2679 Words

This couldn’t be happening. How did the Guardians of Humanity get into this airplane? It made no sense. Superbia was supposed to be Guardians-free. Yet there were clearly six lethal-looking Guardians of Humanity standing in the aisle just a few feet away from me, guns raised and faceless masks daring us to move. “The Guardians of Humanity?” the twenty-something guy I’d noticed earlier said between chattering teeth. “H-How did you get here?” The Guardian who had spoken, apparently the leader, jerked a thumb at a jetpack on his back. “Jetpacks, baby. We might not be able to fly like you freaks, but that doesn’t mean normals can’t take to the skies, too. Oh, and you can call me s*******r if you want.” “s*******r?” I spoke up, unable to keep silent any longer. “I’ve never heard of you.” S

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