Tulika On Fire & Father-Daughter moment

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Tulika (sarcastically) - wow just wow what a love was your Piyush, for my daughter that turned into hatred in a minute just after seeing a video and a few photographs. Even the procession that you brought to take Pankhuri with you, now you will take Shruti with you in that same procession, the weather doesn't change so quickly Piyush, as you changed and moved on, mother threatened to leave the house and the son got agreed to marry the younger sister of a bride. As much as you trust your mother, I wish that 1% of you had shown trust in my Pari, then I would say that my daughter has got the best life partner in the world, I consider my daughter lucky because she has chosen you, but million thanks to God that my daughter is not married to you, because the person who can leave my daughter at the wedding porch and marry her sister in front of her eyes who knows that tomorrow he could have left my daughter half way in the journey of life. (Then she look towards Kishori and Ishwar and says) I never had any expectations from maa, but Baba why didn't you do anything? Years ago, you had got me and Sanjay married by going against your wife, against the society. In Rathi House you always supported me, I felt like that I have got my Baba back I always saw my own father on you, year's back you took stand for me and Sanjay then why did you not take a stand for your granddaughter today? Tell me Baba, why did not you take a stand today? Listening Tulika word's Ishwar bow his head down in utter shame. Then Tulika look towards Sanjay and said "Loving a person like you, marrying a person like you was the biggest mistake of my life, you know what Sanjay you have not changed at all in this 20 years. you were a spineless person 20 years ago and even today after 20 years also you are same, a spineless person neither then you took a stand for your love and neither you took a stand for your daughter now. I am happy that my daughter still uses the name and surname of her father Pankaj with her name, because a person like you is not worthy to give his name to my daughter. I'm proud of her that she's her Papa's daughter her real father Pankaj Bose, she's Pankhuri Pankaj BOSE, they're not blood related but I can give 200% guarantee that today, if Pankaj was alive, he would have stood with his daughter, and would have cut off every finger that rose towards her, but does not let my daughter listen to the taunts of this society and nor let this society to character assassinates her. You know what Sanjay actually you deserve Piyush as son-in-law afterall you both have similar similarity, that's you both are spineless". She spatted with extreme disgust and anger that for some seconds Rohini and Kishori get scared, Sanjay and Piyush didn't speak anything they simply bow down their heads. Tulika - Sanjay, what you break your relationship with my daughter? I myself breaking all ties with you and your family. And yes Piyush I hope that what you did with Pankhuri you will not do with Shruti, otherwise be ready to face this mother in future. Saying this Tulika walk near Pankhuri and hold her by her shoulders and walked towards the Ghosh house. Tulika makes Pankhuri sit in her room and says "Pari you take rest for a while". Pankhuri only nods her head and lay in the bed and close her eyes without changing her wedding dress nor removing the ornaments. Tulika heart ache seeing her daughter like this lifeless and she very well know that Pankhuri needs some alone time so she left from her room. Tulika reach her room and move towards Pankaj photo which was hanging on the wall with the garland around it and finally she breakdown. Tulika - I wish Pankaj, you would have been here today, this condition of our daughter would not have happened today, no one dares to point fingers at her today, when his blood related father turned his back from her, that time I remembered you only When Pari was in my stomach, you always used to say that we will have a daughter Only and you will keep her like a princess Won't let even a single scratch on her, you took full care of me in my pregnancy, never let me suffer a single time. But our luck was bad that you could not spend much time with me and our baby girl, God did not even give you a chance to see the face of your daughter. You know Pankaj those 2 months of our marriage was the most beautiful time of my life, you turned all my sorrows into happiness but today I realised that in those few months I fallen in love with you. That's why even after marrying with Sanjay, we did not have a husband-wife relationship, Whenever Sanjay tried to come close to me, I immediately distance myself from him, today I realized why I used to do that Why did not I let him come closer to me because you were in my heart Pankaj, I loved you, I do and will continue to do so. I love you Pankaj, I love you. Our Pari needs you the most right now Pankaj be with her give her courage. At Pankhuri's Room : Pankhuri open her eyes when she feel that Tulika left from her room and she started packing her luggages. Pankhuri - I can't stay here, if I stay here, maa will again hear the same taunts that she used to hear when everyone came to know that I am Sanjay Papa's daughter. I cannot let my mother go through the same pain and resentment again. Because of me maa and papa cannot separate again. After packing all her belongings, Pankhuri writes something on a paper and fold it and put inside the envelope and puts it on her side table. Pankhuri - I'm sorry maa Saying this, she takes his belongings and goes out of the house through the back door. Late night Pankhuri with sad face was alone walking on the road for quiet long time while dragging her trolley bag, she was hell tired and now she started feeling little dizzy so she sat at the near by bench and close her eyes and soon drifted into sleep due to fatigue. Pankhuri was sleeping when she feel that someone is caressing her hair. She slowly opens her eyes and when she sees that person her eyes filled with happy tears and she immediately hug that person. Pankhuri - Papa you came back, you came back to me. (she said with happy tears) Pankaj - yes bache, I have come for my Pari. Pankhuri started crying thinking about today's incident. Pankaj - Pari, why are you crying bacha? Pankhuri - Papa, it is not my fault in what happened today, I am telling the truth those pictures, those videos are all false, but no one believed me except maa, not even Dadaji and Sanjay Papa. (She said while crying bitterly) Pankaj - Whether someone has faith in you or not, but your maa and your Pankaj papa, has full faith in you. Now stop, ssshhh.. don't cry, now your father has come, isn't it, now stop crying papa ki jaan. (Saying this he wipe her tears) Pankhuri immediately hold Pankaj hands and happily asked "Do you really believe me papa?" Pankaj kissed Pankhuri hand and says "have more faith in you than myself. that's why today I have come to my daughter to tell her that she is neither wrong nor alone. Pari, life is always not a bed of roses, While walking in path of life, we also come across so many thorns in our path and sometimes those thrones also pricked us, but it does not mean that we cry for the whole life with that pain, life is all about moving on we have to keep moving forward, you have to go on crossing every thorn that comes in our way. And one more thing bacha, never think that you are alone, me and Tulika are always with you in your every step, No matter how dark the night, but one ray of the sun is enough to dispel that darkness, In the same way, the age of falsehood is also not very long, one day the truth will come to the fore. You just have to keep faith in God in yourself, don't run away from trouble face them with your whole strength and never give up my princess, never ever". While Pankhuri carefully listened his each and every words. Pankaj - now I have to go Pari. Pankaj started moving towards the white light, Pankhuri get scared listening Pankaj word's and when she saw him going away from her, she try to stop him, she don't want her papa to leave her once again. Pankhuri while nodding her head in no started saying "no papa please don't go, don't go, papa papa, please papa don't go, papaaaaaaaaaaa". To be continued...........
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