I am human!

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Amira A slight smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and it just felt like the entire room lit up like the sky lit up after a cloudy day, but he soon resumed his cold expression and looked at me. "And what are you doing here ?he asked. "Where am I? I asked back. "You don't know? "No I don't! "Look, rogue don't play games with me and tell me why you are here or do you know how rogues are treated in the Green Wood Pack? He questioned. His calm, demeanor shifted. Somehow it hurt me , it hurt me he was talking to me in that tone which I find strange because I am not a love at first sight person or someone who is easily affected by anyone. In contrast, I take time to warm up and like people, but this man has affected me since he stepped into this room . "Why are you calling me a rogue? I have done nothing and I was kidnapped and escaped here, so how am I supposed to know where I am and is this place called the Green Wood Pack? I asked back, slightly pissed. "Kidnaped! Who kidnapped you? he asked ,walking nearer to me? "Well, my ex-boyfriend kidnapped and sold me for drugs.....I narrated all that happened to me. "Why do you have a boyfriend? He asked, lifting my chin up ,the strength in his grip tightening by the second. "Are you the police? Why are you asking so many questions? I asked, annoyed, ignoring the tingles in my body from his touch. "Here I am higher than the police, so you had better answer my questions," he said, letting go of my chin. "And why are you higher than the police? "Because I am the Alpha! "Is your name Alpha or Alpha as in werewolf stories, I asked, casually looking at him with teasing eyes. "I am the Alpha of this pack, he said, looking slightly taken aback. "Pack? "Stop acting so oblivious, you know what I am talking about Rogue. "Will you believe me if I say I don't? "No. "Well, believe or not, I don't understand what you are talking about, I just feel like I am stuck in a werewolf novel, I said, turning away from him, slightly annoyed at his lack of trust. "Why are you talking as if you are not a wolf yourself? He asked, stepping back and looking at me skeptically. "Cause I AM A HUMAN, not a wolf, and certainly not a rogue or whatever that means ', I said, looking at him pointedly. "Then tell me who are the people that ex-boyfriend handed you over to? "Did they invite me over for tea? How am I supposed to know who they are? I just know they wanted to hand me over to some vampire king ," I said angrily to cover up the hurt I was feeling and the fear setting in. Because I can clearly feel these group of people are not humans but something else. I always pride myself on my ability to connect the dots quickly, but for the first time I am praying it's not true whatever my mind is hinting at. "Get some rest, we will continue this later, he said and walked out. I laid back on the bed from my sitting position with the little energy I have left and quickly drifted to sleep. ................... Reynold I quickly rushed to the hospital when the nurse's mind linked me. "I feel so excited to see her, Reid said, pouncing up and down. "Calm down, Reid, we need to know why she is in this situation," I told him. "OK, we should quickly find who did this so that we can rip them apart. It has been a long time since we went on an adventure, Reid said, his eyes glowing. I knew he wanted to kill. "Calm down, we are going to her, so you better not fight with me now , I warned him . "OK," he said, wagging his tail and sitting back . It's strange she has regained consciousness so quickly looks like she has a strong wolf. "OK," he said, wagging his tail and sitting back . I went and opened the door. Her blue eyes met mine. My breath hitched for a moment and I walked towards her, inhaling her intoxicating scent. Reid stood up and started wagging his tail and purring in my mind as her scent grew nearer . Reid tried to fight me for control and almost succeeded before I pulled him back . It's really annoying how he reminds me of Raymond, who is also quick to forget orders and disobeys me. I ignored him and started questioning her. "How cute she looks when she tries to lift her hand , a slight smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I felt the urge to remove her brown locks from the side of her face. Reid got excited and the thought pulled me back to reality. I regained my composure and continued questioning her. When she said she had a boyfriend, I wanted to destroy something to quell the anger bubbling inside me. Why did she even have a boyfriend? I grabbed her chin and made her face me. My grip tightened, the tingles that shot up my hand almost made me falter but the thought that she had been with someone else brought back my sanity. Reid growled in his head once he heard they planned to give her to the vampire king, a man known for his lack of morals and cruelty. I stepped back and let go of her so that I didn't hurt her. What puzzles me the most is that she doesn't seem to realize she is a wolf or know that we are wolves. I walked out of the room as I came to the conclusion that she was not aware she was a wolf. But how can she not be aware of her identity, where did she live and who did she live with? I mind linking Liam to come to my office.
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