
1002 Words
Reynold She is a rogue! My brain screamed. "She is perfect and you know we can change that once we mark her, Reid growled at me. I lifted her up and walked to the hospital. More than anything else, she needs treatment, so I ignored the myriad of emotions I am feeling right now and headed to the hospital. The doctors all stopped what they were doing as I walked to the nearby stretcher and placed her on top carefully. Ahh! A whimper escaped her heart-shaped pink lips, making my heart clench for a moment. Growl! Reid let out another growl as he threatened to kill whoever put her in this state. "Why hasn't the doctor arrived yet? I screamed! When I saw the hospital staff standing there bowing in submission, Looks like Reid's growl scared them. "Call Ashley. I ordered one of the nurses. Though her eyes widened in surprise, she ran to call her . Ashley Freeman is the best doctor in this hospital and my childhood friend. She is normally called only for important people and situations, so they were surprised when I called her surprised a rogue. She is not a rogue but our Mate and their Luna, Reid shouted at me . "Yes Rey, what brings you here, Ashley said, walking up to me, a file in hand behind her, a couple of nurses . "Examine her , I ordered as I pointed to my mate on the stretcher. Something flickered through her eyes which I could not describe, so I ignored it . She nodded, handing the file in her hand to one of the nurses. They pushed her into the ER as I paced up and down the corridor of the hospital. I feel nervous for some reason and Reid is not making it easier as he is busy fighting me for control. I can't even describe how I feel about this Mate who came from nowhere and is a rogue. 'I love her , She is perfect, Reid said, interrupting my thoughts again. "Shut up Reid, you are not being very helpful. She could be a part of a conspiracy.I first need to find out why she's in this state and here ,I told him, frustrated with his antics. I mind linking Liam to go and check what is outside the border that could have put her in this state. I don't want any potential dangers to my pack. "I am sure she is not a danger, you are over thinking like you always do , Reid replied. "I am just grateful Ray is not here or else I will have to deal with the two of you.I rolled my eyes and said I always wondered if twins could by mistake switch wolves because Raymond and Reid are exactly the same , "annoying". I sometimes think he should have been Ray's Wolf. The door of the ward opened and Ashley walked out. "How is she? I questioned before she could talk. "Relax Rey, she is fine, just exhausted and her wounds are external skin trauma which will heal fast, Ashley said. "It seems like she was scared before she fainted and her arms and legs are bruised as if she has been tired, otherwise nothing is wrong with her , she continued . I heaved a sigh of relief and said "Okay, I will check on her . I went inside the ward she had been shifted into. She had been changed into a blue hospital gown which reminded me of those gorgeous blue eyes before they closed. My heart jumped at the anticipation of her opening them again. I walked to the bed and gazed at her. I won't lie, I have seen many beauties but at that moment she was the most gorgeous person I have ever seen, so perfect. Her round face , heart-shaped pink lips and long thin nose and those dark blue eyes, her breast that wouldn't be less than a c -cup and a perfectly round ass, everything I ever could want in a woman . "I told you so, Reid said smugly . I ignored Reid and withdrew the hand I had lifted to touch her. I could not fall for this. "No no , I said, walking backwards." there's no way I would let myself be carried away by feelings. "What if something happens to her , then I will become weak or change for the worse, I thought to myself.. "We will protect her, Rey , nothing will happen to her. "That's easy to say, Reid, but hard to accomplish," I replied. "I will not be selfish and I will just focus on protecting the pack. "Reynold, nothing has been found outside the gate, just some foot prints. Liam, my Beta best friend Mind, linked me. I walked out of the ward and told the nurse to call me if my Mate woke up. I walked outside and headed for the border. "Rey, why are you dressed like that? I mean why are you not dressed, Liam asked me, surprised. "Oh s**t ! No wonder everyone was looking at me weirdly. It turns out I just wore my jeans and forgot about wearing anything else after meeting my mate. I looked around the place and found where I had placed my t-shirt and quickly threw it on. I linked Caden, my other best friend, and gamma to bring me shoes. He arrived in minutes and I went out of the pack to see what was going on. I walked further out of the pack when I could not feel anything. When I came across the footsteps Liam was talking about. It seemed several people were following her but they retreated the moment she entered the pack. I went further trying to trace the footsteps but they seemed to vanish after a meter or so . "Looks like they purposely erased them, I thought. "Alpha came to the hospital, the nurse mind linked me at night.
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