Chapter 32

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(Two nano-seconds earlier)-: Joshua kept his poker face as he looked at Boris, Boris was trying his best to try and regain his composure but it was impossible, he couldn't even talk as the left hemisphere of his brain hadn't been supplied with oxygenated blood as a result, he was incapable of making a speech. The only reason why Joshua and Boris had been able to converse earlier was thanks to the aura(miasma) of their entourages which acted as a supplementary for air as it carried words around even through the vacuum in space.  Boris raised his middle finger before using other fingers in his hand. He was trying to pass a message across using sign language. "One thing about sign language," Joshua grins evilly.  "It's pretty handy," Joshua ends as he puts on his haughtiest look. "I have never failed any task before," Boris thought to himself.  "And there's no way my entourage is fast enough to make it back to earth in this limited amount of time, There's no way Andrey can get to him, the first Primordial really is something, I made a mistake underestimating him and I paid dearly," he turns to Joshua. His face contorted with hatred.  "But I will at least take him down with him, I won't wait for his brain to get damaged irreversibly, I will kill him with my very hands." "The look on that oldie's face," Joshua thought to himself.  "He ain't gon' give me the keys outta here, if anything, he's even gon' get more aggressive and try and kill me," Joshua looked around, there were exploded bits of stars floating in the endless vast space.  "That's just great, I have seen several theories about exploding stars and the event horizons they are capable of causing. I guess this is where I found out if the little astronomical hypothesis I thought of at age seven is correct." Boris and his entourage dashed towards Joshua.  Boris' entourage lifted his right arm as he tried to hit Joshua but Joshua evaded skillfully.  Joshua's entourage counteracted and gave him a deserving punch to his mid-section.  The entourage and Boris staggered back in pain.  Joshua didn't relent, he took it on as his entourage grabbed Boris' entourage by the neck, it tossed him away causing him to crash against a star turning it to bits and gas.   Joshua and his entourage suddenly appear before Boris and his entourage after they had crashed through a star. "ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE ODE!!!!!!!!!" Joshua and his entourage shouted at the top of their lungs as they both released an intense barrage of punches hitting Boris and the entourage vehemently as they began to collide into stars and Planetary blues smashing them to bits.  Boris laid on top of an asteroid, he was too feeble to do anything but yet, he wore a look of confidence on his face.  Even though, there was no way he could beat Joshua.  Joshua was certainly doomed as the blonde had no idea how he would get back home.  While Joshua was coming there, most of the time, he was being smashed against several big stars and Planetary bodies that he didn't take the proper time to begin navigating. "The look on your face," Joshua smirks at Boris.  "You think I am going to die," Joshua grins as his entourage flew to Boris's side.  "But as I said earlier, immortality is the classification of my longevity.  I have heard several things about stars going supernova but how does it occur.  One of the ways is through star fusion.  When massive stars core's fusion runs out of fuel, it provides a constant outward pressure, which exists in balance with the star's own mass-driven, inward gravitational pull." Boris's confident facade had dropped, he understood what Joshua was talking about. "And when the fusion slows, outbound pressure drops, and the star's core begins to condense under gravity—becoming far denser and hotter." "What kind of beast is he?" Boris could feel sweat dripping from his forehead.  "How can he simplify it so easily, it took me days to wrap my head around it and I couldn't even apply it in space no matter how many times I have been here." "Your old mind might not even have been able to comprehend what I have been saying thus far," Joshua grins as he points over to some stars which appeared to be coagulating together and getting far bigger and hotter.   "While I was hitting you, I had done so in such a way that I was pushing several supergiant stars together so that their cores would begin to fuse and we both know what occurs when a supernova happens, it would jettison matter into space at probably 24,500 miles per sec but that's too slow and we can't wait that long.  Also, that's not what I am aiming for, I am going to create a black hole." "A black hole?!" Boris was shocked.  "It's not possible, the proper conditions...." "Shut the f**k up, old man," Joshua snarls at him.  " A maggot shall not interrupt the J, a black-hole can't be created now because it lacks a catalyst.  I had intentionally sent the right arm of my entourage to work around the cores of the coagulating stars to speed up the process, we are both aware that a black hole arises due to the death of a massive star.   When such a star has finished its internal thermonuclear fuel in its core.   The core becomes unstable and gravity collapses inward upon itself causing the outer layers to be obliterated and leaving a black hole in its wake," Joshua ends with his most haughty grin.  "And that's what my arm is doing, siphoning the fuel as fast as it can.  Now, the black hole shall occur," he ends with his most evil smile as the outer layers of the star which had now formed exploded into several bits and where the star was, there was a black-hole present which began sucking everything around inside of it.  The spin of the black-hole kept stretching the singularity into a ring. "You are one of a kind," Boris had an amazed look on his face as he turned at Joshua, his hatred had vanished and what was now written on his face was admiration.  "But what are you going to do, we shall both be sucked into the black hole." "I know, it's part of my plan, this is where I test the hypothesis of black holes I had while I was a kid," Joshua grins as his entourage carries Boris and tosses him into the black hole, Joshua grins as he leaps towards the black hole after the man had entered. Boris screamed in fear and agony as his body was broken to nothingness immediately he entered the black hole.  Joshua increased the miasma cloak around his body as he ventured into the black hole too.    "I was able to see earlier," Joshua smiles to himself.  "That my entourage was capable of punching through phenomenons, let's see how much I can do whilst in a black hole," he ends as his entourage begins to punch as fast as it could while shouting 'ODE.'. It was counteracting the intense gravitational pull.  Joshua looks around as cautiously as he could, he found the inner horizon of the black hole.  He hovers as fast as he could towards it and just as he was about to reach it.  He froze(stopped in time due to what had occurred with Dave). (Present) Dave saw the figures come out of the rift in space.  One of the figures, presumably the head spots Dave who was staring back at him. "I don't like the look on these guys, there's a possibility they are entourage-users sent by Madame," Dave thought to himself.   "I am going to pretend I am frozen.  They would think I am also stopped in time like everyone else and then would probably leave me alone." The figures flew towards Dave, their spears glistening under the sun.  When they were about a few feet away from Dave.  The leader amongst them stopped and the rest abruptly followed.  He played with his spear a bit before launching it ferociously at Dave's direction. Dave quickly leaped out of the way, he felt sweat dripping from his forehead as the spear pierced through the spot where he was staying earlier. "Don't play pretend with us, Master," the figure which had thrown the spear said as he makes a customary bow, the rest who were with him also bowed down to Dave. "I still don't see why you had to throw the spear at me, there's something called dialogue," Dave says, he had regained his composure.  "It begins with a wave." "It was according to the instruction of the Crescent Primordial before you," he continued. "Figures," Dave sighs as he floats around before stopping.  "So is there like some sort of hall of Fame for me to go to so you can incarnate the next Primordial or something." "I am afraid that can't be possible," the leader sighs sadly as he continues.  "The present Sun Primordial invaded your holy temple and stole the Qwaito'buj." "Qwaito'buj?" Dave had a perplexed look on his face.  "I have heard several tales about the first Primordials and I have never heard of that." "There are so many things that occurred in history that weren't recorded," he continues.  "The Qwaito'buj was the last failsafe by the first Crescent Primordial to ensure the Sun Primordial never returned to her full powers because if she did, all of existence would be destroyed." "If she stole it as you claim, "Dave spoke.  "Then why isn't all of existence destroyed?" "She has been sending agents after you, though you might be young.  The wisdom of each Crescent Primordial is always passing down to the next incarnate, you should know the answer." "Cause the Qwaito'buj needs a catalyst.  The four Primordials are the catalyst, that's why she's insistent on capturing us," Dave mumbles but he raised another question immediately.  "But how could she have known about the Qwaito'buj, y'all live in a plane above the universe, I deduced that from your entrance, how was she even able to gain entry into your realm?" "We live in a realm above every dimensional plane of existence, it's called the beginning, the first crescent Primordial created it while he was on the hunt for his brother." "His brother, don't you mean his sister?" Dave was shocked.  "There was never anything like a brother's rift in all the sagas, what are you saying?" "There's so much to explain but there's no time." "Time!" Dave shouts.  "Really, Time?! You literally just stopped time. I say we have got all the time in the world." The man ignored Dave as he kept speaking.  "The Sun Primordial found a way to keep transferring all her memories to her next incarnate, the present incarnate was able to accomplish something that no mind will ever comprehend.  Coming into the beginning but that wasn't all, she perverted the Qwaito'buj in such a way that no Primordial can ever incarnate again even after death, that was why your soul had remained here even though, you were dead.   If a Primordial dies now, his soul shall wander aimlessly across all of creation." "But you are here," Dave begins.  "I am guessing you want to help prevent that." "Yes," he continues.  "We sadly have no choice, we wanted to reveal ourselves to you but we felt it was too risky as the sun Primordial is capable of sensing us but at your death.  We were forced, you have to come back to existence.  The Sun Primordial didn't just steal the Qwaito'buj, she also destroyed a majority of us, we are called the Santiurns.   We," he said motioning to him and his comrades.  "Are all that remains." "That's sad." "We have decided to assemble and feed to you our last energy which should be sufficient enough to bring you back to life, you have to ensure you are not captured by the Sun Primordial at all costs as if you are, then all would be for naught." "Okay," Dave says, he was beginning to understand the urgency of the situation. "But you have to swear to us as wisdom is not the only trait that has been transferred amongst the generation of Crescent Primordials.  Nobility too was, swear to us that you would abandon this quest and only seek to protect yourself from capture." Dave could feel sweat breaking off his forehead, he had always been a man of his words but he didn't want to lie to these people but there was something he was absolutely sure of, he would certainly not stop his quest, he was going to fulfill his promise to Joshua, and bring Eva back home.
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