Chapter 7

336 Words
Dead cows were everywhere. The barren field was covered with crimson blood and the heavy smell of lead permeated the cold air. Seven cows in different sizes and colors lay mutilated…lifeless. At the middle of the field was a bride dressed in white silky and lacy wedding gown, her face covered with a traditional bridal veil. What a beautiful bride, she was? It was so contradicting from the macabre scene behind her, like a painter was showing the good and the bad in one canvass. Her gown’s hem was smeared with blood. Then, I noticed her delicate hands. She was not holding any bouquet of flowers.  In my head, “White calla lilies with yellow orchids fitted her.” But instead, she was holding a pumping, throbbing heart of what I only presumed to be from one of the dead cows. She was weeping silently at first. Then as I slowly walked towards her, her rhythmic cries sent chills to the balmy night. It was sorrowful yet melodious. And it was burdening too. There was so much pain and yet I could hear a mocking sound. It was beautiful and haunting at the same time. I wanted to reach out to her but I could not let my feet touch the b****y field. I summoned all the inner strength I possessed just to get closer to where she stood. Slowly, I reached the weeping bride. “Who are you?” I asked. She looked up with such lovely dark brown tearful eyes. She answered not my question but spoke, “He did it for us.” I stared at the heart pumping; I could even hear it beating just like normal heart inside one’s chest when heard thru a stethoscope. That undeniable “lad dab” sound was sickeningly familiar and bizarre to me. I was so slow to realize; it was not a cow’s heart. “Is that a…” I choked in horror. Then I felt numb all over, my horror reflected on those lovely beautiful dry cold brown eyes as she raised the heart to her sneering mouth and took a big, juicy, b****y bite.
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