
1001 Words
Ahh! Ahh! Amira groaned as her head swayed from side to side . She tried to lift her hands while her eyes struggled to gain focus. Her head felt heavy as she looked at the scene in front of her , the dark room and her chained limps reminded her of her boyfriend's betrayal. She never realized he was a drug addict and, even worse, that he would sell her in exchange for those drugs. "That asshole lied to her and dragged her here before leaving her in this damned place . Tears sprang to her deep blue eyes as she shook her head to gain some sort of clarity. She looked around the room, which was dark and empty, save for the chair she was tied to and a little window on her right side which she was sure her petite figure could pass through. Tap ! Tap ! Click ! She heard the tapping sound of footsteps jolting her back to reality before the door of the room was opened. She quickly closed her eyes as she held her breath, inwardly praying they do not discover that she was awake. The two pairs of feet approached her slowly, their sight lingering on her face, as if examining something, while she tried to smooth her breath. She slowly let out a deep breath as she realized they were walking away from her. From a young age, she had sensitive hearing, so she could hear the second pair of footsteps even though the other person walked quietly. "She is a virgin, so send her to the vampires , the quiet person ordered in a low voice, making it hard for her to distinguish if they were male or female. "I would suggest we send her to the Vampire king as he likes virgins and pretty ones," at that the other said with a creepy laughter , the deep voice indicating he was a man. "mmh, the other person replied. Amira's body shook slightly as she tried to process what she had just heard. "OMG, where have I stuck myself? She thought while the two people walked out of the room. "I must get out of here ,she said in a low trembling voice while tears freely flowed down her pale cheeks. Her watering eyes made it difficult for her to see clearly, but she still tried to open the watch in her hand, which had a retractable blade . After a bit of struggle, she was able to open the watch and hold it in her palm. She opened the blade on the inner part of her silver watch and started cutting the robe, tying her left hand to the chair. Thankfully, it's sharp, which makes the work easier. However, her trembling hands certainly did not. After a bit of struggle, she is finally able to cut it. She lifted her left hand and used it to wipe her tears. "Ok. Amira, you can do it now and quickly open the other, she said. She tried to open the knot on the right hand but it kept getting tighter. She stopped opening and started cutting it with the blade. She didn't waste any time but hastily started cutting the ones on her feet. Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! The sounds of approaching footsteps made her hand movements stop for a moment before she continued cutting the robe vigorously as her stomach churned violently, clenching slightly. Her heartbeat increased rapidly as she finished cutting the robe and ran to the only window in the room. She tried to climb through it but it was too high for her so she went back to drag the chair she was tied to near the window. "Thankfully, the room is on the ground level, she thought. The approaching footsteps stopped near the door, though that did nothing to ease her predicament. "The leader said she was not the right one, so she will be gifted to the Vampire king to win his favor, the earlier male voice said. "Make sure you deliver her safely, he further ordered. Click! The door opened as Amira slipped out of the window. At the sound of the door opening she felt the energy seep out of her body as if an energy-removing spell had been cast upon her. Her knees lost strength but her survival instinct helped her get out of the window. She ran forward without any direction as she heard rapid footsteps behind her. Her mind seemed to have lost its thinking power as a force propelled her to run into the woods in front of her. .............. "Jared, she is not in the room, one of the men following the earlier man exclaimed as he looked at the empty room. Jared ran into the room after him and quickly spotted the open window. "Foolish. She escaped, caught her. Jared screamed, hitting him on the head and pointing to the window. "That b***h cut the robes , break the wall and catch her , bring her back to me, I will teach her a lesson for daring to escape from the black Shadows, Jared yelled as more men joined the previous two. ........... Amira continued running inside the woods, not feeling the pain of the branches scratching her arms and legs as she was wearing only a t-shirt and denim shorts. The white t-shirt has already turned brown from the number of times she has fallen, her exposed arms and legs have been bruised in several places. Her mind kept screaming at her to stop, but an inner force continued giving her strength and direction, as if another person was controlling her from within her. She kept running till she arrived at a clearing where she came to a halt as soon as she crossed the boundary. In front of her stood the most handsome man she had ever seen. Before she could appreciate him or process any thought ,she collapsed as the energy driving her abruptly withdrew.
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