Black shadows

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Reynold "Yes Rey, Liam said as soon as he came to the office. "I need you to check where Amira came from and who she lived with, I ordered. "Why, Rey, I have never seen you so merciful to rogues, Liam asked me as he took a seat"" beside me . He is right, since the attack on our pack where my Father died, rogues are not treated kindly in this pack, to say the least. "She is not aware she is a wolf, much less a rogue, so I want you to find out how that is possible, I told him. "What how is that possible? He asked, taken aback. "That's what I want you to find out. " "OK , I will go right now, he said and strode out . I trust Liam to be able to find out because that's his forte and one of the reasons why I made him my Beta. I am usually not keen on honorifics such as Alpha, but I expect my staff to be capable and respectful. If not, well, they know the consequences. "Rey, let's go to Mate,, Reid said, interrupting my thoughts. "Calm down Reid, we have some other work to do and she has to rest as well. I chided this lovesick puppy and blocked him . I am done dealing with him for the day and I need to get work done. ......................... Jared. We followed that damn b***h all the way to Green Wood Pack. "s**t ! She managed to get into their territory and, unfortunately, we have to retreat now because this pack has spells all over the place and a lot of warriors, so going in is just seeking death. I erased the footprints before getting out of the forest . I don't want them to find out that the black shadows were there. Since that incident 15 years ago, we were ordered by the leader not to go anywhere near this pack . Speaking of the leader, I was ordered to deliver that b***h to the vampire king and we had already promised him . Now I am in a lot of trouble for allowing this b***h to escape. I must applaud her. She is the first person to escape since this group was formed 20 years ago. But before that, I have to find another person to replace her because I don't want the good relationship we have with the Vampires to be ruined. I called one of my subordinates into my office. "Alex go and look for a virgin rogue. I want her in a day without any fail," I ordered. I need to fix this before I continue with the mission assigned to me by the leader. I have to find the lost daughter of the Alpha king . I am proud I was assigned this task. Besides, I am the right hand of the leader, so, of course, I get to do it. A few hours later, Alex came in with an unconscious blonde. I love how efficient he is . In fact, everyone in the Black Shadows is chosen carefully. No one has been able to escape from us except that b***h and we completed all our missions . If I knew she was going to escape I would have already had my way with her . It's not uncommon for us to sleep with any of our prisoners before handing them over or using them . I turned my attention to the blonde. She is beautiful and looks to be about 18 years old. I would love to have a taste of her as I can smell she is a virgin, but unfortunately, I have to send her to the vampire king. "Send her to the vampire King, I commanded him. I sat back on my chair and looked through the information in front of me, trying to see where I should look next in C country to find the Alpha king's daughter. He and his wife died in that incident 15 years ago but his daughter somehow disappeared. If we want to accomplish our future plans, then we must find her. Wherever they hid her, it must be the Country's most secure place because even our witches could not find her. That's why we do this human trafficking business so that we can stumble upon her. Bang! The door opened with a bang. I quickly stood up from my seat upon seeing the leader so angry. I know what this is all about, nothing can be hidden from the leader. I walked briskly and knelt in front of the leader. "I am sorry, leader, it's our competence. I hurriedly admitted my mistake by bowing my head down. Slap! "Useless, how could a mere rogue escape from you? "I am sorry..... Slap! "Don't tell me you're sorry, go and get your punishment right now. I stood up from my kneeling position and hurried down to the basement. Looking at the torture equipment hanging from the walls made me cringe, but I still walked forward to the last room where the guards opened the door and, without a word, started flogging me with a whip which had thorns all over. I didn't make a sound till the 100 whips were over. I dragged my battered body out of the room to the leader's office. I knelt down waiting for instructions . "This is your last chance, one more mistake and I will give Jace your position, the leader's voice echoed throughout the room. My jaw clenched at the mention of Jace, but I just nodded and went out when I was dismissed. There is no way I will let Jace take the position I worked hard for so long. I will definitely find the Alpha king's daughter. The Black Shadows and the leader are the place that gave us rogues a new life or else we would be despised and alone as usual. That's why we are all loyal to the leader and I am not going to disappoint the leader.
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