1771 Words

I nodded. Night Soldier was the Headmaster of the Academy. If anyone was busy, it would definitely have to be him. A bit of a shame, though, because this sounded like an important issue to me, one we really needed solved. “Hey, how are you and the other teachers doing since the Academy closed down?” I said. “You guys still working or—?” “No,” said Professor Hernandez, shaking his head. “With no school to teach, we’ve all gone off to do different things. I, for example, have become a full-time researcher for the G-Men in D.C.” I grimaced. “Really? You’re working for the G-Men now?” “Only until the Academy is opened again,” said Professor Hernandez. “I know you are skeptical of the G-Men, but they are financially supporting my research and paying me quite well besides. They also haven’t

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