Misconceptions, Hate & Demolition Part-2

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Sanjay came back to the colony and saw that ambulance is standing at the outside and some ward boys came out from the colony holding stracher where Jhanki body is laying lifelessly . Sanjay got shocked seeing Jhanki dead. The hospital staff took the body to the hospital and after postmortem, Rathi family did the last rites of Jhanki. After some weeks: Pankhuri came back home from hospital and now her wound is perfectly fine. Tulika got to know about Jhanki suicide and she also felt bad and little guilty because after knowing Sanjay and her past relationship she committed suicide. One day when Tulika was coming out from her house to go to her office some women from Mahila Samiti (a ngo who work for the welfare of the women and help them to get justice when something bad happens with them) came towards Tulika and hold her saying that they came in the complaint of Jhanki's parent. That there daughter did suicide because of Tulika who was having affair with her husband from long time and they all started to insult Tulika calling her homewrecker and with different different bad names. When Pankhuri see all this things she try to protest but some of the Women also hold her and Pankhuri started crying seeing her mother getting humiliated. No neighbours came to resume Tulika. When the other women are about to apply black paint over her face. When Sanjay came to her rescue. And started arguing with them and at last to save Tulika respect and to save her from the humiliation, Sanjay walk towards Durga maa temple which is situated inside the colony only and took some vermilion from the foot and suddenly filled Tulika hairline from the vermilion. Tulika got shocked seeing this. And then Sanjay roared angrily. "Now Tulika is my wife, beware if anyone ever thinks about hurting Tulika and my daughter Pankhuri, then nobody will be worse than me" Sanjay roared angrily Pankhuri was shocked when she listened Sanjay addressing her his daughter. Rathi family too get shocked along with the neighbours. Shruti is burning in anger seeing all this. Tulika touch her hairline and started crying more and run inside her house. Pankhuri to run behind her mother. Kishori got angry upon Sanjay for his act. But the most shocking thing is that Ishwar supported Sanjay and asked him to marry Tulika with all the rituals. Sanjay got happy listening his father words. After some hours Ishwar went to Ghosh house to talk with Tulika. At First Tulika was not ready but when Ishwar talked with her and asked forgiveness from her for what he did 13 years ago and he also told her the actual truth, that why Sanjay broke up with her. Tulika was shell shocked knowing the actual reason behind Sanjay break up with her. While Pankhuri is listening all this things standing at the door of her mother bedroom. Ishwar after talking with Tulika when turn to go out of the room saw that Pankhuri is standing at the door he walky near Pankhuri and caressed her head and kissed on her forehead and went outside of the house. Pankhuri has some many questions running inside her mind she was not able to digest the brand new truth that her real father is not Pankaj Bose it's Sanjay Rathi. But somehow Tulika manage to handle her and for the sake of Pankhuri future she said yes for marriage. Because now everyone come to know that Pankhuri being Sanjay child. So now this society will not leave her daughter they will definitely trouble her which Tulika don't want so she agreed to get marry with Sanjay. Same day at evening both Sanjay and Tulika got marry at the Colony infront of all the neighbours. Kishori out of anger didn't want to do her grihapravesh but who will go against the head of house who's none other than Ishwar. She reluctantly did all the post marriage rituals and welcome Tulika along with Pankhuri inside home. (grihapravesh - the welcoming of the bride to her new home.) Like this year's were passing and Pankhuri started calling Sanjay as papa but she never change her surname it was always Pankhuri Pankaj Bose. But in those years Shruti anger turns into hatred for Tulika and Pankhuri. But she started hating Pankhuri more but always hide it behind her innocent face. Because in Shruti point of view Pankhuri is not only her half sister but also she's the living example of her father extramarital affair. Although Shruti also Started calling Tulika as maa because she can't deny the fact that she always get motherly affection from Tulika. Tulika always love her like she loves Pankhuri. But whenever Shruti see her father and Dadaji love for Pankhuri her hate increased more for her. So she always try to get more close with Tulika so that she creates void between Tulika and Pankhuri but it never happened, because for Tulika, Pankhuri and Shruti both are equal. But Shruti is happy that her Dadi is not accepted Pankhuri and Tulika and whenever Kishori got chance she used to taunt them. After completing her intermediate Pankhuri joined Kolkata University. Where Piyush is already studying. Piyush was in first year of MBA . When he first time saw Pankhuri in fresher party he was totally flat upon Pankhuri seeing such a beautiful girl. He decided that he will make her his girlfriend. And from that day he started getting closed with Pankhuri. First Piyush did friendship with her and never leave a chance to come close to her but not in a wrong or impress her. In the year of their friendship they become best friend and in this time Piyush also got to know that she's different from other girls whom he dated earlier and he started falling for her. Shruti also joined the same University after completing her intermediate. Pankhuri introduce Piyush to Shruti and seeing Piyush, Shruti felt something in her heart. Like this trio life is going good. But the thing is that Piyush is completely fallen in love with Pankhuri but for Pankhuri, Piyush was only her friend and nothing else. When other side Shruti also completely fallen in love with Piyush. Whenever she see Pankhuri and Piyush alone talking with eachother she became jealous and angry too. Sometimes she even tried to break their friendship but didn't get successful because of Pankhuri's maturity. Piyush was in final year of MBA and after 1 months he have final exams. He was sad because he was going to leave the university and that he will not be able to meet Pankhuri and see her everyday. Piyush exam was over, he finally passed with good percentage. Same with Pankhuri and Shruti their also first year and second year result came and they both also got passed with good percentage. Piyush joined his family business but he was always in touch with Pankhuri. Sometimes he met Pankhuri on sunday, sometimes they both go to hang out together, or sometimes they both talk late night via phone. Which Shruti did not like at all, she still did not know that Piyush loves Pankhuri, she still thinks them they are closed friends, but even then their closeness always pricked her eyes. she also used to try to get close to Piyush and wanted to spend her time with him alone, but he could not do so due to fear of Kishori, who's actually a orthodox lady who don't like closeness between boy's and girls. One day Whole Rathi Family went to attend a wedding. Where Rohini Jindal also present there. When she saw Shruti she liked her due to her quiet with preserved nature, Rohini like her shy nature and thinks that she's perfect to be the daughter-in-law of Jindal family and think to ask her hand for her son Piyush. Unknown to that Piyush loved Pankhuri. When Rohini get back home she talked about this with Raghuveer and he also get agreed . Meanwhile, Rohini started collecting information about Shruti when she got to know about Jhanki suicide and Tulika and Sanjay affairs and how they got married and about Pankhuri. She felt disgust for them and think that whatever Shekhar did there is no fault of Shruti and moreover Shruti is cultural, traditional girl with norms and values and she perfect to become daughter-in-law of their house and moreover if in society people Will get to know that beside being knowing about Rathi family not so good history still they're making Shruti their daughter-in-law there honor and respect will increase more infront of the society. When Raghuveer and Rohini went to talk with Piyush about Shruti. Piyush dropped the bomb saying that he love Pankhuri who's elder sister of Shruti and his best friend too and wanted to marry her. Listening About Piyush loving Pankhuri, Rohini was hell shell-shocked that her son loves that Bengali girl who's illegitimate. But Raghuveer face is neutral because for him his son happiness matters the most. Rohini was not at all ready to go to the Rathi House for asking Pankhuri hand but Raghuveer said that Piyush love Pankhuri and for him his son's happiness matters not any caste and religion. Unwilling Rohini got agreed but inside her heart she is cursing Pankhuri for coming in her Son's life. Rohini and Raghuveer went to Rathi House to meet Pankhuri after informing their arrival. Pankhuri was confused seeing them although she never met them personally but she knows them as they are Piyush parents and Raghuveer Jindal is one of the richest man in the Kolkata city. Shruti was so sad and crying inside her heart and cursing Pankhuri for snatching her love Piyush from her. Although Kishori don't like Tulika and Pankhuri but she can't deny the fact that Pankhuri is her granddaughter so she's also happy seeing this much big and richest family son's alliance came for Pankhuri and Kishori immediately said yes for this proposal but Tulika cuts her words and said that they need time to think about this proposal because Pankhuri is still studying. Kishori got angry seeing Tulika going against her decision but kept quiet infront of guests. All the while Pankhuri is shocked to react knowing that her bestfriend loves her and wanted to marry her. But she never gave him any hint like that. She always thinks him as her friend only. Thinking all this things Pankhuri called Piyush and asked to meet her at coffee shop. And she too left the house to meet Piyush. At Coffee Shop: Pankhuri - Piyush What is all this? I mean why didn't you ever tell me about your feelings? And suddenly this marriage proposal? Piyush - Pankhuri when I first time I saw you at fresher party. I promise to myself that I will make you my girlfriend. But when I befriended you, been close to you I came to know that you are very different from other girls. slowly slowly I started falling for you but I was afraid to say my feelings, I used to think that if you refused May be our friendship get break. But when mom and dad ask me to get married, then I had to tell them that I love you and wanted to marry You. I know I am just a good friend for you. But for me you are my first love, anyways whatever your decision will been, I will accept it. Pankhuri I promise you I will never forced you to love me but I will only love you all my life. Saying all this Piyush went from there. To be continued.................
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