2142 Words

What the—?” said s*******r, sounding genuinely surprised. “No effin’ way. You’re not President Marcus.” “Actually, I am,” said President Marcus, his calm, measured tone a stark contrast to his fiery eyes. He raised his claws. “Would you like me to prove it by ripping your eyes out from your sockets?” Slaughter gulped. “No one knew about our hijacking this plane. We kept it a secret even from the other Guardians. How did you find out about it?” President Marcus smirked. “A little birdie might have whispered in my ear that a bunch of overconfident Guardians were plotting to fly a plane into my castle. And I may have decided to let you get this far just to make you think your plan could actually work.” Slaughter pressed the barrel of his g*n harder against my neck. “Take one step closer

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