2074 Words

Monday, September 7th, 12:04 PM, 2037 … Although I had flown in plenty of airplanes in my life, I had always flown with someone else. That ‘someone else’ was usually my parents, sometimes with Jake as well, such as when my parents dropped us off at the Academy during our first year. Regardless, every single time I had flown, I had always had someone to fly with. As a result, I didn’t really know what it was like to fly alone. Until today, that is. I found myself sitting in a window seat in an Alpha Airlines plane by myself, giving me a breathtaking view of the clouds below. I sat with my purse under my seat and my phone in my hand. I divided my attention between watching a movie on the free in-flight Wi-Fi and occasionally looking out the window at the clouds outside. I wasn’t entire

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