Breaking Relationship And Broken Pankhuri

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But Sanjay jerk his hand angrily from Pankhuri hold making her stumbled back and said " How can I believe you, Pankhuri, is Shruti telling a lie? Is the message you sent to Naintara is false? Say. Here you're looking like a liar, You are lying. You're telling one lie after another to cover up your sins. When did you stoop so much low Pankhuri? I am even ashamed to call you my daughter". Pankhuri cried more listening his father bitter words. Tulika - Sanjay, What the hell are you saying? do you trust this video and picture more than your daughter? Sanjay - Yes I trust this video and pictures because this video and pictures seems true to me. Pankhuri herself told to Shruti, that she is going to her friend's place but she had not went there and the proof of that is her message to Naintara. and why will Shruti lie? Then Sanjay looked towards Pankhuri and say's "what do you gain by insulting us infront of the world, Pankhuri? By making fun of Piyush love and trust, say Pankhuri?" He partially yelled at her. Sanjay - You never used my surname, even today also from your birth certificate to your school and college certificate, It has Pankaj name on the name of father place. Whenever I used to think about it I always felt pain in my heart that my daughter use other person name and surname behind her name instead of her real father name, I feel sad when you always consider Pankaj also as your father, I felt jealous when I saw the love and admiration in your eye's for Pankaj. But today I want to tell you that it is good that you never added my name to your name. Because today at this very moment I break all my relations with you, from today onwards you are not my daughter. Sanjay declared in front of everyone. Pankhuri get numb listening Sanjay words she didn't able to react . Tulika - Sanjayyyyyy (Loudly speak his name) Kishori - don't shout at my son, whatever he said is correct, whatever you daughter had did, this daughter of yours has no relation with us now. Then Kishori look towards Sanjay and say to him "Sanjay what will happen now? How we will Face the society? this girl destroy our respect infront of everyone. now this girl marriage will not happen, but what about our Shruti? After whatever happened today, why would anyone want to join any relationship with our home, any good house son's marriage alliance will not come, now because of this girl, our Shruti will also sit at home being unmarried. My granddaughter Shruti's life got ruined". saying this she started crying Shruti and Rohini was waiting for this moment because they very well know that Kishori will definitely say the same thing and getting this opportunity Rohini played her last card. Rohini came near Kishori and said. Rohini with fake sadness "Kaki ji, why did one of your granddaughter suffer due to the sins of your another granddaughter, we can't change what happened today, But whatever happened today, it is very clear that now Piyush will not marry to Pankhuri. But we can't even take the wedding procession back without bride, because it will bring disrepute to us. It will ruin our reputation. But kaki ji there's one way due to which both of us family can escape from this slander". Kishori look towards being confused and asked "how?" Kishori - By getting Shruti and Piyush married, see that you yourself know that after the spectacle that has happened today, no one would like to keep any relationship with your house. And we too cannot take back such a wedding procession without a bride, so it will be correct for both the families. Like this we can save our reputation and Shruti life will be not get spoil. Everyone who are present there got stunned and Guest also started murmuring to themselves. Raghuveer - Rohini ji Do you even know what you are talking about? Rohini - I am speaking correct Raghuveer ji, and what do you want our son should be a laughing stock in his friend circle, you want people to make fun of him behind his back? because of the deeds of this girl Pankhuri, Tell me, Raghuveer ji? Kishori after thinking for some seconds said "You are right Rohini ji, this is the right way to avoid this slander and to avoid ruining Shruti's life, I am ready to get Shruti married to Piyush". Ishwar - have you lost your mind Kishori? the person whose wedding procession has come for the elder daughter of our house, you want to get him married to the younger daughter of our house? If Piyush does not want to marry Pankhuri, then the procession can be taken back by him, but Shruti and Piyush will not get married. Shruti got shocked listening her Dadaji statement and again started cursing Pankhuri in her mind for totally snatching her grandfather, but now she's scared and nervous what if Kishori get agree to Ishwar word's and step back from her decision of marrying her with Piyush, she has to do something before everything slipped from her hands. Shruti making the most innocent face "yes Dadi, Dadaji is telling the truth, I too have full faith in my sister, she can never do such a thing, and you please leave the thought of my marriage with Piyush, How can I take my sister's place? How can I marry Piyush, who was going to be my sister's husband? even though I may not be married for life, I know Dadi tomorrow society will say bad things about me too, will also raise a fingers on my character, but I will bear everything for my sister sake." She said last line knowingly to trigger Kishori more. Kishori - Shut up Shruti, why would you pay for someone else's actions? The sister for whom you want to sacrifice she has ruined the name of our family in the society. You will not suffer the punishment of someone else's sins, you have my swear that you will have to marry Piyush. But this time Sanjay said "But maa, how can this possible? this is not correct". Kishori - What's not correct? Say, what's not correct? What your daughter Pankhuri did was right? No na, her cheap doing has tarnish our family reputation completely. Shruti's future is in jeopardy, Sanjay you think, can you see another daughter suffering the punishment of the doings of your one daughter? Can you see Shruti sitting at home unmarried for the rest of her life? Can you see her listening to the taunts of the society without making any mistake? No na, That's why I am saying it is correct, atleast this will save Shruti's life from being ruined. Accept my word's Sanjay. Sanjay didn't speak single words after listening Kishori statement and stand still there. Ishwar - Sanjay why are you standing silent? How can Piyush and Shruti get marry? This will spoil Shruti's life, because Piyush loves Pankhuri, he will never be able to accept Shruti, you take the example of yours and Janki. The mistake that I and your mother did with you, you don't repeat that same mistake with Shruti. Kishori - ji, please Piyush was in love with Pankhuri but after knowing her truth, he now hates her. And I am sure Shruti and Piyush will gradually come closer to each other. If you will not agree to this relationship, then I will give my life right now here. Ishwar - what are you saying Kishori? Kishori - I'm telling the truth, ji, I really will give my life if you and Sanjay will not say yes for this marriage and Shruti will not get ready for this marriage. Then Shruti come forward and again started her drama faking cry "Dadi please don't say that, I will do whatever you say, I am ready for this marriage. Only and only for your happiness". Then Shruti move towards numb Pankhuri and angry Tulika and said while faking guilt "Forgive me Pankhuri and Maa, but I can't lose my Dadi." Kishori - Shruti There is no need to apologize to anyone, you go and get ready. Then only Piyush spoke angrily gaining everyone attention . Piyush (angrily) - Enough is enough now, mom, how can you get me married to Shruti without asking me? and why? Pankhuri cheated on me and now I am not getting married to her, but it does not mean that I should marry Shruti. today and just now my marriage is broken and you want to get me married to someone else right now, without asking me even once, how could you? Rohini - Piyush, whatever I am doing I am doing for your good only. Piyush - mom, the house whose elder daughter betrayed me broke my heart, what good are you doing by getting me married to the younger daughter of the same house? Rohini - son, today if this procession goes back without taking a bride, then you know how much infamy will be ours, your father's and yours. We had agreed to your marriage with a Bengali girl for your happiness. Can't you marry Shruti for the respect for your mom, dad? and Piyush, Shruti is a nice and cultured girl, she is not like this Pankhuri at all. Why do you want to ruin your life for this lousy characterless girl? But if still you will not listen to me, then I will leave this city and go away that too forever and ever. Piyush and Raghuveer look towards Rohini being shocked and at last Piyush get agree to marry Shruti. After completing all the marriage rituals, priest asked Piyush and Shruti to take blessings from elders. Shruti and Piyush step down from the wedding porch when everyone listened the clapping sound. When everyone look towards the source of sound it was none other than Tulika. To be continued...........
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