Chapter 33

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Dave had been quiet for a while, he didn't know what to tell the Santiurns.  He had always kept his word, he promised Joshua he would be there for him and help him fulfill his goal of finding Eva.  That was why even when he had died, his major concern was how Joshua could still further his goal even with him dead. "You are taking quite a while to answer," the leader spoke. "It's as you said," Dave begins.  "I can't make a promise I don't intend to fulfill.  Also, I am not a man of my words because nobility was supposedly passed down to the next incarnated primordial.  I am noble because I keep making a conscious decision to keep my word no matter what, it doesn't matter what I have to sacrifice or face.  So long I promised it, I will do my best to ensure it is fulfilled." "Exactly what each of the predecessors said," the man replied.  "And I am sure, each of them would have understood the logic, there is simply too much at stake and it's not just too much, it's all that has ever existed.  The entirety of creation is at stake, everything rests on the decision you make today, David." "Everything doesn't rest on it," Dave responds. "If the Sun Primordial succeeds at what she intends to do, there would be no one to point that the cause was when I decided to betray my friend, J, and just go off and save my skin simply because there's a justification that the universe would be protected by that decision," Dave stops for a while as he continues.  "But if I keep my word and go with J, we then can vanquish the Sun Primordial, and rescue Eva.   There will be sagas about young men who faced innumerable perils, fought countless battles, triumphing over each of them, never giving up even why the going was tough.  It would inspire others to be courageous, to step up and do what no one has done before, strengthen determination, and ignite will," Dave had a resolved look on his face.  "And I don't know what outcome you prefer between the two I said but personally, I feel the latter is better." "You have made up your mind," the Santiurn Leader begins. "and the most frustrating thing anyone can ever do is try and convince a mind that's already made up." "I guess that means I won't be coming back to life," Dave sighs as he sat on the ground.  "Can't say I ain't pained by it though, I had several things on my bucket list I was yet to tick off." "Do not write yourself off, Master," the Santiurn Leader says.  "If that word is impossible for you to keep, there's an alternative." "An alternative?!" Dave scoffs.  "You know there's something called doing something good for someone without expecting anything in return, we humans call that being nice in case none of the crescent Primordials ever told you that." "We are familiar with the concept called niceness," the Santiurn Leader answers him.  "But some things are too good to be given without expecting anything in return, the gift of life is one of them.  The reason why we wanted you to hide from your long lost sister is that we hoped she would never be able to complete the ritual without the complete four Primordials but if she's stopped, then we wouldn't need to worry about the ritual and all of creation would be saved." "I know what you are going to ask for," Dave had a determined look on his face.  "And the answer is yes, I am going to stop my sister.  It was because of her that I lost one of my friends; Leon.  She shall pay for it with her life." "Then we have reached an agreement," The  Santiurn Leader says as he ascends higher in the sky, his counterparts surrounding him, they transform into a golden ball which was emanating light so bright it would instantly blind the human eyes. Dave was amazed at what he saw, the golden ball suddenly shot light towards him, he felt his body changing from within, he looked down on his body, it was glowing with the same light he was shining with.   Before he knew it, he found himself lying on the floor, he brought his hand to his face.  He could feel his face, Dave was extremely excited; he had been brought back to life but he didn't let his excitement show as he kept his cool. He heard a voice that reverberated around.  #WE HAVE KEPT OUR END OF THE AGREEMENT, THE REST IS LEFT TO YOU.   THE FATE OF CREATION RESTS ON THE FULFILLMENT OF YOUR CONDITION.  FAILURE CAN NOT BE ACCEPTED.# Dave listened to the voice, he knew the responsibility he now bore.  Immediately, the rift which had happened in the space closed up and as it did, time resumed. Dave had pretended to be unconscious as he maintained the same pose he did while he was dead. Andrey walked towards him as he stopped directly in front of him, he had an evil smile on his face as he bent down.  "Though, I have to say.  You are quite a cutie," Andrey smiles as he licks his lower lip.  "I am sure I can have a bit of fun with you before returning you to Madame." "Have fun in hell," Dave says as he quickly removed the dagger from his forehead and stabs it in Andrey's neck.  Andrey's face was the definition of utter shock and complete disbelief as he staggered backward before slumping to his death.  Dave got to his feet, he summoned his entourage as it flung him to the roof of the Big Burgers building, he knelt before Max as he touched his friend hoping he would be healed but nothing happened.  Dave could feel sweat breaking off his forehead as he imagined he had lost his powers when he had met with the Santiurns but he kept his cool, he saw the grey rope which was wrapped around Max's legs, his entourage touched it but almost immediately, his entourage vanished.  "So it just doesn't block abilities, it also blocks entourages," Dave thought to himself as he unknotted the rope, he threw it away, he resummoned his entourage which touched his friend.  Max coughs out as he opened his eyes. "Wanted to let you know, the guy was invisible, he tied me up before I knew what was happening and when I was about to speak, he stabbed me," Max mutters out, sadly. "It's cool, bro," Dave struggled to keep his cool, and not let tears fall from his eyes.  While he realized he was dead, he felt he would never have anything to do with his friends again.  He imagined that it was the end but being able to stay by your longest and oldest friend brought more than an unexplainable bliss.  He was excited. "What about Hendrickson?" Max asks. "Yeah, right, " Dave says as he jumps down from the roof, he runs towards Hendrickson as he got to his feet, his entourage moved over to Hendrickson and touched him. Hendrickson opened his eyes, the injury in his stomach had vanished. "I see you have taken care of Andrey," Hendrickson smiles.  "You are something, kid.  I was fearing Andrey would kill you when I held you as I was stabbed, I am glad you let me down." "Actually, Andrey did succeed," Dave admits with a sad disposition.  "But I was saved by some measures put in place by the First Crescent Primordial though it's only gonna be a one-time thing, don't think I am gonna be getting an infinite rebirth." "What measures?" Dave was about to answer when Max suddenly shouted. "Hey, what about J!! Where is he?!"
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