Revelation Of Bitter Truth

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Meanwhile, Tulika comes to Pankhuri apartment and enter inside and went near Pankhuri flat before she could rang the doorbell she saw the main door is partly open so without thinking twice she entered inside and heard some giggling sounds coming out from the room, she walk towards the room and what she saw it was enough to make her heart flooded with happiness. Inside the room Anant is holding breakfast plate and walking behind Pankhuri from one end of the balcony to another end and making her eat paratha with his own hand while Coaxing her like a kid to eat one more bite. Anant (coaxingly)- Pankhuri this is the last morsel. After that I will not feed you anymore. Now come on open your mouth like this ( saying this he show her by opening his own mouth) Pankhuri angrily glared him and took a piece of paratha from the plate and puts on his mouth. Anant eyes widened seeing her what she just done some seconds before and he gulped the piece of paratha. "What was that Pankhuri ?" Anant asked unbelievably Pankhuri making cute balloon like face she says "This is what you have been saying for the last 15 minutes, this is the last piece, this is the last piece after that I will not feed you" she mimicked his words. "but your last paratha piece is not even over yet, already you have fed me 3 parathas. I don't want to eat anymore I'm full" she moved her face to other direction making cute angry face. Anant smile listening her cute compliant and seeing her cute angry face and said Anant - Pankhuri you know this is your last month of pregnancy and I want you to be very strong at the time of delivery and our baby should born healthy. ( unknowingly he said our baby when Pankhuri looked towards her little astonished when Anant cover-up his previous words and said) I mean upcoming baby. I promise this is last one after that I will not feed you anymore. Pankhuri - pinky promise? (she asked cutely while forwarding her little finger) Anant with a smile while tangling his little finger with her "yes pinky promise promise. So Princess Pankhuri Would you be pleased to open your mouth now?" Pankhuri smile and immediately nodded her head and open her mouth and Anant chuckled and started feeding her again. This whole scenario was seen by Tulika. She came to meet Pankhuri to asked her about her well-being and to scold her for living like that kolkata city writing a letter and Off course about her pregnancy that how this all happened. But seeing her happy and giggling with Anant and seeing Anant cared for her daughter Pankhuri she didn't felt like to disturb their happiness so without saying anything she moved from their thinking that now she knows where her Pari lived so some other day she will come and meet her and asked her all the questions which is running inside her brain. At Night : Shruti was so much worried for Piyush because it is already going to be 1:30 still Piyush didn't came home, Whole day he was outside . Although Raghuveer told Shruti and Rohini that Piyush messaged him that he will not come home today because he was staying at his friend place. But still Shruti is restless. Shruti POV : "Where are you Piyush? and which friend's house you are staying today? You are not even picking up my phone. Somewhere you are not with Pankhuri ? No no it can't happen you are thinking too much Shruti. Because till date Pankhuri deception has not been forgotten by Piyush, I don't think Piyush will behind her. But why do I am feeling so restless that something very bad is going to happen. Don't know why I am getting so afraid, I hope everything is all right and my instinct get proved wrong". POV end Next Day Morning : Piyush came to Pankhuri flat and started ringing the doorbell. When meanwhile, Maanyata came out of her flat to pick the newspaper and saw him ringing the doorbell of Pankhuri flat and asked. Maanyata - oye hello! Mr, why are you ringing the doorbell of my Pankhuri didi flat ? Can't you see their is big locked at the door. Then only Piyush notice the big lock at the door and asked to Maanyata "Do you know where is Pankhuri? because the office time has not even started, so she must not have gone to the office and she is also not receiving my calls". Maanyata frowned listening Piyush words and question him back " excuse me who are you? and why do you want to know about my didi?". Piyush - I am Pankhuri's friend I want to meet her as soon as possible . Please if you know where she is then please tell me. It's really urgent. Maanyata with attitude folding her hands near to her chest and say's "how can I believe you that you are Pankhuri didi friend ? because till date no one came to meet her". Piyush was going to speak when they both heard Anant from voice inside the flat . Anant - Maanyata how long does it take to bring a newspaper? breakfast is getting cold. And even Pankhuri also did not started eating yet come fast. Listening Anant voice and Pankhuri name from his mouth Piyush run inside the flat. While Maanyata move behind him asking him to stop " hey Mr wait Where are you going ?" but it was too late Piyush already entered inside the flat. Pankhuri and Anant who's sitting in the dinning table get astonished seeing Piyush and both asked him. Anant - Mr Jindal you here in my house? Pankhuri ask in cold voice "What are you doing here Piyush?" When Anant looked at Pankhuri getting stunned that she called Piyush by his name and now his doubt is getting more cleared that somewhere Piyush is related to Pankhuri past life. " Pankhuri please come with me to my house. Please Pankhuri" Piyush said in impatient voice. Pankhuri - and why do you think that I will come to your house with you? Pankhuri again spatted coldly Piyush took deep breathe and spoke "Pankhuri I have come to know that whatever happened 9 months ago it was not yours fault. Someone had framed you for a messy purpose " Hearing Piyush statement sweat beads formed upon Anant forehead and he thought now the time comes When all the truth will come out and his vulgar face too. Now after that Pankhuri will hate him he will lost her and his baby. But One day it had to happen, the truth had to come out. Anant came out of his thought listening Pankhuri words. Pankhuri - good finally you got to know the truth that someone framed me that day. But now what is the use of this. damage is already done. Piyush - I'm sorry Pankhuri, I'm really very sorry for not trusting you that day and left you alone to face the humiliation. And I know for that I don't deserve your forgiveness but Wouldn't you like to know who is the person behind it whatever happened with you? Who ruined your life? Who planned to humiliate you infront of the world? Who wanted to stop our marriage? Don't you wanna know? Pankhuri with anger and moist eyes ask "who's that person Piyush?" Piyush - You will know everything but for that you have to come with me to my house. I beg you Pankhuri please come with me.(He pleaded infront of her) Pankhuri - okay, let's go. But Anant interrupt them and said "Pankhuri will not go alone I will also come with her". Piyush nodded his head in yes. While all the time Maanyata is seeing them like a fool she's not getting anything what is actually going on, but she got to know one thing that the matter is related to her Pankhuri didi so she also said " I will also come with you all". Anant was shocked now hearing Maanyata words. He knows that today every truth is going to unfold and after knowing his brother sin how will his little sister react today is actually a black day for him he's going to lose the three important person of his life whom he love the most in the entire world. After that all of them left for Piyush flat. At Piyush Flat: Shruti and everyone is worried for Piyush except Tulika. Because it was already 9:00 am and Piyush didn't came home nor he is receiving anyone's calls. When they suddenly saw that Piyush entering inside the house and seeing him fine everyone sigh in relief. But seeing Pankhuri and Anant with one more girl standing behind Piyush they all got confused but Shruti face colour drained seeing Anant standing with Pankhuri and Piyush. Anant took got shocked seeing Shruti in Piyush house. Piyush move towards them and stand at the middle of the hall. Raghuveer - what kind of irresponsible behaviour is this Piyush? and why are you not picking our calls? and what is Pankhuri and Anant is doing with you? Piyush - Dad I will answer all your questions, but first of all I have to talk to mom. Saying this he look towards her mother who's standing their with moist eyes. Piyush move towards her and kept her hand on his head and asks "mom you have my swear Whatever I will ask, you will truthfully answer them ". Rohini just nodded her head. Piyush - Were you not happy with my and Pankhuri's marriage? Have you always wanted me to marry Shruti? say mom say the truth ( he yelled loudly) . Raghuveer - what the hell are you speaking Piyush? Piyush - truth dad truth, I'm speaking the truth only. Mom was not happy with my and Pankhuri's marriage. That's why she with Shruti made a plan against us, they both broke my and Pankhuri's marriage. This was like a shock for each and every one who are present their and all look towards Shruti and Rohini who bow down their head. Piyush - I and all of us would never have known this if I had not listened to Shruti and mom talks yesterday. Piyush looked towards Rohini with hurtful eyes and towards Shruti with disgust and Venom filled eyes. FLASHBACK : After coming home from half way when Piyush went near his room and saw his room door is partly open and some sounds are coming from inside. he walked some step and saw that Rohini is yelling at Shruti angrily. He got confused that why his mom is so much angry upon Shruti so he thought to hear them . Rohini (angrily) - How can you stoop so low Shruti ? How can you even think of doing such a cheap act? Shruti pretending like knowing nothing "What did I do Mummy ji? So you are getting so mad at me?" Rohini - You are not so innocent as you are trying to be. By making this innocent face, you can fool your family members and the whole world but not me. I'm the one who have seen the vicious mind behind of your this fake innocent face and at yesterday party I saw your disgusting face also. How could you Shruti? How could you destroy Pankhuri life like that? She's pregnant it means that,. That night after making Pankhuri unconscious you not only took pictures and videos of Pankhuri and that unknown man in a compromising position. You even got Pankhuri raped through that unknown man. (She yelled angrily) Shruti - yes yes yes yes I had got her raped through that man so what, You also wanted the same that Pankhuri and Piyush should not get marry, You also wanted Piyush to marry me. What you wanted that only happened na, they didn't get married and Pankhuri also went away from our life. ( She said without any ounce of guilt) Rohini shake her head in unbelievable seeing her this much evilness. Rohini - its true that I didn't like Pankhuri and not wanted Pankhuri to get marry with my son Piyush. But it doesn't mean you will snatched her dignity from her. I was only said yes to clicked those pictures and take video. not told you to got Pankhuri raped through that man. Which kind of sister you are? leave about being you her sister, tell me which type of woman you are? Didn't you thought for a once that for every woman their respect and dignity is above all anything else in this world and you stained it. I made the biggest mistake of my life by making you married to Piyush, it would have been better if Piyush and Pankhuri have got married. At least she's not like you evil, cunning and manipulative. Now enough Just go away from my son's life right now, even the shadow of a woman like you shouldn't fall on my son. I will send you the divorce paper as soon as possible. Shruti look towards her with shocked expression but her expression soon changed into smirk and she started laughing like a mad woman and said. Shruti - Piyush is not only my love he's my obsession, to get him if I can destroyed whole life of my half sister, if I can see my family getting humiliated in front of the society, so Mummy ji do you really think I will divorce him? Even if I had to take someone's life for my Piyush, then also I would never back off. Obsession is clearly visible in her words. Rohini get shocked seeing Shruti obsession for Piyush and now she realised that how wrong she was in judging her seeing her Innocent face which is totally a facade. Rohini - then fine right now I will asked Piyush and Raghuveer ji to throw you out from our house and life . Saying this Rohini was about to walk from there when she stop in her step listening Shruti next words Shruti - and what will you tell to Piyush and Papa ji? Do not forget that you were also involved in this plan with me, Even if you did not know the my another plan for Pankhuri. but you only gave money for all this things, that too 20 lakhs. From the bank's records, it will be easily get proved that 20 lakhs were transferred from your account to that person account whom I hired for this work. Then what will happen? Will Papaji and Piyush forgive you? What about yours and your family reputation Mummy ji? Think about it, that's why I am saying let it go as it is going, let us keep this secret between the two of us. Rohini look helpless towards Shruti and Shruti smirked seeing her helplessness. Unknown to them that their dark and deepest secret was now revealed infront of Piyush. FLASHBACK END Pankhuri stumbled back listening this when Anant hold her quickly. All are so shocked that they can't even able to digest what they all listened just now. When Tulika sat in the sofa with a thud. To be continued.............
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