There Is No Repentance For This Sin

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Violence against woman is punishable by law. I don't support any type of harrasment or violence. This is just a story and take it as that only. ? Sensitive content is ahead read at your own risk ⚠️ ⚠️ Highly Unedited Chapter ⚠️ ********************************* Then Shruti started narrating him what he has to do, when Shruti completed her words she saw that Anant is fuming in anger while tightly clutching his fists and he angrily walk towards her and about to slap her but stop in the middle controlling his anger. Anant - You would have asked me to do some illegal work, maybe I would have done it, maybe I have agree to do murder to save my sister. But you are asking to spoil the life of a girl, which I will never do, what kind of woman are you ? Being a girl yourself, you want to destroy the respect of another girl? You want to kill that girl alive? I am feeling ashamed of myself that I have come to the stock room of the hospital to listen to you. I am leaving from here right now. Anant says with extreme disgust and anger Shruti - Don't forget that your one no can take away your sister's life, the girl with whom you have to do all this has nowhere related to you, but the girl who is lying in the hospital bed may be probably taking her last breath is your own sister, your own blood. Would you be able to forgive yourself if something happened to her? That's why I am saying with a cool mind do think once about this offer, Your one yes can give new life to your sister. I am giving you my number, if in case you want to change your decision, call and tell me. Shruti wrote her phone number in a piece of paper and kept it in one of the medicines filled rack and asked him to tell her decision by tonight and walked from there. Anant also angrily walked outside of the room not giving a single glance to the piece of paper. Whole day went away like this Anant trying to arrange money but nothing happens, at the night 8:00 pm Anant was sitting on the terrace of hospital looking aimlessly at the sky, when his phone started ringing, it was Dr. Vinoy, who's calling him, he immediately receive the call. Vinoy - Hello! Anant there is a good news for you, we got the donor. Anant - really thank you thank you so much Vinoy sir, You don't know how much big favor you have done me. Sir, I wanted to know who is that donor? Vinoy - Actually that woman had a very dangerous accident, and after taking her into our hospital the doctor examined her and announce that she is brain dead, so I talked with her family and they give the permission for heart donation. They wants that his daughter should give life to someone even after leaving this world. They're very nice people even didn't wanted any money, you are lucky Anant I also did all the tests and the reports are positive, we can transplant this heart inside Maanyata, Now I'm Sure god also wants to give new life to Maanyata. Anant looking towards the sky say's " Thank you so much God, Thank you so much". Vinoy - We have to start the operation in one hour. Have you made arrangements for the money? (he asked last line hesitatingly) Anant got numb listening the last question, because in his pocket he don't even have more than 500 rupees. Anant closed his eyes and started thinking about all the moment which he spent with his mother and sister. And then his mother promise which she took from Anant before leaving this world. "Anant Now all the responsibility of Maanyata is yours, from today you are not only his brother but also his mother and father. take care of yourself and your sister, keeping her away from every sorrow and trouble, now it is only your responsibility, From now onwards you two are each other's family. Promise me you will always stand by your sister side, never let her go through any trouble, promise me" Vinoy - Hello! Hello! Anant Are you listening to me, was the money arranged? listen, if you want, you can deposit half of the money now, and the rest of the money after surgery, I will talk with the hospital management, about this. Anant took long breath and says "I will deposit half of the money in a few minutes, you start preparing for my sister's surgery". Saying this he cut the call and walked towards the very same stock room where he had conversation with Shruti, he with trembling hand open the door and walk inside and saw that the piece of paper where Shruti wrote her number is lying on the floor. Anant took the paper from the floor and with trembling hand dialled Shruti's number after one ring only Shruti pick the call seeing the unknown number, like she's waiting for this unknown number call only. Shruti - Hello! Anant - I'm ready to do your work, for you should get 10 lakh transferred in my account now. Shruti - Good, tomorrow evening you have to come to that place, I am messaging you the address of that place. Anant - ok After taking with Shruti, Anant cut the call and slide down against the wall like a lifeless body After some minutes Anant deposited the money and Maanyata surgery started, but Anant was sitting in the corridor chair like a dead body. Heart transplant surgery procedure takes approximately 4 hours. after 4 hours the red light of the operation theatre off and after some minutes doctor Vinoy along with two other doctors come out. Vinoy - Anant surgery is successfull. (he says with a big smile) A instant smile spread over Anant lips and without caring anything he immediately hugged him constantly saying thank you. Vinoy - Maanyata will remain unconscious for next 24 hours and will be under observation you can meet her only day after tomorrow, now you go home and eat something, Maanyata is absolutely fine now. Anant nodded his head and one last time saying thank you he went to his house. after reaching his house he took bath and changes his clothes, but didn't eat anything becoz he is not feeling like to eat anything. he laid down in the single bed but sleep is far away from his eyes thinking about tomorrow. Next Day Evening : Anant reach the farmhouse, Shruti saw him and smirk and says Shruti - I have already installed cameras inside the room, don't worry no one will got to know that you're with Pankhuri in that video. But just take care that there is should be no mark on her face or on her body because of which she gets doubt what has happened to her. Anant just nodded his head like a robot, but inside his heart he is feeling angry, helpless, and disgust towards himself and Shruti for what Shruti is hired for him and what he is going to do now, he is going to ruined an innocent girl dignity and that thought is enough to make him killed himself thousand times in his mind. a drop of tears leaked from his eyes, he wiped the tears and slowly walked towards the upstairs room which room Shruti pointed him. Anant reach near the door sweats beads started forming over his forehead with trembling hand, he move his hand towards the door knob but he stop in the middle before twisting the door knob and withdrew his hand back. Anant - no no no I can not do this, how can I commit this sin I can't destroy some innocent girl life. Saying this he turned to go from there but halted in his place when suddenly Maanyata thought came in his mind he needs that remaining 10 lakhs, he wipe the sweat beads that formed on his forehead and again turn towards the door and with trembling hand twisted open the door knob and enter inside the room and saw a fairy looking girl is sleeping in the bed with closed eyes, her face is looking so serene for some seconds Anant lost in her face the girl whose life he is going to destroy now. he move towards her still his gaze is not leaving her face. he sat near her and says. Anant - There is no forgiveness for the sin which I am going to commit now, but if possible then forgive me. I'm sorry I'm really very sorry for what I'm about to do to you. Drop by drop tear fall from his eyes and he leaned towards Pankhuri sleeping figure. Time skipped and after half an hour Anant came out of the room, he didn't find any courage to look back at the girl whom he completely destroyed today. he reach the hall where Shruti is standing, Shruti saw him and says. Shruti - By tomorrow morning the remaining 10 lakh will be transferred to your bank account, and leave this city as soon as possible and never come back here. Anant - Will the sin we have committed by leaving this city forsaken us? (he said with emotionless face) Shruti look towards his face but didn't say anything. Anant - You also know this and I also know that there is no repentance for this sin. and if not today then tomorrow God will surely punish us for this. Saying this Anant left from the farm house. To be Continued.........

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