Book 3 Eleven Alphas

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Alex’s POV All of us had reconvened in the meeting room waiting for Cameron and Jamie to join us. I stood with Curt, Dean, and Jack talking about Cameron and Jamie now that we weren’t with Nicky. “Why would he hide the fact that his mate is the first female Forest Wolf?” Dean asked. “That’s a good question. The bigger question is why did Duncan hide her first?” I asked. They all three nodded their heads as Cameron walked into the room holding Jamie's hand. He dropped her hand and we all watched as he went to grab a chair for her. I saw her stop dead in her tracks just a few steps inside the meeting room. She no longer had a smile on her face, it was now expressionless. Her eyes started to glow bright green again as they had earlier but she didn’t blink at all this time. “What’s going on with her?” Ivan asked, worried. “I don’t know. I’ve never seen her like that before,” Cameron says worriedly. No one went up to her, touched her or said anything in the meeting room. There was complete silence and all you could hear was light breathing and the thundering of heartbeats. It was so still as we all wondered what was going on right now. When her expression changed it was angry and she let out a growl of anger and hurt from her throat. It vibrated the meeting room and every Alpha was on alert. Ready for anything that was about to happen. What was going on in that pretty head of hers? She nodded her head at an invisible person that was in the room with us. I looked in the direction she had been staring just to see nothing. Jamie walked straight up to her brother who was staring at her in concern. His expression turned to panic as she took his head in her hands. His eyes lit up bright green like hers as he whimpered out in discomfort at what she was doing to him. Within mere seconds it was over and she released him letting his eyes go back to normal. Duncan stood up and she said in a vibrating voice, “call Piper and have her scry for all our siblings linked to our father.” Some type of family issue was going on here with them. I watched as Duncan took out his phone and stepped off to the side of the meeting room. I tore my attention away from Duncan to look back at Jamie. She has turned to face the rest of us and then settled her attention on me. This made me uneasy right away. What was she about to do to me? Not only that, but now Cameron was staring me down with a murderous look on his face. She was still for a while. Just staring at me with a blank expression. When she walked up to me, I was staring down at her as she got incredibly close. I could feel the power that was radiating off of her as she stood there. Jamie suddenly grabbed my suit jacket and pulled me down to her level getting in my face. She looked so incredibly mad at this moment in time. I almost started shaking at what she might do to me. With her nostrils flaring in anger, she let out another low growl while her eyes pierced my soul. I was nervous and I could feel the color drain from my face due to the situation I was finding myself in. I could feel her soft hot breath on my face. It was so hot it felt like a dragon about to breathe fire. In a guttural voice, she said, “you have to accept your mate and forget about your obsession with me. I belong to someone. If you don’t accept her and move on, you will be the death of all of us. If you hear a voice that promises to give me to you, don’t listen to it.” I felt sick to my stomach right at this moment, hearing what she was saying. I saw Cameron come to stand behind her in a flash. His wolf was starting to climb to the surface and look at me in anger. He let out a growl that told me he would kill me if I did anything stupid. I knew no one would stand in his way if he tried to. If I were to try and take Jamie from him, they would all let me die. I looked back at Jamie still holding onto me and then back up at Cameron and swallowed the hard lump that had formed in my throat. It was one thing to piss off a Luna and have an Alpha after you but to piss off two Alpha’s, that was deadly. When she released me I nodded my head and sat down in my chair. I kept my eyes averted for a while trying to calm myself with deep breaths. I didn’t want to look up at anyone at the moment. I knew the attention was still on her though, but I felt like an ass. How had she known that I was hearing that voice? Who was it and what did they want with me? I needed answers and I hope she is able to give them to me before we all leave to go back home. Cameron had moved back towards the chair he had grabbed and was watching Jamie like the rest of us, waiting for whatever was going on with her to be over. I suddenly heard Jamie’s happy voice again as she said, “Eric.” I looked up to see her eyes still glowing. Whatever she was seeing was for her. Cameron’s face was red with anger at the moment. Talk about jealousy. When Jamie’s eyes went back to normal everyone was still watching her. Her breathing went back to normal as she blinked and looked around the room at everyone. She finally started taking steps towards Cameron and he didn't look happy at all. She stopped in her tracks while looking at him with a questioning look on her face. “Who the hell is Eric?” He barks out. “Our son,” she says, placing her hand on her small belly. “Oh,” he said, calming down. I bet he feels like an ass right now. Man, his jealousy is overwhelming. I have seen very few Alpha’s that were that bad. Though I can imagine Jack will be like that with his mate when he does find her. Jamie moves over towards Cameron and Duncan to stand with them. “I can’t believe dad did that to mom, but that explains why he was in the dog house when you were three and before Sean was born,” Duncan says looking at Jamie. “We will see what happens with that situation,” she tells him. Dave pipes up with, “I’m sorry I never said anything to you, Duncan. I didn’t know anything came of that. Anyway,” he takes a breath then continues, “let’s take our seats and start the meeting again.” Cameron pulled the chair out for Jamie between him and Duncan. As she took a seat, so did everyone else. I wondered what would come of this meeting with her help on the situations we were facing. Alpha Brian starts to inform Jamie about the meeting before the rogue attack, telling her of the crop issues that some of us are having. She stood up and moved over behind Brian and looked at his notes on his computer. After she looked over the notes she started to speak to everyone in the room, letting us know what she knew of what was really going on. “The crops are being killed by dark magic and the soil is being suppressed by it afterward so nothing will grow. It’s like it’s being poisoned continuously. When I became Luna at Hunter’s Moon we had this issue. I fixed it after some time but at a cost.” “Our older brother took her prisoner and his witches made a safeguard in case he was killed. He’s now dead but not dead,” Duncan says. “How is that possible?” Curt asked. “I killed him but his spirit keeps using other wolves as a host to stay here and cause problems,” Cameron answers. “That’s who you have been hearing in your head talking to you, Alex. He’s trying to make you a host,” Jamie says looking at me. That would be dangerous for my pack, not to mention her. Their older brother was playing a dangerous game for all of the packs. “Back to the current situation at hand. Do you have a map showing where all the territories are?” she asked Brian. “Yeah,” Brain shows her a map on his computer. “Now which of these are having crop issues,” she asked. “These five,” he points to his screen. “If I were to visit the ones that aren’t having crop issues and push them to double their production we could easily transport the food to the next pack. But I’m sure that’s what they want. They want us to push production and transport goods. Where’s the guard that fed Ben?” She asked. She was all over the place. What was going through her head? Was it her being pregnant or was her mind just working that fast? “Let me get him,” Cameron says as he gets up. We all sat there in silence, waiting for the guard and to see what she was wanting from him. I have to admit that from what I saw of her when I first met her and now, she’s smart. When the guard came in she asked, “How fast did that rogue eat his lunch?” “He ate pretty ravenously, Luna,” the guard answered. “That’s what I thought. They want the food we produce because they are starving now,” she told us with a sigh “So what options do we have? And why can’t they just grow their own food,” Ivan asks. “They’ve been moving around too much to grow their own crops. They aren’t stable enough to grow anything and it would take them too long to grow food. Unless they had Jamie,” Cameron says. “I have to be careful about the production and never transport on the same day. I have to at least try to help everyone though. Not trying is failing,” Jamie tells all of us. With that, the meeting ended. I went back to my room trying to absorb all the information I had been given. I needed to find my mate and put Jamie behind me. But how could I do that? Where was my mate? And she would need to be one hell of a lady to pull my interests away for Jamie. I hope the Moon Goddess has a great plan for me and helps me out here.
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