
982 Words
Reynolds. I walked into the large office I inherited from my father at the young age of 10 when he passed away with my Beta Liam flowing behind me. "Alpha Raymond has gone out on a vacation and he said he would not come back till next month, Liam informed him with a deadpan look. He seems to be fed up of Ray's antics with them, but I am just used to it. Since my father passed away 15 years ago when we were both 10 years old, everything seems to have changed and what hurts the most is Ray's change. My once partner in crime and confidant changed and drifted away from me. Ray was supposed to attend an important meeting at the Wolf council but he bailed on us at the last minute again. I don't know what is wrong with him and, honestly, I don't care anymore, because I am fed up with him too. We are both Alphas of this pack since we are twins, but he doesn't take his position seriously. "It's OK, I will attend, I said, signaling Liam to go. He nodded and went out while I tried to get some work done, but it was impossible since my wolf was restless in my mind. "What is wrong, Reid ? Can't you just settle? I questioned him about his behavior. "No, Reynold, I can't,I have been feeling weird since morning, Reid replied. "Why are you feeling like that, I asked. "I don't know, maybe we will find our mate today, he said, a dreamy look appearing on his face. "No no we are not having this conversation again, I warned him and he retreated back into my mind with a hurt expression, knowing how I hate talking about mates. Unlike most Alphas or werewolves, I do not look forward to meeting my mate. I can lead my pack alone and don't need the extra burden of a mate, which will change me the second something happens, just like the death of my father changed my mother. From the moment my father was buried, my mother was no longer the sweet kind lady who would smile at us and shower us with love, but just a Luna who wanted to fulfil her husband's dreams. I sometimes understand why Ray changed because he was close to Mom and the loss of both parents hit him hard . After the death of Dad, Mom only took up the role of a disciplinarian in our life's only present to mold us into Alphas our father would have wanted us to be. She never considered us or our emotions, just her husband's dreams and expectations. At first, we used to try to do everything she wanted us to do to try and bring her back, but soon we realized she would never come back, so we chose our own own . I chose to take care of the pack and Ray chose to take care of his d**k by sleeping around and doing anything that would piss me off . "Argh! I groaned, putting down the file. I think I need to go on a run. A long run through the woods has always helped me clear my mind and, with my wolf this restless, that is the only thing that will help me. I stood up and walked to the window. I didn't want to meet anyone, so running out of the window was a good option. I removed my navy blue suit and walked to the closet in the resting room attached to the office and removed a white t-shirt and dark blue jeans and tied them to my ankle before I shifted into a large black Wolf . Reid seemed to be happy to be in charge as he leapt out of the window in a second. Reid is a big black wolf with the white sign of the crescent moon on the forehead and bright blue eyes in contrast to my grey eyes and silver hair which I inherited from my father. I can see he is running in a specific direction today, but as long as he can calm him down, it's OK. I calmed down as the air brushed past our fur, bringing a sense of peace and belonging. The muddy smell of the forest and the strong wind working like magic, I sense Reid slowing down. I guess he is finally calm as we near the border of our pack, The Greenwood pack. Reid came fully to a stop near it and started walking up and down. Sensing there was something bothering him, I took charge and shifted back to check what was wrong. There must be something around here for Reid to be so bothered. "What's wrong, Reid, I asked as I bent to put on my jeans when I heard the sound of someone sprinting. Her deep blue eyes met mine for a moment before they closed and she collapsed. The scent of mangos and chocolate mixed with roses rushed to my nose, sending a tingling sensation all over my body. "Mate ! My wolf uttered my most dreaded word, causing my jaw to clench. I walked slowly towards her. Her body is bruised all over ,her clothes are torn . Anger filled my mind for the first time in my entire life. I wanted to rip apart whoever did this . "Roar! A howl escaped my mouth as Reid fought with me for control. "I will murder whoever put her in that state, he yelled in my mind. I walked to her slowly and lifted her brown locks from her face. Why does she look so perfect even in this state?I thought my heart beating rapidly for a moment. Wait! Do you smell that, I said to Reid, who paused for a moment. I can't believe she is that.
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