened my profile and checked the bidding room. And as soon as my eyes fell on the last bid, I almost forgot how to breathe for a minute. “Sugardaddy266 bid- 5,000,000.” Five million! I had no idea that the bidding went as far as into millions. I checked the date below to find that it was done four days ago. That was the last bid, and no one tried to cross it anymore. But isn’t that too much? I never thought someone would agree to pay millions for just to be with a girl for a year. That’s really suspicious. I got worried to see the number and wasn’t sure that it was even real. So, I thought about calling an expert and know if this is real. “Hello? Claire. It’s me Elora.” “Oh! Yes. Hi! How’s everything going? Did you found your sugar daddy yet?” “No. Actually, I am calling you for that. I applied to the site as you said and joined the bidding. But I forgot to check it for the last few days. But now that I opened it, it shows that someone bid 5 million there. I mean.. Is that possible? Do men really pay someone in millions just to be with them? Or is it just a hoax?” “Oh my god! I really want to see how pretty you are, that they went up to millions. It does happen very often and you are one of those lucky ones. It’s not a hoax. They are billionaires. They have enough to waste on us. Go and enjoy that. You deserve it. Good luck.”
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