
1035 Words
Amira My head feels heavy , I can't even open my eyes as it feels as if there's a huge weight on them pressing on them. "Am I back in that nightmarish room, I thought, adrenaline pumping through my body as I sat up more quickly than my fragile body could handle and dropped right back . I slowly tried to open my eyes, wincing at the pain I felt throughout my body. I looked at the hospital room in front of me and the IV drip connected to my hand. "Did they catch and take me to the hospital to recover before they can hand me over to the Vampires, I murmured as a shiver ran down my spine. "But why will they take me to a hospital if they will just suck the blood out of me, I thought. Deep down, I still don't believe that Vampires exist. Maybe it was just a codename they used. How could something that only exists in books exist in real life? Though I thought so, my rapidly beating heart showcased my fear. Click! The door of the ward opened , scaring the hell out of me. Well, I had successfully unlocked a new fear , and a cute chubby nurse entered. I smiled at her as she walked towards me, though she didn't return the favour and stood there with a dazed expression for a split second before she jolted back to reality. "How are you feeling, she asked with a deadpan expression. Well, she is not cute after all. "I am feeling pain everywhere and feel a little dizzy, I replied truthfully. "Well, because you woke up pretty early based on your level of injuries and exhaustion you should have been out for more than two hours. Here these should help, she said, handing me a pill she took out from one of the drawers in the room. I took it and popped it into my mouth and gulped it down with the water she handed me. The pill worked like magic and most of my pain was gone after a few minutes. "What time is it? I asked. "5:00pm, she answered curtly. "And which day ? "5 July. "Oh I nodded, it has been five days since that asshole lied to me and kidnapped me before selling me. How stupid was I to believe him ? God his good looks betrayed me. Honestly, I don't feel very sad about his betrayal anymore, just angry and disgusted. "Can you lend me a phone please, I need to call someone, I asked the nurse, looking at her with puppy eyes. It didn't seem to faze her though, she rolled her eyes and replied, "No, I can't give a rogue a phone without the Alpha's permission. I just sat up on the bed with my little energy and rolled my eyes and ignored her. I just asked for a phone. When did I play rogue ? And who is Alpha? Maybe her husband . Must she ask for her husband's permission before giving out her phone? I wanted to inform my parents I was safe. I am sure they are worried about me. I just disappeared without informing them of anything in the middle of the night. That asshole James, had asked me out to a party and my parents don't allow me to go anywhere without supervision, so I sneaked out of the house. At the time, I thought I was already an adult with one month to my 18th birthday, so what could go wrong, if only I knew so much would go wrong? I would obediently stay at home. Alas! I hope I am safe till I can meet my parents again. I placed my hand on my heart, thankful that I have calmed down now, because I always ruin situations when I am scared. "Excuse me, who brought me here? I asked the nurse who is now correcting my IV drip since it got loose when I sat up abruptly. "The Alpha ,she replied, looking somewhat angry. So that's why she is angry because her husband bought me here. Possessive much! Then smoky grey eyes flashed through my mind as I recalled the handsome shirtless guy who was standing in front of me before I fainted. Something about the thought of him made my core clench for a second. So is that guy her husband?I thought Well, I understand why she is so possessive. Click ! The door of the ward opened and my eyes met with those enchanting smoky grey eyes. The most handsome man I have ever seen walked in a white t-shirt and dark blue jeans. The t-shirt looked like it could rip apart any moment because of the way it was restrained by the muscles on his arm. His Silver hair looked a little messy as a few strands lay mischievously on his forehead, they seem to tinkle a part of my heart and those reddish full lips looks absolutely kissable. His grey eyes are my absolute favorite though I felt them flash blue for a moment but I dismissed it as my imagination. And he is so tall maybe 6'4 , I must look short in front of him with my 5'8 height. His tall slender legs walked towards me step by step, the rhythm of it matching them with my speeding heartbeat. He stopped beside my bed and the nurse, who at some point finished fixing the drip, bowed her head and reported "She is fine, Alpha, except for a little weakness and her wounds will heal in a while. Why is she talking to him like her superior? It looked like he was not her husband but he was a superior. The thought brought unprecedented joy to my heart . "Mm, he replied, signalling her to go out. "Who are you, he asked in that mellow, deep voice making my body tremble. Wow, what a voice. I have always been a sucker for good voices. "Amira king," I replied, lifting my hand for a handshake, but I over estimated my strength and my hand dropped back. I smiled sheepishly in embarrassment as I looked at him.
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