Chapter 34

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(Some moments before) Joshua's body suddenly froze, he walked further as he laid his hands on the inner horizon, his body was sucked in. He found himself falling through a tunnel, surrounding him were an infinite number of prisms showing different timelines, places, and worlds. Joshua kept falling through. Carefully, he turned to his right and left searching for something. He then spots something at his right, it was a prism showing Dave, Andrey, Hendrickson, and Max but it wasn't the reality he wanted as he saw Andrey stabbing Dave at his forehead. Joshua was scared for a moment when he suddenly spots another prism that showed Andrey's dead body on the floor, Dave, Max, and Hendrickson had fully recuperated, they were communicating with each other(the inner horizon was a white wormhole). "That's the one," Joshua grins as his entourage materializes to his right, it's entourage lifts him by his right arm as it flings him into the portal. Joshua couldn't help but smile devilishly to himself as his body phased through the prism. Joshua found himself falling from the sky. (The present) "Just above us," Hendrickson replied Max as he looked up. Joshua was falling at a high speed. Joshua summons his entourage, his entourage stopped in the air, Joshua held the hand of his entourage tight as it floated towards the ground at a slower speed, it dropped Joshua on the ground carefully. "What did I miss?" Joshua grins. "Where are you coming from?" Max asks. "Space," Joshua replies to him. "Turns out NASA wasn't lying to us, space is really cool, I made my first black hole." "So that's how you came in here," Dave says. "The hypothesis that says a white hole exists at the end of a black hole is true and it contains all the event horizons that will take place in its universe." "Yep, that one," Joshua smiles. "I found this horizon and jumped into it." "Did you see any other event horizon?" "Duh," Joshua grins. "I was in a black hole. Of course, I saw so much I couldn't count them all." "Did you see anything upsetting?" Dave asks. "Nothing more upsetting than what's talking to me now," Joshua replied coldly. "Okay then," Dave chuckles. "I take it that's all to that." "You saw many event horizons, did you see anyone with Eva or Madame?" Max asks. "None whatsoever," Joshua replies. "Madame is the Sun Primordial!!" Dave says aloud. Everyone turned in his direction, Dave had an upsetting look on his face. "I don't understand," Hendrickson says. "The Sagas just spoke about three Primordials; Crescent, Diamond, and Eclipse, which is the Sun?" "The eldest sister who had waged war upon all of creation," Dave replies him without even flinching. "What's at stake is, even more, deeper than we thought. Eva must be the Eclipse Primordial, everything connects, that's why she's looking for J and me, we are the last two remaining Primordials, she needs us to complete her plan." "What plan?" Joshua asks. "I don't know but it's some sort of ritual, it wasn't explained to me in detail but from the little I picked about it, it's something that might return Madame to her true and original power. With that, she will be able to destroy creation." "Sounds intense," Max says. "It is," Dave replied him. "There will be many more entourage-users after us. Our journey is only going to get scarier." "Then it's a good thing y'all walk with me," Joshua grins with his most haughty smile. "I am not going to let a single one of you die, we are going to save Eva and destroy Madame." "It won't be easy, it's going to be extremely hard." "The only hard thing I have ever known since I was born is my d**k," Joshua grins with his most devious smile. "And guess what, I have touched diamonds." "You are full of yourself," Hendrickson smiles. "I know. There's nothing else worth obsessing over," Joshua replies him but he suddenly drops to the ground, he felt really tired. Using his entourage for that long had put a huge strain on his body. "You are tired," Max says. "The space battle must have weighed on you." "You have no idea," Joshua sighs as he manages to get to his feet before looking in Hendrickson's direction. "When is the mobile home gonna arrive?" "I don't know," Hendrickson answers. "It should have arrived movements ago." His face wore a worried look as he saw the dirty litter on the environment, he turns to Dave. "Dave, your entourage enables you to return anything to a moment it has been previously or forward in time, right?" "Yeah." "All these litter," Hendrickson begins pointing around to all the pieces of chocolate, scones, biscuits, wafers, and ice cream cones. "Are the remains of people, Adams' kid is the cause of all these, think there's anything you can do for these people." "Why don't we find out," Dave answers as his entourage touched one of the bits of scones. In a moment, standing where that litter used to be was now a tall lovely slender lady in corporate wear. "It does work, turns out I can revert them to how they were before as that was already recorded in the time flow. I will do it for the rest of everyone," Dave ends as he and his entourage move around the entire streets touching everyone and bringing them back to whole. Soon, the empty street was now lively as it was filled with people who were vibrant and resuming their hustle. "Thanks, Dave," Hendrickson had a happy smile on his face. "You indeed are a life-saver." "Don't mention." "The mobile home is taking a while to come here," Max was annoyed. "So much for the name mobile, how about we go to the company? We could just pick up the mobile home from there, besides, we aren't really busy at the moment." "You have a point," Hendrickson says. "We are quite free at the moment." "Are y'all planning on walking?" Joshua grins, his Rolls Royce phantom 2021 suddenly pulled away from a corner as it parked in front of Joshua. "Cause I ain't." The four quickly got in the car. Moments after, they drove towards the company which sold and delivered mobile houses. Dave and Joshua were sitting in the front seat. "Dave," Joshua begins. "Are you okay?" "I guess so," Dave replies still trying to keep his cool. "I lied about something," Joshua says without flinching in his direction. "This wasn't the only event horizon I saw in the white hole. I saw one before this, in that, you had died, everyone died. The disgusting fucktard was alive." "That's actually what took place," Dave says. "I am not supposed to be alive talking to you here." "But you are," Joshua says without missing a beat. "What happened?" "What I explained to all of you earlier, everything suddenly froze in time," Dave explains. "And then these beings tore a rift through space and came in through it, they called themselves Satiurns. They said quite a lot of confusing things but what mattered amongst all they said is that Madame has stolen an artifact which was capable of granting back her powers but it requires a catalyst." "I am guessing that's where the Primordials come in," Joshua smiles. "We are the catalysts, ain't we?" "You understand," Dave sighs. "That was why Eva was taken, she is the eclipse Primordial." "Do you know what she's doing to Eva?" "I have no choice but I don't think she's dead. Also, based on what that old man said, we don't need to be alive before the ritual can be done, even if we die, we can still be used for it." "Is that another way of saying you think Eva is dead?" "I am not sure," Dave brought his dead down, he had a tensed look on his face. "But I sure hope not, there's only one way we are going to find out if Eva is alive or not." "Madame right," Joshua replies as the vehicle suddenly came to an abrupt end. Everyone filed out immediately, they were standing directly in front of a small whitish building. Immediately, the cad stopped. A man of about 5'7 in height came from the building. The building was surrounded by mobile vehicles of various shapes and sizes. "I am extremely sorry for the delay," the man runs towards Hendrickson, he had blonde hair, serious eyes, and a stocky body, he extends his right arm for a shake which Hendrickson accepted almost immediately. In his other arm, he was holding a file that contained the records of the vehicles. "There is a problem with the transport workers, they were sent to deliver some goods and they are yet to arrive, once they return, your vehicle will be the next to be delivered." "Alright," Hendrickson sighs as he lets go of his arm. "Though I was annoyed about your lack of affection towards your customers, I was waiting for the vehicle to drop by for a while." "Is it only mobile homes you sell around here?" Joshua asks as he approaches the man's direction. The man's file dropped to the ground, he turned in Joshua's direction as he bent to take the file from the ground. "You know, J," Dave bends down to pick up the file as he extends it to the car dealer. "It wouldn't hurt to do a bit of good once in a while." "The mere looking at me is the best good that can ever befall anyone," Joshua smirks in Dave's direction. "Thanks so much, young man," the car dealer smiles warmly in Joshua's direction as he looked around. "I thought you were four when you came in, where's the fourth one?" "Four?!" Hendrickson exclaimed as his entourage materialized at his right-hand side. "We never came in as four, there were just three of us." "But I could swear..." "You can swear nothing," Dave cuts him short. "The only reason you were able to know there's four of us was that you must have heard it from Madame," Dave's entourage was right beside him. "In other words," Joshua wore the most demeaning look on his face as he looked at the car dealer. "If you don't want to spend the night on a hospital bed. Tell us where the f**k Madame's base is." (To explain what happened) Max had informed them while they are getting down from the car that he would use his entourage to make himself invisible. It was all due to Dave's intuition who felt that there was something wrong with the company for them not to have delivered for that long a time despite the many positive reviews about the company. They hadn't received any phone calls from the company to explain the reason why they were unable to attend to them. Max agreed with the plan and also he was to check around if anything seemed out of place while the rest of them would converse with the car dealer. Max entered the building where he saw the car dealer leave. He saw many dead bodies on the floor but the state of these bodies was astonishing. Each of the bodies had their skin swollen up as if they had been sucked by a vampire dry, it was wrinkled and the skins had lost their color. (The present) "An entourage attack," Max gritted his teeth as he ran out. "Guys!!!" He shouted. "Watch out, he's an entourage-user!!!" "You are late," Joshua replies to him. He, Dave, and Hendrickson had circled the car dealer who didn't seem afraid or anything, he wore a neutral look. "I have already fulfilled the condition for my entourage," the car dealer says. "It's a shame I wasn't able to do it for the last guy," he motioned over to Max. "But he is not a Primordial, I have already done enough," he says as a crane suddenly throws a cylinder towards them. Dave and Hendrickson ran towards the man at the same time but the cylinder dropped in their midst filling the environment with mist so thick that it was impossible to see through. By the time the mist had cleared, the car dealer was missing.
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