Book 3 The Forest Wolf

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Alex’s POV We all keep scanning the area for Cameron’s mate. I was honestly hoping it wasn’t the same Jamie I was thinking it was. She deserved way better than him. That she-wolf deserved way better than any male wolf I had ever met. There was just something that special about her. I kept watching and listening for anything, any sign of a she-wolf needing help out in the dangerous unnatural weather. We heard loud growls and howling up ahead in the distance. My heart started pounding in my chest in worry. What was happening out there? Was she ok? I watched Cameron start to get more agitated by the second in front of our group. He was pacing back and forth on the porch running his hands through his hair. Hadn’t he mindlinked his mate to see if she was safe? We have that ability for a reason and should use it. We finally saw Jamie walking up to the manor. I smiled that she was alive and alright. She looked gorgeous in her dark green dress, the fabric clinging to her, showing off her plump breasts and the growing belly under the fabric. The sight set my insides on fire. She wasn’t mine and I could never have her. I shook my irritation off and watched her closely. How was she moving around in the silver rain unharmed? That would kill any of us. She was walking with her head down in submission in front of the Beta that was stalking right behind her. How was that Beta even out in the rain when we couldn’t be? I heard Cameron growl out loudly in a threat. I didn’t like the sight of her being submissive to anyone. She just needed to be submissive to only me. I shook the thought off again and concentrated on what was going on in front of me. “I’m going to need a pair of shorts,” Cameron says looking at an attendant. What was he planning to do? Was he really going to go out there to get her? How was she even out there? All I could do was stare at her wondering how she was out there. Duncan and Cameron seemed calm about it. How could they be so calm? What the hell was going on? The Beta that was walking behind her growled loudly at her and she stopped moving,frozen to the spot far away from us. I growled low in my throat along with several other Alphas on the porch. I watched as a wicked grin climbed her beautiful face as she raised her head to look at all of us and her eyes started to glow bright green. What was she? Why was she able to walk around in the silver rain and not get hurt? And now her eyes were now glowing like green light bulbs. What was going on here? She dropped something she was holding in her hands to the ground and in a flash she rounded on the Beta, shifting into her wolf as she moved. Her wolf! She was a pure white Alpha female. Holy Moon Goddess. I stood there with wide eyes and an open mouth at the sight. In seconds she had pinned the Beta to the ground with no issues, one of her front paws on his head holding him down. Her teeth were bared as she growled out at him. “What?” I said in a whisper along with Dean and Curt. I looked at the situation in front of me with an open mouth and big eyes. The Beta had his eyes shut in fear and was shaking slightly. He slowly opened them to look up at Jamie’s wolf. As soon as he did she loudly growled out, “SHIFT!” All of us heard her wolf. How was that possible? I looked at all the others before settling my gaze on Duncan and Cameron. They were standing there watching with all the pride in the world radiating off of them. How could they have kept her a secret? The Beta did as commanded. As he shifted to his human form, so did she. She was still wearing her dress from earlier. He was kneeling naked like any other wolf would be, with his head down. She had a fist full of his hair with an angry look plastered on her face. His face was covered in a grimace from her grip on his hair. Cameron threw Jamie the shorts he had in his hand. She caught them with no problem and slapped the Beta in the face with them. “Put these on,” she hissed out at him. “Yes, My Queen,” the Beta said as she released his hair. He called her Queen. I stood there piecing things together in my head. She had a white Alpha wolf along with the fact that she could shift and keep her clothes on and make trees move. She was the Forest Wolf. The first-ever female to hold the title. I always felt that she was something special and she definitely is. Jamie grabbed what was on the ground and started walking up towards us with the Beta at her side. He wasn’t fighting her and kept his eyes downcast as they approached. She had bested him and he knew it. He was now hers to do with as she pleased. “Is there an interrogation room or a cell we can put him in?” she asked. “Yes we can have a guard take him there,” Cameron told her. A guard quickly came and took the Beta to an interrogation room as all of us stood on the porch just observing. I watched as Jamie handed Cameron bracelets that were in her hand. She then turned around and sat on the steps of the porch with her head in her hands. Cameron took a bracelet and put it on before handing Duncan three others. Duncan placed one on and offered the other two to Ivan and BJ. I wondered what was up with the friendship bracelets. Cameron went and sat with Jamie between his legs. The sight of them together bothered me greatly. She deserved so much better than him. Hell, she deserved better than any Alpha that was here. No wonder Duncan was looking at the unmated Alphas. A female Alpha would only be mated to another Alpha. “How did he know we would be here?” I hear Jamie ask. He who? They had secrets and I could tell that Cameron was hiding a lot from the council from when we were in the meeting. I remember him saying at the last meeting that he was having crop issues that he couldn't figure out. How had he fixed it? He was no longer having crop issues but rogue issues now. I guess Jamie was behind fixing the crop problem since she is the Forest Wolf. “I don’t know, beautiful. We need to be ready for more rogues though. I’m impressed that you took a Beta prisoner though.” Cameron tells her. It was impressive to watch her be a badass. “Did you hear what he called me? I don’t think these rogues know who they are working with anymore,” she says. “What do you mean?” he questions. “Why would he call me Queen?” All I could think of at this point in time was that she is a Queen, chosen to be a Goddess that walks amongst us. How much more of a Queen do you need to be? “We will find out what’s going on,” he tells her. He could have given her a better answer than that. He could have at least said she was a Queen or even taken what I had said in my head. For Moon’s sake, this guy's an asshat and needed to treat his mate better. We all stayed there until the rain ended after a few minutes. I watched as Cameron got up and then helped Jamie to stand. She turned to face the rest of us and I nodded in greeting at her. She nodded back but said nothing. I followed them with all the other Alphas inside. After going inside, everyone went to their rooms to wait for lunch to start. As I sat in a chair in my room I thought about what had unfolded and come to light today. The she-wolf that I had wanted for a year now was mated to another Alpha. She had also turned out to be the Forest Wolf and one of the most important beings to walk the Earth with us. “You had a chance to get Cameron out of the way. To get what you want and you didn’t take it,” the voice came out of nowhere and hissed at me. “I didn’t feel it was right to kill Jamie’s mate. That might kill her.” Suddenly the voice was gone again. Vanishing like it always did, leaving me high and dry with questions that it wouldn’t answer. Why did it want Cameron dead in the first place? Was it after Jamie for some reason? I sat there for a few more minutes before an attendant came to get me for lunch. I entered the dining hall to see Brian and Dave at a table with their mates talking in their own conversation. I see Curt and Nicky at another table and have a seat with them as usual. Not long after I sit down, Jack and Dean join us. “So Nicky what was it like getting saved by the Forest Wolf,” Dean asked with a smug smile. What was going on there between them? They seemed friendlier than usual. Nicky looked at him with no expression on her face. That was odd, normally she scowls or grimaces at everyone. She hardly ever smiles either. She finally huffed and scowled at him after a long minute. I guess she wasn’t all that impressed at his question or with what was going on. “She’s too nice for my taste,” she says in almost a growl. “Jamie is the sweetest she-wolf I have ever met. Then again she did break my nose after I grabbed her ass,” I said. The table erupted in laughter. Nicky just sat there and shook her head and finally cracked a small smile. Yes, I got the vile little thing to finally smile for once. “When the hell did that happen?” Curt asks through his laugh. “Over a year ago. Duncan was working on finding her mate,” I answered. “Well, he found him. Can we talk about something else?” Nicky asked. I wonder why she felt so agitated about talking about Jamie. Why didn’t she like her? Was it because Nicky’s a b***h or is it because Jamie is the center of attention? “Alright, what do you want to talk about then?” I asked her. “Nothing, I just don’t want to hear about Jamie,” she said with a mean look. “Fine. Where do you guys think the silver rain came from? That was different from anything I’ve ever seen,” Curt says. “Definitely witches,” Jack says. “Why are they after the council though?” Dean asks. All of us shake our heads, not having an answer. We continue to talk as Cameron and Jamie come into the dining hall and have a seat at a table not far away. I listen to the conversation at our table not contributing much as our food is served. I didn’t look over in Jamie's direction very much, though I wanted to just stare at her. She and Cameron were lost in their own conversation and Cameron didn’t look happy at the moment. It wasn’t long when Duncan, Ivan and BJ joined them at their table. They talked for a few minutes until their food was served. The dining hall was soon filled with small talk and the sound of forks and knives on plates as we all ate. I kept my attention on our table and noticed Curt kept looking over towards their table. I wondered what was up with him. Nicky noticed it and growled low in her throat where only our table could hear it. Curt quit looking over at their table after that and seemed to sit in his chair brooding. I could see their eyes glaze over as they ate and I knew they were in a mind-link conversation. I wonder what she was bitching about now. When we were done with lunch we continued to talk amongst ourselves until Dave came over to talk with us. I knew our meetings weren’t over for the weekend so he would be telling us when the meeting would start back up. “The meeting will resume as soon as y’all are done here. Luna Jamie will be joining us obviously,” he tells us. We all nod, not saying a word. I could feel the shift in emotions from Nicky at the moment and it wasn’t pleasant. She was very upset for some reason. Dave went over to the other table and he talked to them. Jamie nods in agreement that she will join us. “Well with that I’m off to hang out with the other Lunas,” Nicky says in irritation. “Behave,” Curt warns her as she walks away. She sneered at him and then rolled her eyes before walking off. Curt sat there and stared at Jamie before our table got up and headed back to the meeting room. Why was Curt staring at Jamie so much with his mate right there? I’m sure that’s what she was growling about and what their mind-link was about also. Her green monster called jealousy was coming out big time.
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