Critical Health

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At The Hospital: Doctor - Anant, the reports of Maanyata, will come by tomorrow, but Anant - but what Vinoy Sir? Vinoy - I am thinking the matter serious. be ready for whatever comes in the report tomorrow. listening Vinoy words Anant heart started beating fast. Anant - Maanyata is my little sister, there is no one other than her in this world for me. nothing can happen to her. (he is fumbling with the words) Vinoy - Anant I can't say anything right now, wait till tomorrow till the report comes, Maanyata will have to keep it in the hospital today, don't worry about the bills, I will see it. Anant - thank you Vinoy Sir. You are helping me so much even though you have no relation with us. Vinoy - what are you speaking Anant, Your mother Neelima was a very nice person, she has treated my children like her own children, to say she had a caretaker but has always handled her like a mother, me and Madhulika in her responsibility could leave our children and go out of the city. ( he says with a smile) Next Day : Anant is impatiently sitting inside the cabin, while Vinoy is checking the reports. Vinoy - what I feared the same thing happened, Maanyata was suffering from Severe coronary artery disease. Anant didn't understand the medical name of the disease but he knows her sister is suffering from some big disease which is related to the heart. Anant almost crying "This means my sister's condition is not good??" Vinoy - yes Anant her health condition is critical. Anant started crying listening Vinoy's word's "We have already lost our mother already, now I don't want to lose my sister, Vinoy Sir do something save my sister". Vinoy - Anant We have to do Maanyata heart transplantation surgery as soon as possible, otherwise her survival is not possible. Anant - no no I will not let anything happen to my Maanyata, she cannot leave me, I promised my maa in her death bed. that I will always protect Maanyata. (More tears fall from his eyes while saying this) Vinoy - Anant don't feel disheartened It is not an incurable disease, Maanyata will be fine after heart transplantation surgery. Anant - Then as soon as possible you operate on my sister and make her fine. I join hands in front of you. (he beg infront of Vinoy for her sister life) Vinoy - I trace heart donors, but even if heart donor is found, there is still a problem. Anant - which difficulty ? Vinoy - There is an expenditure of 20 lakhs in this surgery and Kavya will have to stay in the hospital for one month, her medical bills are different. I will look into the extra medical bills but you will have to arrange 20 lakhs. Anant - I will do it sir, even if I have to sell myself, I will do that too but I will be able to make arrangements for 20 lakhs only. I cannot see my sister dying in front of my eyes. Vinoy - I'm sorry Anant, I won't be able to give you 20 lakhs this month, Madhulika and I have taken a new bungalow in the elite area, and because of which the savings of both of us have almost become nil. And we have also taken loan from bank and it's interest and all, I'm really very sorry. Anant - no no Vinoy Sir You are not our own but how much you are doing for both of us brother and sister. Last night's medical bill was also paid by you and you are also looking for a heart donor. And after the operation, you are also paying the bill for the months that Maanyata will have to be kept in the hospital. No one does so much help even not our own people, for all this I will be thankful to you for the rest of my life. (he says showing his gratitude towards him) Vinoy - it's ok Anant Now you go and arrange for money and I arrange for heart donor. And yes, it would be better if you don't take Maanyata by discharging her from the hospital. She should remain in the hospital at this time. Anant nodded his head in yes and moved outside of his cabin, Vinoy dialled some of the number's. Anant kept running here and there for the arrangement of money, thus 10 days had passed but till now the money had not been arranged and nor the heart donor. But Vinoy had said that as soon as the donor is found, he will have to do heart transplantation surgery immediately because heart can only remain viable for transplant after being outside of the body for 4-6 hours. After 10 Days: Seeing no way out, Anant called his one and only friend Tushar and after hearing the condition of Maanyata, his friend immediately reached the hospital. seeing Tushar at the hospital Anant immediately hugged him and started crying like a kid. Anant - Tushar its good you have come. Tushar, my sister is suffering from severe coronary artery disease, she will have to undergo heart transplantation as soon as possible otherwise she will not be able to survive. (Saying this he started crying like a kid) Tushar - Anant hold yourself, nothing will happen to Maanyata, she will be fine. Anant - Tushar, how will she be alright? 20 lakhs is needed for the operation, I do not understand from where should I get money, I went to so many places and asked for money from so many people and promised that I will return all the money with interest but no one is ready to help me. How will I save my sister now? (he again cried saying this) Tushar - Don't worry Anant, I try to make arrangements for the money. Anant look towards him with gratitude and say's "thank you so much Tushar " Tushar - Maanyata is like my sister too, I will definitely do as much as I can, I will come in few hours. You don't worry ok. Saying this Tushar leave from there giving hope to Anant. After 3-4 hours Tushar called Anant and said That he has been able to arrange only up to 1 lakh. The hope that I had built inside Anant heart started breaking again after listening to Tushar. he somehow composed himself and said in phone "Tushar please try to borrow from someone, I am ready to pay all the money, please keep trying". Tushar says he will try more and then both cut the call. Anant fold her hand and pray to god standing on the corridor "God maa had given me the responsibility of Maanyata, before her death and I could not fulfill my responsibility, my younger sister is fighting between life and death and I am so helpless that I am not able to do anything to save her life. After the maa death, I some what hold myself for my sister and today my sister is in this condition". more tears rolled down from his eyes. "Plz god save my sister don't snatch her from me, I will not be able to survive". Anant - I have to save my sister and somehow arrange 20 lakhs. But how should I arrange 20 lakh rupees? No one is giving me a loan nor do I have any such valuable thing or assets that I can sell and bring money. (he says helplessly) Anant Stand leaning at the wall with sadness frustration helplessness and in fear of losing his sister, where other side Shruti heard each and every word's of Anant how he's asking monetary help from his friend in phone call how he's praying to god and talking to himself. Shruti thought something in her brain and smirk evilly and went at the corner and called Rohini via phone and after talking with her sometime she cut the call and her evil smirk grew wider. And she moved towards Anant. Shruti - You need 20 lakhs immediately, don't you? for your sister's heart transplant surgery. I can give you 20 lakhs for that, but for that you have to do one work for me. Anant confusingly look towards Shruti and say's. Anant - Yes, but how do you know that I need 20 lakhs to got my sister's heart transplant? and why do you want to help me when we do not even know eachother. Shruti - It is not right to talk here, you come with me, let's go somewhere. Saying this she walk forward and gesture Anant to follow her, Anant was already confused seeing a stranger woman was ready to help him, he wanted to say no but did he has any choice? No, He's urgently in need of money because of Maanyata heart transplantation surgery so he walked behind her to know about what he wants from him in return of money. Shruti - you have to do one thing for me? If you say yes for this work now then I can transfer 10 lakh to your account and after the remaining 10 lakh after the work is done. listening Shruti words again hope built inside his heart, and he immediately says. Anant - I am ready to do any work given by you. (he says without thinking twice) Shruti smirk and says " think properly, will you not back out from your words?" Anant - I urgently in need of money. I can do anything for this. ( he says thinking about his sister Maanyata who is lying on the hospital bed) Then Shruti started narrating him what he has to do, when Shruti completed her words she saw that Anant is fuming in anger while tightly clutching his fists and he angrily walk towards her and about to slap her but stop in the middle controlling his anger. To be Continued......... PRECAP - Anant's crime confession
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