Book 3 Spar

1947 Words
Alex’s POV I woke up early the next morning to the sound of my alarm screaming at me from my phone. I quickly shut it off and laid in my king-sized bed staring at the ceiling of my room. I tried to imagine what it would be like to have my mate with me here at the pack. What would she be like? Would we have anything in common? I looked around my room as the sun was starting to bathe the territory in its pink and orange hues, bringing about a new day. I enjoyed waking up this early to watch the sun come up, but I desperately needed some coffee. Caffeine was life to my soul and most days my body. You won't ever find me without at least one cup of coffee each day. I got up out of bed and dressed for my morning training session with Landon. I pulled on a pair of black shorts and a gray t-shirt. I grabbed my phone and went down to the dining area for breakfast. I met Landon there and we sat at a table while we waited on food from the packhouse kitchen. “How’s your morning starting off?” I asked. Landon hummed before saying, “nothing to complain about.” “Good.” A kitchen Omega quickly brought us coffee and breakfast then scurried off to attend to other pack members. We sat in comfortable silence while enjoying our coffee, eggs, french toast and bacon. Bacon is so good! Once we were done eating we headed out to the training field where several warriors were already training and sparring. Landon and I picked our sparring area close to the tree line where there were benches so we could take breaks in the shade. I took my phone out of my pocket and brought up my timer. We would spar for four minutes then take a break. Landon and I shed our shirts, placing them on the bench with my phone. I started my timer and we squared up to one another in one of the white circles that had been painted on the training field. We started our session off with quick attacks and defensive maneuvers. I could tell Landon was still half asleep because I had already made him bleed from his lip. He delivered a few punches to my gut but I recovered quickly. Surprisingly, I didn’t feel sick after eating breakfast. We grappled, punched and swung each other around the circle as the minutes ticked by. The match didn’t last long but we were both already sweating. My timer went off and we stopped then sat on the bench. I figured it was time to tell him some of what was going on with me. “Next week I’m going to be gone for a few days,” I started out. “What for?” Landon asked curiously. “I’m going to two other packs to look for my mate,” I said. I wasn’t sure how this was going to go. I was worried about how my closest friend would take this change. Maybe he would support the decision finally or maybe he hadn’t changed at all and would say that it was a dumb idea. I watched as he shook his head and said, “so you're going to be like every other Alpha and depend on a mate bond.” “Yes. It’s important and our pack needs a Luna,” I said. “No, it doesn’t. We have done fine with just the two of us,” Landon protested. “I want the pack to be better than fine, I want the pack to be whole. Why are you so against mates anyway?” I asked. “Personally, I think it’s dumb and overrated that we need someone else in order to be whole. Not to mention some mates are all wrong for the other person. Look at your cousin and her Alpha,” he told me. I thought about what he was saying. I could see why he might not want one but I wanted my mate. I hated to admit it but he had a point. Not all pairings were meant to be. “I don’t see why the Moon Goddess thinks she has to meddle in our lives anyway. Why can’t we just be ourselves without a damn mate,” he all but snaps out. “You sound like you found yours and you're unhappy about it,” I told him. “No, not at all. I hope I never find her because I don’t want her,” he said plainly. I couldn’t understand his way of thinking. He didn’t even know the she-wolf he was bonded to and yet he already didn’t want her. I felt like my best friend would have a sad lonely life if he didn’t change his way of thinking. “Alright, that’s fine if you don’t want your mate, but I want and need to find mine,” I told him calmly. “I think it’s dumb but it’s your life,” he said shrugging his shoulders. My timer went off and it was time to start our second round of our sparring match. I reset my timer as we both stood up. I pressed start and we stepped into the white circle once more. This time Landon was letting his irritation take him over. I had to really work during this match as he struck me hard and fought back in anger. I tried to match his blows but fell a little short because I wasn’t angry. I had a feeling he would be irritated, but I still didn’t understand his hatred for having a mate. Any other wolf I knew wanted and needed their mate. When my timer went off again, I pushed him away from me hard. I wiped my bloody lip and sat down on the bench. Our sparring match was over. I was drenched in sweat and breathing heavily from the exertion. Landon stood there breathing just as hard as I was and looking at me angrily. He finally took a deep breath and calmed down. “If finding your mate is that important then go for it. Don’t come crying to me if you end up getting rejected,” he spat out. “Why on Earth do you think my mate would reject me?” I asked in defense with squinted eyes. “Have you seen your ugly ass?” He asked before laughing. “You're such a jackass. You know this pretty face is what’s kept you around for so long,” I said with a bright smile. “And there you go again implying that I’m gay and in love with you. Stop it. You know you're just my boo,” he said, batting his eyes at me. We both shared a good laugh before giving each other a quick hug. I knew this didn’t mend any issue he might have, but we were still friends no matter what. “Well I’m headed to get cleaned up then I’ll be in my office all day,” I told him. “Ok. I’m going to train a little more before I clean up and get to work myself.” “Sounds good,” I said, clapping him on the back. I walked off the training field and back towards the packhouse with my shirt in my hand. I needed to clean up and get to work. It was going to be another long day of data and document analysis. ———- Landon’s POV I couldn’t understand why all of a sudden Alex wanted to find his mate. He had been doing just fine without her, so why did he want to find her now? Not only that, without the ties to the mate bond he could keep doing whatever he wanted with whoever he wanted. Once he found his little mate then all of that would be over. I would be alone. Not only would all his fun be over, but I would have no one to chase she-wolves with. I had no other friends, which didn’t bug me, but I needed Alex like he needed me. I hadn’t found my mate and I pray that I never do find her. If I ever do, then my course of action will be simple. I’m going to reject her. I don’t care who she is or how beautiful she is, nothing will change how I feel about the mate bond. I watch Alex walk away from the training field alone before I find myself another sparring partner. The fact that he wants to find his mate had me more irritated than I probably should have been. I needed to blow off steam. I ended up releasing all of my anger out on my sparring partner, breaking his nose and one of his arms. Several of the other warriors had to break up the match and send the other guy off to the pack hospital. I took a walk through the woods to calm down and breathe in some fresh air. “You should really calm down and let our Alpha live the life he wants,” Buddy, my wolf told me. “I can’t stop him now can I?” I retorted. “No, but as his best friend he might need your support.” “That’s all stupid.” “I know and I don’t want to find our mate either, but it’s different for Alex and Duke. They also need to produce an heir for the pack.” “I hate it when you’re right.” “I know you do, but you need to get used to it,” Buddy said before falling back into my mind. I turned back to the packhouse to go clean up. I was a mess and needed to get to work and go check on the warrior I had beat the crap out of. I felt bad that I had done that to one of our warriors, but I’m thankful that we’re werewolves. Fast healing was super helpful. I went to my room in the packhouse and showered before getting some clean clothes out. While I was dressing, I felt this unfamiliar presence in the room. I looked around everywhere while sniffing the air. I couldn’t find anyone and could only smell my scent. Suddenly I heard an unfamiliar male voice, “What do you want out of life, Landon?” “Who’s there?” “I’m Calvin. I’m a friend that can help you, but you can’t see me.” “Why not, and help me how?” “I can make things happen. I can’t be seen because I no longer have a body. I’m also speaking to you in your head. I’m not physically here.” “This is crazy,” I said as I continued to look around the room. “Just a little. So tell me what you want, Landon. What do you want most?” “I want my best friend to not want his mate and be free of the stupid Alpha expectations,” I said honestly while still letting my eyes roam over my room. “I will have to think about how to best help you. I’ll be around.” Then the voice and the presence was suddenly gone, vanishing the same way it appeared. I wondered if I had been talking with a ghost. Who was this Calvin and what had I done to make him want to help me? How the hell was he planning on helping me?
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