Chapter 5

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The next day I woke up worried. A normal woman would be waking up to cheery morning if she had a dreamless sleep. But, it's never the same for me. I had learned long ago that dreams are how our subconscious minds communicate to us or to show our conscious mind what we missed during the day, yesterday or even before that. Dreams are reminders of the past, forgotten memories, warnings of the future or a preparation for something in the days ahead. Dreamless state for me was a security alarm disarmed by an unknown enemy. I knew then, trouble can be or is already brewing, either here or at home. Instantly, I dialed 1 on my cell phone. It rang once and it was answered by my irate-since-birth oldest brother, Daniel. "What happened, kid?" he asked irritably. "And good morning to you too Dan," I answered back, matching the irritant tone he used. "I have no time for pleasantries. You called because you sensed trouble, am I right?" Well, I gave him A+ for that. My oldest brother has a telepathic mind when it comes to me. He knew what I was thinking even before I voiced it out. When we were kids, it was creepy to me. Plus, I could never lie to him. But when we got older, it became a blessing more than I could count, it saved me. He saved me. "Yes, did you feel it too?" I asked. "Call the family, start with the aunts. I'll call the folks then the uncles," he commanded instead of answering my question. He called our parents 'the folks' and sometimes, Sam, Aura and I do too. "Have you talked with Sam already?" I asked. "Yeah, he said, he and Meg cannot meet up with Marie and me in Laoag today. Marie and I are done in Aparri, it turned out to be a hoax and not an evil sup. So, we will be heading to Ilocos ahead of them." "Good to hear that," I commented on the hoax, "Did Sam tell you why they are not meeting you there? Are they okay? What's happening in Alicia?" I asked. "Call him, will you? You ask too many questions when you can just ask him that!" and he hung up. And that was a classic conversation with the "sungit" brother of mine. Sungit meant always irritated, angry and a don't-talk-to-me-cause-I'm-busy status in group chat attitude. I dialed 2 then. "Hello," Sam answered with a sleepy voice. "What happened to you, are you okay? Why aren't you leaving for Laoag to meet up with Dan and Marie?" I rushed into these questions with a worried tone. "Easy kid, we are fine. We still haven't found the cow-killer Sup yet and we got no leads." "It's not an aswang or a mandurugo? How about a werewolf?" I asked. An aswang and mandurugo are the Philippine version of vampires, shape-shifters or werewolves. "No, we ruled those out, there were no bite marks, plus the cuts were clean. Definitely, a knife was used. Meg thought it was done by humans and not what we hunt." "Like a psycho or a thief of internal organs?" I asked then added, "Since when is that ever likely? Try to investigate if there are secret cults or covens of mangkukulam (witches) there. My guess is, they are using these organs for rituals or dark spells." "I thought of that too. But for now, we are heading to the police station. A witness has come forward." "Great, call me ASAP," and I hang up. Still, unsettled, I proceeded calling the aunts to check on them. My job as a resigned hunter, that's how Aura liked to refer to me, was to worry about my family whenever they went for a hunt. Just a year ago, they started to coordinate with me on their whereabouts just in case something happened to them, I can send reinforcements right away. I am like a liaison officer or even as researcher; I'd like to think of myself as that. I cannot fully turn my back on them like I was told to. I was born to this family and so I carried an obligation to them and to others as well. Sometimes when I got calls from helpless aunts or distant relatives, how I wished I could just get out of my office and fly wherever they were stranded or trapped at that moment. The agony continued as I waited for their rescuers or reinforcements to arrive... on time. I had never failed any of them so far. Their calls always got through and help was always sent on time. I just hope I would never live the day I screw any of them up. The blame will easily be put on me. That's for sure, no trial necessary. Thankfully, all the aunts were doing great! By the way, I have 13 aunts. Since Ama and Nana had 5 other siblings, each produced 3-6 kids except Nana Maria and Ina Cristina. 2 out of the 13 are my mother's sisters, the oldest is Maximilla. We call her Aunt Max. The other 11 are first degree cousins of my mother. 6 aunts are all active huntresses together with their husbands and some kids, 3 aunts were killed, one of them was Aunt Glory. She was killed by a very powerful witch who had a grudge on Ama. While the other 4 aunts left the life behind when they married educated professionals who never accepted our family's way of life. I also have 7 uncles. One uncle died and he's my mama's youngest and only brother, while the other 6 are all alive and kicking. And they are all hunters along with their wives and most kids. If I would sum up in my head how many of my family and relatives are active in the hunting business, I would say about 65 direct relatives and more than 300 relatives by affinity who were converts turned hunters. Ama died when I was in 2ND Year College and Ina followed him in death the next year. They both had diabetes and heart problems. These are the killer diseases of my family. My mother has it too, though under control. Meg and Marie's mom had it too; she went blind and lost her left leg because of diabetes when I was starting College. Growing up with a sick mother and an OFW father who retired from hunting when they had daughters, Meg who was just 6 years old then became withdrawn, angry and rebellious at some point, while Marie who was turning 4, became shy, a cry-baby and frightful. Thankfully, we stepped in. The four of us, me, my brothers and sister became their mentors and their parents as well. We straightened their tactics, developed their bravery and curved their strong will. My brothers were pro when it came to disciplining rueful girls. They had Aura and me as testament to these claims. While Dan and Sam made the two kids strong and brave, Aura and I made them into gracious and beautiful girls inside and out. We loved those kids like our very own siblings. And we were all very protective of them. It was our way of giving back to their mom, our favorite cousin, Manang Mercy. Manang Mercy was a nurse by profession. Like Aunt Gloria, she was never introduced to the life of a hunter because at a very young age, they proved their weakness to Ama already. And he had declared them as invalids or not made for hunting. Manang Mercy had the gentlest soul. She deserved to be a nurse because she loved to help people in need. She loved to care for others. And she was always there for us whenever we came home with bruises, bleeding noses, split lips or broken arms. She would tenderly and lovingly nurse us back to good health. Not once did she ever lecture us of being weak, careless or stupid like the way our parents did when we screwed up a hunt. Silently while she took care of our broken bodies, she cried with pity and love but still got the patching up job meticulously every time. She might not have the courage and strength of a hunter just like Ama. But she had the heart and the hands of a healer just like Ina. When she got very sick 3 years ago, the four of us came home to be with her in Tuguegarao City. They lived just a few blocks from our house. Meg and Marie were just 12 and 10 then. Ama did not expect grand things from them either, thinking they were their weak mother's and quitter father's daughters. So, they were never introduced to the real life we led as a family. Manang Mercy told us to take care of her kids, because her husband needed to go back to Saudi Arabia soon to earn a living for them. Make them the best hunters, she pleaded with Dan. Being the oldest, he spoke for the four of us and made the promise. He promised to oversee their training and to make them part of the family whether Ama, when he was alive strictly prohibited her daughters be trained, or whether the Aunts and Uncles liked it or not. But the tough part would be, making "the folks" agree to accept her kids into the Hunting Society. We all made a promise then to never let anyone stop us from making her kids into great hunters. They are also Rapisura by blood anyway and the hunter's blood runs through their veins. Meg ran away that night her mother died. Marie was catatonic. She never spoke for almost a month and had constant nightmares. Sam found Meg at the cemetery where we buried Ama and Ina. She could not find their graves, she told Sam. So, she camped out at another unknown grave instead and hopefully the next day, she'll find their graves and ask their permission to be a huntress and join the family. So the next day, Sam brought her to our grandparent's grave and Meg said to them, "Ama, I know you think my mama was weak but you were wrong. A weak woman could never have two daughters and raise them single-handedly into this world you vowed to protect. She died not because she was weak but because she was strong. We are alone now. If you will not let us into the family, Marie and I will be orphans all over again. We are stronger than you think, Ama. And I am ready to prove you wrong." According to Sam, that's what she said and we believed him. I cried buckets of tears that night while Aura sat on her bed just silently praying. That day on, with the blessing of their father who was broken-hearted but strong enough to go on living, the four of us swore to him to give every ounce of our energy, skills and talents to make them into strong hunters but most of all, into magnanimous human beings. Their father left a few months later to go back to Saudi Arabia and work. We assured him that his daughters were in good hands. And he trusted us. Next thing we did was to present them to Papa and Mama to declare our intentions of training them. Of course, I just stayed at the back of my siblings for I had no right to be there anyway, being an ex-hunter. Mama was furious. Papa was more concerned. Mama pointed out that Meg and Marie were already way past the training age. It would be difficult to make their bodies more flexible for combat training. Also, they had not been exposed to the sups that we deal with, so their courage had not been tested yet. She had so many doubts and pointed out many negative outcomes from training them. But Dan was very clever. He made an example of Papa and Uncle Pedro (the grandfather of Meg and Marie). That comparison shut up our mother. She then asked the four of us to leave Meg and Marie alone with them. She needed to speak to the two kids alone with our father. And so, we waited by the door, patiently, anxiously and furiously. Finally, after an hour or so, Meg and Marie came out looking somber. Meg said in an almost tearful voice, "They asked for you again." Like little kids once more, we straightened up our clothes and stood up straighter. Slowly, we walked in accordance to age in a straight line and stood before our parents. "Those kids had their Grandmother Max's spirit. I had never given them any second look before and thought they were shy and awkward kids. But you were right Dan, they are still Rapisuras. Others had the talent and skills but none of the dedication and respect for what we do. They turned out to be strong and courageous hunters but were destroyed because of their lack of loyalty," Mama said and her eyes were piercing me with pure regret and disappointment. Okay, so she was referring to me! "But Meg and Marie had always believed in what the family is all about. They are ready to be trained and hopefully, be as good as you, three." Again, she left me out... like I wasn't even there. "Maya, since you were no longer a part of this Council, just look after them during their breaks from training. Do not teach them anything regarding our trade! You might pollute the kids' minds into behaving like an..."  Mama was cut off by my Papa who said, "Just promise us to take good care of Meg and Marie. Max and Pedro have already given their blessings as well. And Maya, good job finding work as an Accountant. We are proud of you." Of course, I saw my mother roll her eyes and sighed.  Urgh! Couldn't she just pretend even for a sec. that she was also proud of me? Anyway, because of the good news, I was not saddened by my mother's contemptibility. We went out of the house happy and victorious. Meg and Marie never failed any of us. They proved to be attentive, eager and smart students. Though each still had attitude problems, we just blamed the teenage hormones and the ever changing world of technology and advancement. Still none of these sorry attitudes were tolerated and punishments were being issued every now and then. Dan would easily punish, Sam would rescue them from further punishment, Aura would scold them like a mother hen, while I, the softest hearted Aunt would console, comfort, cajole and spoil them as much as I can. Meg and Marie stayed with me every Christmas vacation. We did little training and had lots of fun in the Metro. With me, they got to be normal teenagers and I got to be part of a family again. We gave balance to these kids' lives and hopefully we gave justice to our promises to our Manang Mercy and to her husband, Manong Conrad, who used to be the best vampire slayer in Bataan... no kidding! * I was walking towards the main street of New Paradise at 8:00 a.m. I only had an hour left to commute to work. I waited anxiously for a tricycle which would drive me to the FX Shuttle terminal going to Makati. FX was a short-term for Toyota Tamaraw FX vehicle used as public transportation similar to car-pooling. When I reached the terminal, I immediately swore loudly.  "s**t!" The passengers waiting in line were about 20 meters long and I could not see any vehicle parked near the waiting shed. I knew if I didn't take a cab, I would be 2 hours late. So, I moved to the next street to get a taxi, but even there, a long line was also forming fast. I had no choice but to go back to the FX Shuttle terminal and just accept the fact that I would be coming in late. "s**t!" I swore again. I craned my neck to see as far as the front of the line, counting the heads. "s**t!" I swore for the 3rd time aloud but for the 100th silently. Roughly I was 58th in line, meaning six Toyota FXs should arrive for me to get a ride to Makati. I tried to placate myself by concentrating every brain cell I had in planning the day ahead. Still, I was getting restless of waiting. My mind wandered further and deeper than workload then. "Stop fretting Maya, let go of every thought that goes in your head," Nana instructed me, "That way all your senses will be sharper, more alert and active." I was in Villa Maria starting my life as a trainee. Nana had explained the day before our family's secret life. It all started in the 15th century, when Don Salvador Rapisura, a Spanish businessman and landlord in Cebu found out that his only daughter named Maria had a very special gift. Maria had the power to heal, to talk to the spirits of the dead and other unseen beings. Don Salvador became frightened of her daughter's peculiar gift that he made her promise never to speak of it to anyone and sent her away into a convent in Ilocos Sur, far away from their friends and relatives. When his older son, Angelo fell ill which started with high fever, no doctor could cure him. None of the modern medicines were working. And Angelo became worse and worse every day. He had no choice but to seek Maria's help. He could not risk asking Maria to come home because people would start talking and speculating again. He made an excuse to his relatives and friends that he would take Angelo to a doctor in Manila. And so, Don Salvador, with his wife, Dona Manuela and Angelo moved to Ilocos and bought a huge piece of land in Sta. Catalina. When the house was finished a month later, they invited Maria to come and visit. By that time, Angelo was already comatose. As soon as Maria saw his older brother and touched his hand, she saw where his soul was and knew right away what had happened. When they were kids, they visited that place together. But Angelo got more curious as they grew older. Maria told him never to return, they were never welcomed there and the gate was always closed anyway. They could not even peep inside. Angelo found a way to open the gate... and he was trapped. She lashed out at her father as soon as she came back to reality saying, "Papa this is your fault! You should have told me sooner. Now, I'm afraid it's too late." "What's happening to Angelo," Don Salvador asked. "You would never believe me if I tell you," Maria sobbed for the dark fate of her beloved brother. "Please I'll do anything just help your brother," Don Salvador begged the daughter he hid in a convent hoping the priests and nuns would be able to get rid of her unusual abilities. "Forgive me Maria, I was just afraid of what our people would do when they find out of your abilities. They might think you are a witch and also burn you alive!" "I know Papa and I understand," she reached for her proud father's cold hands to comfort him and added, "What I am about to tell you might be impossible since you never believed my stories. But it is happening to Angelo, unless you do what I say, he'll never come back." His father nodded. Her mother was not present. Dona Manuela was prouder than her father. She could never accept an abnormal daughter. Feeling the pain of rejection from her mother, she proceeded to tell her father what was happening to Angelo. Angelo was as gifted as Maria. His brother could visit other realms or planes of existence in his sleep. He was then trapped in a realm created by good elemental beings. The only way he could get out was to exchange a soul for his. Don Salvador was willing to give up his soul so his son would live. He did not want his bloodline to cease since Maria was already a nun and could therefore never procreate. Angelo must live to continue his legacy. "Papa, it's not that simple. Angelo had accessed some secrets of that realm and the beings would not let him go so easily. I had to replace him..." she looked at her father who looked devastated and was about to continue explaining but opted not to. His father need not have to know more. "But you said he knew their secrets, why would they send him back and take you instead?" "The beings have given him a mission on this realm... but someone as gifted as him must protect the gate he opened, Papa. Or else, everything kept in that place and everything wanting to get in can easily do so. Angelo disrupted a balance... some already got out. He could no longer hold on, Papa. I could sense other beings are already on their way to get in!" Don Salvador could not believe what he was hearing. But he saw the fear in Maria's eyes and he knew he would never ever see his beautiful daughter alive again. If only he believed her... if only he listened to Angelo's crazy talks too as a child. He could have helped his children deal with their demons or perhaps, gifts. But it was too late. He must make a decision... he must sacrifice one to let the other live. He begged for Maria's forgiveness and Maria just hugged his Papa saying, "I love you, Papa. I know Angelo will find a way to put an order to the chaos he created. Tell him to find me! Tell him to get me back. I will wait no matter how long he’ll take. I will see you again, Papa." "Yes, my Dear, I will. We will get you back!" tearfully, Don Salvador promised his daughter. Maria went into a trance and saved Angelo but lost her own soul in the process. But as soon as Angelo came back, he was never the same again. He knew every supernatural being lurking in the dark. He was obsessed with ridding the earth with all evil sups one monster at time. The secrets he found out and the sacrifice of Maria fueled him to be the first hunter in the north. He didn’t stop looking for ways, new and old, on how to break the curse, to get his sister back and to put order to the chaos he caused. But he was already nearing the end of his life and still, he had not put a dent in breaking the curse. So, once more he vowed on Maria's lifeless body to raise his family and descendants guarding that secret and maybe one day, someone amongst his descendants will find a way to get her out of her prison. As a seven year old kid, the story was boring and useless. One cousin asked, "Where is Maria's body now?" Nana answered, "That's a secret only a select few are told." So I and two of my closest cousins named Susan and Juan, the same age as mine then, started speculating and researching the secret location of Maria's body. Until now, we hadn't even come close to leaving Villa Maria and to search the locations we handpicked based on the myths and legends we often heard. As I grew older, it became puzzling how the Rapisura clan started out to be hunters. Until now, I could never fathom the importance of Maria's sacrifice and Angelo's actions to hunt for monsters. And thinking about the body of Maria still preserved somewhere awaiting her freedom from the prison she willingly entered seemed like a fairy tale. Though, as a child I was a fan of the Disney princesses. And maybe that was why the tale of Sleeping Beauty really amazed me. I was solving the puzzle in my head again when I realized, I was already inside the Toyota FX being squeezed by two chubby gals. Finally, I headed to Makati and was already 1 hour late. I sighed loudly and just closed my eyes hoping I would get at least 30 minutes sleep before I face Sandra and her lectures on punctuality. Once I got to the office, the Tuesday weather forecast had come true, "Just windy and rainy." Secretaries were scurrying to and fro their lawyers' offices clutching thick binders. Paralegals were bent low over their cubicles, afraid to be seen and targeted by "ligaw na bala" (a stray bullet). Process servers were racing towards the elevators to avoid additional workloads and further delays. And the big bosses were engaged in a verbal battle in each of their rooms. Oh, well... welcome to the Law Firm of the Damned. Social Media shout-out for the day: "I love my job! #sarcastic"
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