Book 3 The Search

1813 Words
Alex’s POV On the way back home all I could think about was what Jamie had told me. I couldn’t focus on any of the work I had brought with me that I needed to do. I needed to find and accept my mate, which was all that ran through my head. I needed to tell the voice that kept invading my head to leave me alone. I knew that no good would come from it always bugging me. I sat on the plane running all those thoughts through my head over and over again. In order to find my mate, I needed to really start looking for her. I needed to stop taking loose Omegas to my bed and find the one that was made for me. Easier said than done though. I know Alphas that looked for their mates for years before finding them. I couldn’t let that be me right now. When I landed I grabbed my bag and walked off the plane to my car. I started it up and sat there in my driver’s seat. I was too anxious and wanted to get visits set up now instead of waiting until I got home. I got my phone out of my pocket and messaged the Alphas from several packs to set up times to days to visit them. I checked my calendar as I set up the days I wanted to be gone. The first pack I would be going to visit would be Blue Moon. Dean was an ass about me wanting to come to find my mate at his pack all of a sudden, but he understood fully why I needed to. We text back and forth about the situation for a while before I set up times with other packs. “The only reason you want to find your mate now is because you don’t want to get killed by Cameron for wanting Jamie,” Dean texted me. “Damn right I don’t want to get killed. Would you want him coming after you?” “Hell no!” “So, is it ok that I come to look for my Luna at your pack?” “You know you’re always welcome at Blue Moon no matter what,” he reassured me. “Thanks. Does that include if I need to hide out when and if I do something stupid?” “If you do something to make Cameron come after you, you’re on your own.” “Good to know.” The next Alpha I decided to text was Dave at Silver Moon. The grumpy old guy was all too willing to let me come to his pack if it meant me looking for my mate. He was always harping on us younger Alphas to find our Lunas anyway. I text Alpha Brian at Gray Moon to set up a visit there after that. I hadn’t been there since I was a young teenager, so I figured I might look for my mate there. I was hoping to catch up with Ryan while I was there and see when he would finally be taking over the pack. The last pack I needed to visit was Dark Hollers, and BJ was gracious enough to let me visit whenever I wanted to. He was one of Cameron’s closest friends so I wasn’t sure how it would bode for me to ask to look for my Luna there. I think he just wanted to help out in any way he could to keep the peace. After texting and setting up all the visits to look for my Luna for over an hour in my car, I finally drove from the airport to the packhouse. It was evening already, but I needed to go to my office and get some work done before I called it a day. The sun was starting to set and the sky looked like it was on fire behind the pine trees. I parked my car in my spot out front of the packhouse and made my way inside. I passed Landon, who was smooth-talking some she-wolf, as I made my way down the hall to my office. He was sitting in a chair with his arms wrapped around her waist keeping her close. I knew where he was going with that situation and just shook my head. I entered my office, set my bag down in one of the chairs in front of my desk, and made my way around to sit and get some work done. I got straight to work and wasn’t bothered by my pack members and their loud noises while I sent emails and looked over some documents. I worked away for about thirty minutes while the packhouse started to go quiet as warriors went on night duty and others headed to bed. With the packhouse quiet I was able to focus a little more when I caught the sight of Landon walking to his office with that she-wolf he was wrapped around earlier. I heard him close his office door and just shook my head again. I knew what he was up to, but I didn’t see why he didn’t just take her to his bed. It was getting late in the evening. After about ten minutes I started to hear loud moaning from the she-wolf coming in Landon’s office. I groaned in irritation as I stood up from my desk and crossed my office to close the door. With the door closed, I was able to drown out the sounds of him having his way with that female. I sat back down in my seat to get back to work and wonder what his mate would think of him when he found her. If he ever found her, that is. He wasn’t really into the thought of having a mate or having just one female for all time. He was too much of a playboy for that type of lifestyle. How would he react to not having me run around and chase she-wolves with him anymore after I found my mate? How would my best friend react to me wanting to find my mate? I would have to talk to him in the morning about what I was planning to do. I shrugged it all off and got back to work. I worked for about another hour before a knock came from the office door. It was getting late so I had no idea who would be knocking at my office. “Come on in,” I announced from my seat behind my desk. I looked up as the door opened to see one of the kitchen Omegas peak her head into my office. She smiled warmly at me as I looked up at her. “Alpha, I was sent to see if you would like dinner here in your office tonight,” she said. “Yes, please,” I answered. “I’ll be right back with your food, sir,” she said kindly. “Thank you. You can leave the door open,” I told her. She nodded her head and left the door open before she went back to the kitchen to get me a plate of food. It wasn’t long and the kitchen Omega was back, placing a plate of roasted chicken with steamed vegetables and lemon butter noodles on my desk. It smelled amazing and I heard my stomach growl in hunger. I had ignored my need to eat so I could work, but my pack members took care of me like I took care of them. “Thank you so much,” I said with a smile. “You’re welcome, Alpha,” she said with a smile and left my office. I sat there working on my computer and eating my dinner for some time. Landon came into my office once I had finished my plate and sat in one of the chairs. I stopped typing up an email to one of the research clinics and looked up at him. He smelled of s*x and not in a good way. It was overbearing and made me want to go take a shower. “How was your meeting?” He asked with a smug smile. “Good. I learned a lot of what’s going on with all the packs and we have a temporary solution for the crops,” I told him. “That’s awesome. What’s the solution?” “The current Forest Wolf will be bringing us supplies from another pack's territory.” “So this generation's Forest Wolf has revealed himself,” Landon said. “Herself. It’s a she-wolf for the first time,” I told him. “Damn,” he said with high eyebrows. I nodded my head and sat there thinking about what else I needed to tell him, letting the office fall into silence as I worked through my thoughts. I needed to talk with him about my search for my mate but I needed him sober, not smelling of awful s*x and lust drunk. “How does a sparring match with me in the morning sound?” I finally asked. “I’m down,” he said with a smile. “Alright, great.” “See you in the morning,” he said as he got up to leave my office. “Yep.” Once Landon was gone and the smell of s*x taken with him, I got back to work. I worked for several hours before I noticed it was dark and there was little to no movement in the packhouse. I quickly came to a stopping point and shut my computer down. As I watched the screen on my computer I felt the presence and then heard the voice, “You don’t need your mate. You need Jamie.” “No! I need my mate. Jamie told me who you are and I will be no part of your games,” I said firmly. “Oh really?” “Yes, really. I need my mate more than anything, Calvin.” I heard his menacing laughter in my head before he said, “Well then I guess you will never taste sweet Jamie then.” “Nope, I guess not. Besides, it’s gross that you talk about your own sister like that.” With that, the voice left me. Nothing else to say and I hoped it would never come back to haunt me again. I closed my computer and headed up to my floor of the packhouse. I went straight to my room to shower. I felt like I smelled like that awful s*x that Landon had on him. Once I was clean I crawled straight into my bed. I didn’t turn the TV on because I had worked too late. I needed sleep and it was easy to find with how exhausted I was.
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