Misconceptions, Hate & Demolition Part-1

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Chatakkkkk.....a slapping sound echo in the whole hall. Then everyone looked towards the sound and it was Kishori who slapped Shruti . The intensity of slapped was so strong that Shruti stumbled back and hold her cheek. Before she could speak anything Kishori again Slapped her on her another cheek and again she slapped Shruti and again and again. Like this the slap was going on. No one stop Kishori for slapping Shruti and at last after 15- 20 Slapped Kishori finally stop. And saw towards her granddaughter whom she always thought her pride . The same Shruti who never opened her mouth infront of the elders did this much of big sin. Kishori is now ashamed of her upbringing. In past She always taunted Tulika and asked her to control her daughter Pankhuri and she even many times told Pankhuri to not to wear western outfits and wear Salwar kameez like her Shruti because according to her good house girls didn't wear such type of outfits. She always said Pankhuri to learn something from her granddaughter Shruti. Now she's understanding how wrong she was judging the person. The granddaughter whom she thinks the pride of her family she's the same who brings shame to their family. Kishori - how can you stoop so low ? How can you even think of doing such disgusting things. This is not my upbringing. you had tainted your own sister dignity. Chiiii.....you has done such a big sin. A woman like you has no right to be alive. Saying this Kishori again Slapped her. Shruti got stunned listening her grandmother words she actually said that she don't deserve to live and she looked towards her and called her with teary eyes "Dadi". (Dadi - grandmother) Kishori - don't you ever dare to call me Dadi from the filthy mouth of yours you are dead for me from today. Then she again slapped her Shruti both the cheeks are blood red now due to getting the continuous slap. Kishori again angrily said "Shruti you are the black dot on the name of woman". Saying this Kishori again raised her hand to slap her but this time Shruti hold her hand and jerk it forcefully due to which Kishori stumbled back and about to fall down when Sanjay hold her everyone got shocked seeing the scene and Sanjay looked towards Shruti with extreme anger. "How dare you push maa like this. Even after doing such a big sin, there's no sign of regret in your eyes. Having a daughter like you it would have been better that I and Jhanki don't have any child" Sanjay yelled on Shruti angrily Shruti - enough is enough, Yes I am bad I'm very very very bad, I'm such a lousy, cheap and disgusting person. But do you all know who made this Shruti a disgusting human being? you people made me like this. I did not want to be like this but because of you people I became like this, an evil . Papa it's all your fault because of you and your second wife I became an evil person, because of you and Tulika maa my maa committed suicide, did you forget that? and what you did? you marry her after my mother's death and you gave your name to your illegitimate child Pankhuri. Since then, I hate these two mother and daughter duo, I hate them. Pankhuri's mother snatched my mother from me and because of Pankhuri I have to share your and dadaji (dadaji-grandfather) love with her. but from this also she didn't satisfied that she was snatching my love my Piyush from me too. I hate Pankhuri, she's reason behind my miserable childhood and my miserable life. Remember the day when my mother gave her life by slicing her wrists, that time also you aren't with us with your family, infact at that time you are with these mother and daughter. do you remember? FLASHBACK : Tulika was widow her husband Pankaj Bose dead after there 2 months of marriage in a car accident along with her in-laws but some how Tulika survive. Actually Pankaj and Tulika were childhood friends and Tulika mother Sobha Ghosh and Pankaj mother Upasana Bose was also good friend. Rathi family and Ghosh family were neighbours they live in the same locality their houses opposite to each other. When both the families got to know that Sanjay and Tulika love each other, Ishwar and Kishori got so much angry upon Sanjay for loving a bengali girl and wanted to marry her and they asked him to break his relationship with Tulika but when he said no to their demand. Ishwar by threatening Sanjay that he will take his own life he made Sanjay helpless and atlast Sanjay give on to their demand, He not only broke their relationship but also broke Tulika heart and after some week Ishwar and Kishori make Sanjay married to a Marwari girl Jhanki. On the day of Sanjay and Jhanki marriage Tulika come to know that she's pregnant with Sanjay child. On the other side Shobha also started finding good alliance for Tulika. When Upasana and her husband came to Shobha for asking Tulika hand for Pankaj, saying that Pankaj loved Tulika from long time. Listening their words Shobha immediately said yes for this marriage. Where on the other side Tulika deny to marry Pankaj because she can't tell her mother that she's pregnant with Sanjay child and other side she don't want to destroy Pankaj life. When Shobha didn't listened to her words, Tulika directly went to meet Pankaj and said him everything related to her past and being her pregnant with Sanjay child and asked him to deny for this marriage. But what Pankaj replied in return to her she got astonished. Pankaj - Tulika I love you from long time but didn't find courage to propose you. If Maa and Baba didn't saw your photo at my wallet then they also never comes to know that I have feelings for you. I know you got betrayal in love and your wounds are fresh that's why you don't want any other man in your life. But what about the baby which is growing inside you . Don't you think he/she deserves happiness and father's name? Tulika this world is so cruel it won't spare you nor this innocent soul. According to our so-called society becoming mother without wedlock is crime they will not let you leave peacefully nor this baby. Even masimaa (masimaa - Aunty) has to suffer. I love you Tulika and I really wanted to marry you and I'm ready to accept this child I will love him/her as my own. I will give him/her my name so that no one dare to question his/her existence. This is what I only wanted to say Now it's yours decision what you want. If you are ready for this marriage then let me know. (saying this went from there) Tulika came back home and started thinking about Pankaj words . Whole night she thought and next day she called him and say yes for the marriage and promise him that she will try to become a good wife for him. Within a week they both got married. Seeing Tulika marriage with someone else Sanjay heart got broken into million pieces but he somehow managed himself and pray in his heart for Tulika happy married life. After two months of their marriage Pankaj discovered the truth infront of his family that Tulika is pregnant. due to which his mother and father are in cloud nine including Sobha whom they informed via phone call. Sobha kept Prayer at the temple for the wellbeing of the upcoming baby for which Bose family is going to temple when middle of the road their car clashed with the truck but some how Tulika survive along with the baby after the death of Pankaj and her in-laws Tulika become emotionally weak although she don't love him as a lover but she loved him like a friend and his death really affect her a lot and even some of the relatives of Pankaj family taunts her and her unborn baby saying that how inauspicious the baby is before birth only he/she ate his father along with his/her grandparents. Seeing her daughter condition Sobha took Tulika from Pankaj house and came back to her own house. Like this day's are passing and Tulika gave birth to a baby girl and kept her name Pankhuri as similar to Pankaj name because when he was alive he always said that the upcoming baby will be girl only. Seeing innocent face of Pankhuri, Tulika forgot her all miseries and started living her life for her daughter. Like this 12 years past away in this year Shobha also dead due to her bad health. Again Tulika was alone but Pankhuri was there for her who is her happiness her strength. It was Pankhuri's 13 birthday celebration was going on inside Ghosh house when Pankhuri fall down from the stairs and badly got hurt on her forehead blood started to oozing out from her forehead and she got unconscious. Tulika with the help of her one neighbour immediately took her to the hospital Tulika is so scared seeing her daughter like that she already lost everything and important person in her life but she don't want to lose her daughter who's the only reason for which she's still living. At hospital doctor immediately took her to the operation theatre because so much blood already flows from her body and started arranging blood for Pankhuri but there is only one blood bag is available in the hospital blood bank of Pankhuri's blood group. They tried to contact all others hospitals of Kolkata but Pankhuri's blood group blood bag was not available there because Pankhuri's has rare blood group that O-ve . Even Tulika also don't have same blood group. So Doctor said to Tulika "Mrs Bose you called your husband as soon as possible because may be his blood group would match your daughter's blood group. We need blood as soon as possible or your daughter will not be able to survive". Tulika got numb listening doctor words . When Doctor saw that she's not reacting she shake Tulika shoulder and she came back to her sense and literally run from their to the colony towards the Rathi House. Entering inside the Rathi House she loudly started calling Sanjay name. Kishori got angry seeing Tulika in her house and started shouting on her but Tulika didn't gave damn to words and continue calling Sanjay name. Just When Sanjay enter inside the house who came back from his Office. Sanjay ask getting worried seeing her like that "What happened Tulika ? You are looking so tensed. And how is this blood in your clothes?" Tulika - Sanjay, my daughter Pankhuri she fallen down from stairs she gets deep injury over her head, it is bleeding so much. Doctor said that she immediately needs blood but her blood group is rare, That is why we are not getting it any blood bank. Sanjay is your blood type is O-ve?. Sanjay got shocked listening Pankhuri is in emergency her life is in stake. Although he never talked with her but he always saw her playing in the colony going to school and sometimes coming back from her tuition. He always felt connection towards her, he always felt happy inside his heart whenever he saw her laughing and giggling with her friends. Pankhuri is only one year elder then his daughter Shruti and they are in same school. Sanjay - yes Tulika my blood group is O-ve. Tulika felt relieved listening his word and said "then please come with me Sanjay, please save my daughter she needs blood". Sanjay - then we let's not be late Tulika. Let's go to the hospital. They were about to move out of the house when Kishori stop Sanjay. Kishori - where are you going Sanjay? it can be her trick to again trap you. In this whole world you are only the one who have took the contract of donating blood? someone else will give blood to her daughter. "maa, how can you even say all this things at this time. There a child is fighting with her life and death and you". Sanjay said in unbelievably voice seeing her mother cruelty Kishori - whatever it is. But you are not going anywhere that's final. Tulika - kaki (kaki - Aunty) You have a problem with me na, then why are you taking revenge on my child? She's only 13 years old, only one year older than your daughter Shruti and in hospital she is fighting for her life. How can you be so cruel? Kishori - Yes I have problem with you, because you want to trap my son again. But this time, I will not allow this to happen. Sanjay will not go anywhere. By the way other people's are dead? only my son is left to give blood to your daughter Pankhuri. Tulika now losing her patience listening her words and she angrily spoke. Tulika said angrily "Yes, it is only Sanjay who can give the blood to Pankhuri, because he's the biological father of Pankhuri". And this secret was like a bomb for Rathi Family and especially for Jhanki and Shruti who's is today got to know that Sanjay has someone else in his life and having a daughter with her. Sanjay looked towards Tulika with widened eyes. Even all the neighbours also listened what Tulika said and started gossiping with eachother. Tulika - Sanjay please let's go. Pankhuri needs you now. Sanjay didn't speak further and moved with Tulika towards the hospital to save his daughter life. While other side Jhanki was totally broken knowing her husband truth. Not knowing the full truth She thought that his husband was having affair after her marriage behind her back that's why he took so much time to accept her. But still never show her loved although he always fulfilled his husband duties but never reciprocate to her love. Now she got to know the reason why her husband never fall in love with her because he is having another woman in his life and he too have another daughter with that woman. She cried behind the closed door and the pain of getting betrayal by her own husband is not reducing so she took fruit knife and slice her both hand wrists. In the misconceptions that his husband having affair behind her back. Meanwhile, Shruti also crying thinking about her father how he betrayal her mother. On the other side, After giving blood Sanjay came out of the room. When Tulika said him to go to his home because today what happened and the truth she reveals everyone will be disturbed after knowing such big truth. But Sanjay denied saying that he will not leaving his daughter Pankhuri. He was already away from her past 13 years and right now after knowing the reality of Pankhuri he will not leave her when she is still unconscious. When Pankhuri gain her consciousness. Sanjay saw her from the glass and went to his home. Unknown to that biggest disaster is already taken place in his absence. To be continued.................
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