Facing Them Who Abandoned Her

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One fine morning someone rang the doorbell of Piyush flat. He frowned in his sleep thinking that who came this much early morning, he get up from his bed and move outside of his room and went downstairs and open the door. Seeing the person's infront of his eyes a big smile formed on his face. There his family standing infront of him, his mom Rohini Jindal, his Dad Raghuveer Jindal and his wife Shruti Jindal along with his in-laws Rathi family, Sanjay Rathi, Tulika Rathi, Ishwar Rathi and Kishori Rathi Except Tulika everyone at a time shouted "Surprise". "mom, dad You guys here in delhi. We had a talk last night. But you guys didn't told me that you are coming today" Piyush said in a surprise tone but with a smile. Rohini - we wanted to give you surprise that's why didn't inform you about our coming to Delhi. "Happy birthday my child" Rohini further wished him happily. Raghuveer - Happy Birthday Piyush. Piyush said "Thank you mom and dad" and took their blessings by touching their feet. Shruti with a happy face wishes "Happy Birthday Piyush" . Piyush - Thanks Shruti (he said in plain voice) Shruti felt little hurt seeing Piyush casual behaviour towards her. After that Sanjay, Kishori and Ishwar also wished Piyush and he happily replied to their wishes and took there blessings. But when he went towards Tulika to touched her feet she moved back. Piyush felt bad, but Rohini and Kishori got angry seeing her behaviour towards Piyush. Rohini angrily says "what the hell is this Tulika ji? If you have this much of problem with my son, then why did you come here?" Kishori too angrily says " haan Tulika, Piyush was taking your blessings only na . What is the problem in it giving blessings?" Tulika calmly reply" Rohini ji I am here to keep my daughter heart, for my daughter Shruti happiness . If she is not insist me, I would never come here". She looked towards Kishori and said " and Maa, Piyush has already received blessings from so many people, so I do not think that he needs my blessings anymore". Listening her words Rohini and Kishori got more angry but to handle the situation and to divert them from the recent topic Raghuveer spoke in the middle. Raghuveer - We all are very tired. So I suggest everyone should go to the room and take some rest and yaa Piyush today's evening we have arranged a birthday party for you. You will not go to the office today, ok. And I'm going to invite Mr Gill and some of the employees of his office who are with you at this project. Piyush - ok papa. And after that everyone dispersed towards the rooms. Which was show them by Piyush. At Evening : Pankhuri is getting ready to go to the Piyush birthday party because Mr Gill informed at the office that Raghuveer Jindal specially invited all the project team members at Piyush birthday party and everyone have to go there or else it will not look good. After listening this Pankhuri got to know that Rathi Family will be present there with other Jindal family members. It means her maa also will be there. How can she will face her maa and other members who didn't trust her 9 months back. But Its high time now she has to face them. She can't run away from the situations all the time. She has to be strong for her baby whom she is going to nourish alone when she/ he come to this world. When she was thinking all this things she heard door bell sound and went to open it. It was Anant who is standing at the door. When his eyes fall on Pankhuri he got mesmerized seeing her cladded with dark green colour plazo gown, dupatta is hanging at her left shoulder with minimal makeup with open hair which was curled at the end looking absolutely stunning and more beautiful and also cute too with the baby bump. Pankhuri also get lost while seeing Anant who's wearing full sleeves black jacket pairing with white shirt and blue jeans, hair is set with gel looking handsome like always. When there eyes meet they got lost in each other eyes forgetting the world. Maanyata who came with Anant and when he saw Pankhuri and Anant lovable gaze upon each other she smile brightly and thought to tease them. So she fake cough due to which Pankhuri and Anant came to their sense and broke their eye lock and got embarassed and avoid looking each other. Maanyata teasingly says "Dadabhai, didi If you continue to see each other with such loving eyes. Then in this birth you may not reach the party". Pankhuri and Anant both get more embarassed listening Maanyata words and blushed crept on their faces. "Maanyata, now a days you are speaking a lot". Anant said showing her his fake anger. Maanyata making the most innocent face reply "You only say that we should speak the truth, I am just following your words, In this how came I speaking a lot?" Before Anant could say anything Maanyata again spoke making him amused. Maanyata who saw Pankhuri red cherry like cheeks teasingly spoke "omg didi your cheeks are looking like red cherry. You are blushing due to my statements or someone else intense gaze?". Then only Anant saw Pankhuri face which is actually red due to her continuous blushing his heart flutter with happiness seeing her blushed face and smiled. Knowing he is the reason behind her blushing face. Pankhuri know how much naughty Maanyata is. She will not shut her mouth and continuously teased them to get away from her teasing session . Pankhuri said Pankhuri - Anant we should go now or else we will get late for the party. Anant nodded his head and they both went from their not before saying bye to Maanyata. At Heaven Hotel : Pankhuri and Anant reached hotel actually both were late due to Delhi traffic. Party is going on in a full swing. When Anant and Pankhuri entered inside the party hall. Pankhuri heart started beating fast because she knew that today she's going to face them first time after that dreadful incident. But she should be strong while facing them. Piyush saw Anant and Pankhuri and smirked and went towards them excusing one of his business client with whom he was talking earlier. Piyush - Welcome Mr Mukherjee and Miss Bose Piyush said with a smirk looking at Pankhuri uneasy face. "Thank you Sir and Happy Birthday" Anant said with a smile and forward him a bouquet. "Happy Birthday Mr Jindal " Pankhuri said normally without any expression Piyush - well thank you Miss Bose and Mr Mukherjee. you both are little late some minutes before only I cut the cake. But anyways come let me introduce you both to my Dad and my family. ( He said with a smirk) Listening Piyush words all colours drained from face Pankhuri face. She clutch her dress with one hand and kept her another hand over her stomach. Now the time came she has to face them, with a determination she said. Pankhuri - sure why not Sir, we will love to meet them. ( She said with a confident) Here listening Pankhuri words which is filled with confidence, Piyush smirk disappeared from his lips. Pankhuri and Anant walk with Piyush to meet his family. Trio came near Jindal family and Rathi Family, who are standing together except Shruti who was not present there with them. when they all saw Pankhuri with baby bump they all get shocked, Tulika have happy tears in her eyes seeing her daughter after 9 months. While Sanjay is still shocked seeing Pankhuri pregnant, Ishwar is happy but little hurt and sad seeing Pankhuri pregnant. while Kishori is giving her disgusting look. and among them the most shocked person is Rohini. Piyush - Dad, he's Mr Anant Mukherjee our project leader and she's Miss Pankhuri Bose one of the team member of our recent project. Two most efficient, dedicated and hardworking employees of Gill enterprises. Pankhuri and Anant both greet at a time "hello! Sir nice to meet you" . While all got astonished seeing Pankhuri formal behaviour towards them like she is meeting them first time. Raghuveer also get shocked and flabbergasted seeing Pankhuri heavily pregnant and talking with him formally. but he cover up his facial expression and said. Raghuveer - Nice to meet you too. Enjoy the party (saying this he moved from there) After that Pankhuri and Anant also move from there and Anant make her sit one of the corner table and went to fetch food for her. When Shruti saw Pankhuri siting in the chair and got shocked. Before she could move towards her, she saw Sanjay is coming towards Pankhuri. Sanjay (Angrily)- Pankhuri what is all this? You are pregnant? Pankhuri (emotionally said) - papa Seeing her moist eyes Sanjay anger started reducing but again seeing her baby bump he got angry and thought that Pankhuri lie to them 9 months back. She was actually cheating Piyush when they were engaged. Sanjay - It means that those pictures and video are not morphed. You really did that. Chiiiii..... Pankhuri how can you do that . I was in Guilt from the last 9 months that why I did not trust you on that day. But now seeing you in this condition, I came to know that, on that day I had done correct by breaking all my relations with you. (He spatted angrily but not loudly because they're are so many people also present their in the party) Again listening the bitter words from her father mouth Pankhuri heart got broken into million pieces. Then only they heard someone else voice also and it was none other than Kishori. Kishori - with whom you are talking Sanjay? you are talking with this shameless girl who ruined our family respect with her shameless deeds, in front of whole society in her wedding day she made our heads down. Listen Pankhuri whatever you did is did but now I'm warning you don't try to get closed to Piyush. You may be working at the same office where he's handling the project but now he is my Shruti's husband you keep you black shadow away from there relationship.(She spatted angrily while warning Pankhuri) Listening her Papa and Dadi bitter words for her Pankhuri wiped her tears and look towards them and said "so weird na dadi me and Shruti both are your granddaughters, but like always today also you are thinking about only your one granddaughter happiness, anyways Dadi It is not my habit to snatch someone else's husband or fiance" saying this she stand up for the chair and move outside of the party hall. While Sanjay and Kishori got flabbergasted listening her statement and they also walked out from there. Shruti who's standing behind the pillar listened there talks and went from their. While on the other hand, Tulika is impatiently searching for her daughter in the big party hall but couldn't find her. Anant who came back with a plate of food, but taken back not finding Pankhuri there and kept the plate on the table and went to find her. He called on her number but she's not receiving it. He is now worried for Pankhuri because after seeing the expression of Jindal and Rathi Family he somehow got the idea that they are related to Pankhuri. He went outside of the hotel in search of Pankhuri and at last spotted her sitting in the bench of Hotel garden. He run towards her and called her name. Pankhuri saw him and get up from the bench. Anant hugged her tightly like his life depends on her. Anant after breaking the hug with worried face said "Pankhuri Why did you suddenly leave the party without informing me? and you are not receiving my calls? You know how much I was worried for you. I was scared For some moments I thought my heart stop beating thinking that something may have happened to you". Listening Anant words and seeing his condition Pankhuri hugged him tightly and started crying in his embraced. Although she already decided that she will not become weak in front of her family but still seeing their disgust look and listening bitter words she lost her all strength, after all she's also a human being having heart how can she pretended that there venomous words doesn't affect her. Anant got more worried seeing her crying and break the hug and said Anant in worriedly voice ask "what happened Pankhuri? Why are you crying? Someone said something to you? say something Pankhuri. you are making me more sacred now". Pankhuri while crying says "Anant Why God has written all pain and miseries in my destiny only? Why I have to bear all the pain? Am I that much bad?" Anant - no Pankhuri not at all who told you all this things. I have never seen such a golden hearted and strong girl in my entire life. Who's struggling alone to give birth to her child. Pankhuri - But still no one see the vulnerable person behind this strong woman who want little bit of love nothing else. No one loves me Anant no one not even God. That's why he ignored me every time seeing my pain also. Anant while cupping Pankhuri face in his palms said "But I love you Pankhuri. Anyone loves you or not but I do love you and will always do it". Pankhuri looked in his moist eyes only to find immense love inside it. They were looking at each other eyes which is filled with love for each other and slowly slowly distance between them started decreasing and there lips met and they start kissing each other forgetting the world and pouring there love for each other in that kiss. After quite 2-3 minutes they broke the kiss and Swara got parted from Anant hold and looked here and there feeling awkward due to there sudden kiss but inside her heart Pankhuri felt happy because it actually happened but thinking something she felt bad by unknowingly giving hope to Anant heart. On the other side Anant heart is filled with immense happiness while small smile is playing on his lip because of their recent kiss. But unknown to Pankhuri and Anant someone else also saw them kissing each other and the person is Piyush who's is feeling hurt in his heart and he angrily walked from there. Midnight At Flat Piyush : Piyush is standing near the window of his room looking outside and thinking about the kiss which was shared by Pankhuri and Anant and clenched his fist in anger. When Shruti came inside the room and walked towards him and kept her hand over his shoulder. Shruti - Piyush You have seen Pankhuri today she's pregnant. That means all those evidences were true. She loved someone else at the time when you both are engaged and now she's pregnant with his boyfriend child. She has moved on long back in her life. you should also move on. We should also take our relationship further, how long you will live in your past . She was about to continue when Piyush jerk her hand angrily from his shoulder due to which Shruti stumble back. Piyush turned towards her with blood shot eyes. "Piyush" Shruti took his name with moist eyes looking at him unbelievably Piyush - In our first night only I cleared you that not to expect anything from me and from this marriage. I already told you I will surely called you my wife in front of everyone but will never give you rights of being my wife. This marriage means nothing to me, Do you get that? ( saying this he angrily marched outside of the room). Shruti saw him going outside of the room and sat on the bed while sobbing and said to herself "Pankhuri You have gone from our life but not between us. No matter Piyush how many times he says that he hates you, but the truth is that even today also he loves you. That is why even after so many months of our marriage, he never came close to me. You are the reason behind my miserable married life and for that I hate you Pankhuri, I hate you". Next day : Today is Sunday there is no office so Piyush went to meet his old friend who is now residing in Delhi. Raghuveer went to meet some of his business delicates c*m old friends and Sanjay took Kishori and Ishwar to the famous temple of Delhi for prayer and Tulika somehow manage to get Pankhuri address from Mr Gill with the help of Raghuveer and went outside of the house to meet Pankhuri. Only Shruti and Rohini are present in the flat. Piyush who was going to meet his friend came back home from half way because his friend cancel the programme at the last moment due to some emergency in his home. Piyush came back to his flat and open the door with the spare keys and move towards his room but he saw that his room door is partly open, so he move close to door, but what he listened is enough to snatch the land under his feet.
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