Chapter 6

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Friday came too soon to the busy, rushing and always-not-enough-time working girls of my generation. I was running late as usual, for 3 consecutive days now. It was heavy traffic by the time my cab entered Ayala Avenue. I had to get off in front of the Insular Building and ran from there to my office's street. Thank God I wore slacks and ballet shoes today. I was sweating like a pig when I got to the elevator. Even my b*a was drenched through. Man, I needed to work-out again. Just a few blocks of running made me pant like an obese man in that Biggest Loser contest. This is not good, not good at all! Worse, I was late for 35 minutes. Good thing, the bosses were not yet in. They get in late on Fridays. But the celebratory mood was cut short. Sandra broke the bad news as soon as she saw me entering the Accounting Department. "Bakla, Maita resigned already. You'll be taking over the Treasury Department." "What? Don't I get a say on this? What if I don't want to take-over anything? I couldn't even take-over my own life!" I said in a spontaneous outburst. "Sorry, Atty. Florante said so," she said with a grin but a hint of pity in her lovely big brown eyes. "Oh, yeah," were the only words I could utter. My mind was still reeling in shock. It was definitely a promotion. Yes, and I should be happy and excited. Finally, I would be heading a department of my own. But, I was also scared and I was feeling cold all over. The sweat instantly dried off and I was no longer feeling hot, sweaty and tired. I felt like a refrigerated corpse and I could feel every bone of my body chattering like the teeth of a n***d man in a snowy field. Oh my goodness! Was I experiencing hypothermia? "Ma'am Sandra, I think I feel sick," and ran to the bathroom where I emptied my breakfast into the nearest toilet bowl. "Yuck! Maya, what the hell!" Alfie shrieked, she was just getting out of the cubicle when I ran her over to get to the toilet bowl. "Are you pregnant? Oh, my Bakla! Who's the daddy?" "Shut up Alfie, the world is spinning." She held me up and flushed the toilet for me. She walked me to the sink and urged me to gargle. I did just that then stared at the mirror and cringed. "I look like a zombie," I croaked. "Girl, you look like a corpse," she stated a matter of fact. "What will I do? Have you heard the news?" "Yeah, you'll be assigned to Antarctica," she said shaking her head then added, "I pity you, Bakla. If only I could do anything to help out a friend in need." "Yeah, I know you are such a good friend," I rolled my eyes sarcastically and Alfie laughed instead of getting offended. I liked Alfie the minute we were introduced. Wait, pause and rewind please... Did I say I liked her the minute we were introduced? Nah, it was the other way around! I hated her the minute she spoke to me. We started out the same day at the Law Firm. I remembered it as if it was yesterday. Who could forget such a first meeting anyway? There I was, seated at the reception waiting for my interview. I was freshly out of College, away from my family and was a naïve small town girl in an impressive office wearing very conservative office attire. When a girl came in wearing the shortest skirt and the longest legs I had ever laid eyes on, I was awestruck.  She marched to the receptionist, and without any form of greeting at all she said, "Alfie Fuentes here, I have an interview." The receptionist clearly was put off by her airy attitude and answered, "Fill up these forms and wait for your name to be called."  Matching Alfie's haughty demeanor, she slapped the form on the reception counter. Alfie snatched the form from the receptionist and headed to sit down beside me. It was a two-seater sofa with an ottoman in front. "Scoot over miss, I need the table to write on," she told me so without even looking at me. She was rummaging her bag for God knows what. And so I moved to the single chair near the sofa instead. As she sat down, she asked, "Do you mind if I borrow your cell phone? I forgot mine." Wide-eyed, I answered, "Okay." As I was getting my cell phone out of my bag, she asked again, "Do you have a load?" "Yes, I have enough load," and handed her the phone. She shocked me even more when she dialed and used my phone for a voice call. And guessed who she was calling? "Hi Cholo, baby. Yeah, I got here on time." She spoke to this Cholo dude for almost 30 minutes using my cellphone load. She was draining my prepaid load to talk to her boyfriend about where to eat lunch after her interview and telling him what she was wearing for the interview, and so on and on. Then she handed back the cellphone to me saying, "I'll pay for your load if you have a change for my 1000 pesos?" Mouth wide opened, I just reached for my cell phone and did not speak with her for the rest of the day.  I said to myself, "What a b***h!" I was hired that day and was said to report the next day. Lo and behold, the next day, I was introduced to Alfie Fuentes as my partner in Accounting handling Account Receivables. The cell phone call was still on my mind that day, but it seemed she forgot all about it. The day ended and I was leaving the building when she walked up to me. "Hey, girlfriend, want a ride home?" she asked. "You have a car?" I asked.  She nodded and told me she'll drive me home so we could finally bond like sisters. Who could say no to her, when she was holding my arm like a prison guard? So she drove me home, the whole way she chatted about our new office, the people there, the bosses and the job. I was able to utter at least five words though such as, uh-huh, yeah, sure, of-course, and right. I could not concentrate on what she was yapping about because I was so scared for my life as I clung on to my seat belt. She was car racing along EDSA which was then jam-packed with big buses and trucks. She kept honking the horns and in between her stories were colorful invectives and threats of murdering the other motorists. I kept wondering, was she an ex-convict in her past life, or perhaps a d**g racer?  When I was already off the car, I literally made the sign of the cross and thanked God for my safety after that horrible car ride. I bent over then, for I forgot to ask her, "By the way, where do you live?" She answered enthusiastically, "Far view, Quezon City!" and pulled the door closed from the inside and drove away, leaving me at the middle of the basketball court staring at her tail lights wondering...  What a strange girl? Then, I received a text that night saying... "Quits!:)" I laughed so hard after reading that and once more thanked God for Alfie's safety after knowing how she drove. Since then, we became best of friends. Now, seeing me distressed, I knew she was concerned and was thinking of ways to help me then. "Don't worry, I'll get through this. One day at a time right?" I asked her. Looking at each other in the mirror, she smiled and said "You are the man or rather, the woman! You can do this!" And we both laughed leaving the bathroom feeling a little lighter and braver. Antarctica, being the coldest place on the planet, it is also where the harshest living conditions one may attempt to dwell in. My officemates therefore dubbed the name Antarctica to the Law Firm's Treasury Room because in there, which is only 15 sq. m is where the centralized air condition unit was installed. Inside that tiny room, the machine droned on like a warplane about to crash while it sucked air into its air ducts. It is always icy cold with strong wind gushing from 3 corners. Papers are never left on top of tables without heavy paperweights. And in the Treasury, paper works go up to 10 feet high when billing week arrives. Imagine trapped in a whirlwind with both hands trying to trap papers on their rightful places; a top of tables. That will soon be my fate. Maita, the last Treasury Manager resigned due to heart problems. She claimed to have high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat. Her doctor advised her to resign due to the stress her job entailed. Aside from those conditions, her skin was also dry and pale. She looked like a decaying corpse after a "Mandurugo", our local version of a vampire, sucked all the blood in her victim's body. Her dermatologist said it was due to the cold wind and dry air of the air con being concentrated and trapped in that tiny Treasury Room. Hearing all these stories from Sandra, who was trying to convince me that taking over the department was a good opportunity, she should listen closely to herself. It was the worst sales pitch I had ever heard, but the most honest anyway. Who in her right mind would be enticed to grab such an opportunity? s******c, masochistic and suicidal are supposed to be the characteristics of a willing candidate. And none of these ever fit me. I value my life for God's sake, even if He does not seem to value it the past few years. But when Atty. Florante summoned me into his office, I wasn't sure what characteristics I possess and if my bravado would still be upheld for long. Before heading to his office, I whispered to Alfie, "My Health card is in my wallet ha." She laughed and answered, "Don't worry, we'll use Aling Elena's push cart to carry you to Makati Med's E.R." Laughing did settle my nerves as I walked towards Atty. Florante's office. "Sir, you asked to see me?" I peeped into his room; he was bent over a thick book.  Clearly, he was preparing for his class. He teaches Corporate Law in different universities. "Come in and close the door," he answered without looking up from his book. "Why do I have to close the door?" I thought to myself as my imagination ran wild as usual.  A closed door meeting only meant two things –- me ending up quitting or me ending up in the hospital, as seen on previous occasions. One time, a young female lawyer went in and had a closed door meeting with him, and came out running, crying and ending up quitting. Another incident just happened recently, even through closed doors, you could hear echoes of angry voices, booming screams and shouts ending with a loud bang! The person inside went out holding an ancient-looking, big metal stapler in its bits and pieces. He was trembling like a wet rabbit as he walked to the reception to order Atty. Florante another set of stapler. He did not quit though, but he went directly to the hospital for an MRI. I was imagining a much worse scenario than those mentioned could happen then. But I did what I was told and faced the man who would determine my fate. Either way, I thought to myself, I had my Medical card with me and I also had my life's savings to support me during my unemployment days. "Tough it out Maya," I ordered myself in my head. I added these lines to my private coaching session: "He's just a man."   Then, I would contradict it by adding, "A powerful man who holds my job in the palm of his hand." "Be strong and face him like the brave huntress that you are."  Then I ended up saying, "Better to face a werewolf than this mortal man – I'll get imprisoned if I spear his heart with my silver dagger!" "Sit down, Maya," he finally acknowledged my silence as he motioned me to a chair in front of his desk. I took the seat he offered and stiffly sat with my back rather like ramrod. It had been 5 years since the last time I sat on that same chair. It was my final interview. I thought he was kind, intelligent, soft-spoken, and even funny too. How first impressions were mostly full of crap? "How long have you been with us?" he then asked. Was he reading my mind? "5 years and 3 months, sir," I answered. "You've been promoted on your 1st year as Accounting Assistant II. On your 3rd year, you were promoted to Accounting Supervisor. And just this year, you are now an Accounting Officer," he narrated all my promotions with a poker face. I could not make out any emotion from him. Was he curious, amazed, baffled or just surprised? I was quiet but kept on nodding. Then he asked, "Why do you think we kept on promoting you?" What the ——-? I blinked, cleared my throat and answered "Sir, it's because I performed all my tasks efficiently and effectively. And also, I showed my love for my work and loyalty to this firm through my outputs and inputs." Must I add, "And world peace?" "Okay. Do you deserve to be promoted again into a higher rank?" he asked, but did not let me answer. Instead he added, "Yes, we saw your potential from the very start." He looked at me with a genuine smile. He looked human when he smiled; I took notice for the 1st time. Then he continued, "Sandra trained you well. Did she tell you who trained her?" he asked, one eyebrow raised. It was a challenge for me not to imitate the same feat. "You trained her, sir." "Look at her now," he forcefully remarked. Was he expecting me to applaud? "Yes, sir," I managed to reply, clenched my hands together for I might clap inappropriately. "Someday, she'll take over a higher position with bigger responsibilities. And if that happens, I need someone as good as or even better than her to take over her department," he paused, perhaps to solicit a response or let me digest all the info he was giving me. I nodded and kept the tiring eye contact. Was I allowed to blink? Before I decided to blink, he said, "I want you to be that person, Maya." I gawked with my mouth wide open then came the rapid eye blinking. It was a pitiful reaction, I might say, I looked like a simpleton! "Are you willing to be that person, Maya?" he asked with a challenging tone. Then I realized why he was called an "Alligator Litigator", an esteemed one at that. "Yes sir, I am!" and puffed my chest and held up my chin. It took a lot of strength not to drum my chest and shout "ah-aha-ah-aha!" just like Tarzan! "Good!" he slapped his right hand on the table startling me, "Now prove to me that you can by handling the Treasury Department starting on Monday. I bet my name on you for that position. Don't make me lose face from the other partners." He meant it as a threat rather than as a compliment, as it should be. I straightened up more and confidently said, "I won't let you down, sir." Man, when did I become an endorser of an underarm roll-on deodorant? Last I checked; I was a Tawas girl! I left his office thinking to myself, "What have I gotten myself into?" It was like I volunteered to be a front liner in an assault team of the marines. Or I solely raised my hand when Gaston from Beauty and the Beast asked the town folks, "Who wants to kill the beast?" I went inside Atty. Florante's office not to claim the throne, but rather to abscond. Instead, I got a sudden boost of confidence. Thank you to Atty. Florante's flowery words. He had just cajoled a toothless baby with chocolate bars and sweet candies. I felt manipulated. Nah, I was hoodwinked. I went back to the Accounting room or what we called the Aquarium. It's all glass at the center of Room 3002. It was designed that way to stay true to an Accountant's popular motto, "Full disclosure". The only downside to this room is, everybody knows what we are up to, what we are talking about since it's not a soundproof room and we feel like fishes in an aquarium... literally. I wiped out my defeated expression into nonchalance. I would act as if nothing monumental had happened. And as soon as I entered, I was asked, "What happened?" Followed by, "Did you take the job?"  "What did he say? How did he react?" "What did you tell him? Did he shout at you?"  "Did he throw stuff at you?"  "Are you hurt? Can you breathe?" "Do we have to carry you to the E.R. now?" I looked around and literally made 360 degrees twirl twice. Even the process servers were watching us outside from their cubicles which are closest to our room. Sandra, and the whole Accounting team bombarded me with more questions. They all stopped when I shouted, "I TOOK THE JOB!" Their expressions were priceless. I had the urge to shout, "GAG U!" (a popular local show just like Ashton Kutcher's Punked). But it was not appropriate for the moment. I just slumped into my chair and waited for my news to sink in. Sandra was the first to regain composure and said, "I'll support you all the way, Bakla. Don't worry!" and again the rest followed with a new battle cry.  Variations were as follows: "You can do it!" "We're all here for you!" "You're suited for that job" "It's meant to be." And other cheesy lines from Ad campaigns and commercials which at that instant made me appreciate the value of their friendships.  My favorite lines were, "Bring it on!",  "Hit me with your best shot!",  "Sky's the limit!",  "It's a brand new day!" And finally, "Let's celebrate tonight then," Alfie exclaimed. Sandra, Bessie and Kenny were excited as well and started to plan as if I was not there. "Guys, there's nothing to celebrate," I butted in. Too late, the boys who were listening in outside opened the sliding door to stick their heads on the narrow gap to voice their agreements. The oldest amongst them named Tony immediately suggested places where we could go out tonight. "I know just the right place. Let's go to Grillers in Kalayaan Avenue," he said. "I'll reserve tables for us," volunteered Nanny, another process server who joined in the ambush. "Fine, whatever!" I gave up and shouted, "Back to work please." The boys dispersed and the ladies each faced their monitors. But I could still hear whispered voices of plans and how to make it a memorable night. I was in no mood to celebrate tonight. But hey, I deserved it. Looks like the apocalypse really had come too soon as the office's forecast for Friday.   The day passed by like a whirlwind. I finished each task but my mind was elsewhere. I really needed a fun diversion. And that night-out was definitely one hell of a diversion. The whole non-legal team showed up! The pretty secretaries were there. All the tired-looking process servers were present. Admin people with our Office Manager named Delia, and even our IT techs came. We occupied the whole 2nd floor of Grilla.  They all screamed when I showed up, "CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW TREASURY MANAGER!"  Good thing, there was no time for them to prepare a banner or else, it would have been so over-the-top. I grabbed Sandra's sleeve and dragged her down the stairs once the cheering and clapping died down. "I thought it was just us and the boys?" I asked, "I am so surprised we are actually all here! And what, for my non-existent celebration?" "Relax Maya, just be happy and appreciate everybody's happiness for your promotion," Sandra was trying to calm me down, "Let's go smoke first to calm your nerves." And so we went out of Grilla to smoke a stick before I dared enter my forced victory party. As we ascended the stairs heading back, I said, "I ain't paying for this." Sandra laughed and answered, "Don't worry, Atty. Florante made a huge contribution and so did the other lawyers." "What?" I was surprised and elated at the same time. "Yeah, Alfie mentioned it to one lawyer who told the next one and so on and so forth. Until a big fat envelope reached my desk and hid it from you.  Even considered letting you sweat until the middle of the party before telling you we had it all covered. But I'm a softy," she said running ahead of me before I could rant on her again and again. I inhaled deeply, pasted a huge smile on my face and headed towards the laughter, chorus of cherry voices, shouts of joy and even a couple of out of tune singing. I told myself then, I was lucky to have them as friends and some even as family. I just hoped my real family was also there to celebrate with me. I was sure my brothers and sister would have been proud too. Even my Papa would be impressed with my promotion. I doubt if my Mama would be happy too but I'd love to see her reaction to my success. I then stopped thinking about my absent loved-ones when the food started arriving and more buckets of beers were placed on top of our long table. Yap, the party had reached full swing!   I got home around 1 a.m. and my dogs were hungry, sleepy but still jubilant to see me. What a lousy master? I chastised myself. I deserved to be hanged. After filling their bowls with food and water, I crashed into my bed and succumbed to a deep slumber fitting a drunkard and heavily fed buffoon that I was then. A huge smile on my face as I slept was a hint of that night's craziness.
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