Book 1 Chapter 2

1935 Words
Looking over at the clock on the night table, I notice it is 5:30 am. What is the point of laying in bed if I can not sleep? I get up, walk over to the balcony door, and pull it open. The crisp December air makes me shiver, but I step out to the railing to breathe a bit more of the air. Being on the top floor in the penthouse, I have a magnificent view of the town and ski hill. The stars are so much bigger and brighter here than they were back in B.C. "So beautiful," I say aloud, wrapping my robe tighter around me. I jump as I hear wolves howl below "Wolves? Do They have wolves around here?" "I will have to remember not to walk anywhere alone at night than around here." hurry back inside, locking the balcony door. I love animals, the outdoors, but Since I was a child and got attacked by a wolf, I have been afraid of and hated them. I pray I do not have a run-in with them here. I head into the bathroom and start a hot bath. "A hot bath will relax and help me get a few hours of sleep," Get a grip, Sam. it is for the best; you did not feel the same way for him anymore either, but my sister? My parents? How could they do this to me? That is what is bothering and hurting me the most, the betrayal of my twin sister, Adam? well, Not so much. I feel a little relieved I did not marry him. But, what Jade did to me is unforgivable. The water in the tub is now cold. I drain the water and get out. Passing the mirror, I stop to look at my reflection. "You are a beautiful, smart, talented, independent woman; you do not need them, Sam," Walking out of the bathroom with my head held high, I began to think of the new life that awaits me. "It is time I start making a life for myself, start over, go back to school, and become the chef I always wanted to be, but first, I need to find a job and settle into a nice routine. Going through my suitcases, I pick out a smart-looking outfit and lay it out on the chair. "I think I will try to get a few hours of sleep in before I start my search for a job," Laying back down in the bed, I hear another howl from a wolf outside, rolling over closing my eyes. I am fast asleep in moments. I wake and look at my phone, at 9 am. I'm dressing, I head out looking for a job. I look at my phone again, at 2 pm. I have been all over this town looking for a job, no one seems to be hiring. I do not really need a job I have my own trust fund savings and investments. I am very well off, but I like keeping myself busy, I spot a small cafe and head inside. The bell above the door rings. How cute. I found a small table by the window and Take a seat. "Hi, and welcome to Mike's Cafe. Can I get you anything?" asks a young woman with black hair tied up in a bun, she has brown eyes and is about 130lbs she was very pretty "I' will take a coffee and a clubhouse sandwich, please," I say ordering I notice a newspaper on the table next to mine, reaching over. I pick it up, begin to scan the classifieds, "Here you are, Ms," the waitress says, placing my coffee down "Your sandwich will be up in a few moments," she smiles "Thank you," I say "You must be new here. I have never seen you around before," she speaks "Yes, I just got here yesterday," I said "I am Samantha, but you can call me Sam," I say "Well, Sam, welcome. Normally, people do not come to this part of the island; they stay on the mainland part of Elliot Lake," Jessica says "Thank you. I wanted somewhere small and cute," I say with a smile "Well, if there is anything I can do for you just holler," she says "Wait!" I stop her "Do you know of anyone hiring?" I ask her "Can you ski?" asks Jessica "Hell, yes, I can ski. I used to be a ski instructor back home," I tell her “Great, well, the ski resort is looking for a ski instructor and a cook for their restaurant in the resort," says Jessica "Wow, this is great. I have skills in both of these positions; after lunch, I will walk over there, thank you so much," I tell her "Whoa walk? You cannot walk all the way up the mountain girl you need a vehicle," says Jessica "Oh yes, I forgot that part. I also need a new phone and a place to live," I say with a laugh, "There is a car lot just down the road, and a rental car lot across the street from it," she says After I finish eating, I order a coffee to go and head down the street to the car lot to check out their cars. Then, I will head to the ski resort and apply for the job. "Well, hello there, Ms., aren’t we looking smoking hot today?" a man in a blue suit and sneakers say as he approaches me "What can I help you with a cutie?" The man smiles at me. I notice he has rotted teeth and a scar on his cheek This guy is just so gross; he cannot be a salesperson. "First off, sir, you can cut the crap and talk professionally. I am looking for a car not some lame pick-up lines," I roll my eyes "No need to be rude, Ms. I am just being friendly," he says again, smiling his rotten exposed teeth "Dusty, what do you think you are doing?" comes a deep voice "Get your ass back in the shop and finish the Bentley before the owner comes for it and it is not done," "Fine, fine, I am going, see you around sexy thing," he says with a wink walking away. "Sorry about him, Ms., Dusty likes to pretend he is a salesperson when he sees Pretty ladies, my name is Reed, Justin Reed I own this car lot, can I help you find what you are looking for?" Thank God that guy is gone; he was creepy. "Yes, now that I have a real salesperson instead of that, I will look at the Black BMW over there," I say After taking it for a test drive and getting it fit for the winter, I ordered the BMW. But because it is going to take a week to come in and ready with my add on's, I head across the street to rent a car for the time being. After a fifteen-minute ride up the mountainside, I pull up, park my rental car, and Step out. The wind rips through me; the December air up here is cold. I pull my jacket tighter and rush inside the resort, The scent of roasted chestnuts fills my nostrils. The sound of a crackling fire fills the air. What an incredible resort. It was made completely out of the logs. People caring skis and snowboards hurry through the lobby; a family sits in front of the fire enjoying hot chocolate. Just standing there in the lobby, I had fallen in love with this resort. "Good afternoon, Ms. Can I help you?" I look up and see a woman about my age with brown shoulder-length hair and brown eyes smiling at me from the front desk. I walk up to the desk with confidence and a smile. "HI, yes, the girl from the cafe in town Jessica told me your resort was hiring. I am here to inquire about the position. " I spoke with confidence "I see. I will page my manager for you then. May I have your name, please?" She asked "Samantha Robertson," I said "Please have a seat in our rest area well. I inform my manager, Mr. Saxon, you are here about the job," she says. I enter the rest area and take a seat in front of the roaring fireplace. It is so warm and cozy. I could still smell the roasting chestnuts. After a few minutes, I get to my feet and stand in front of the big floor-to-ceiling picture window facing the ski hills. I could not help smiling as I watched the parents with young ones playing in the snow or the groups of people coming down the hill. "Parden me, Miss. Robertson?" I turn around and come face to face with a man in his late twenties, with brown hair green eyes, facial hair with a great body looking at me with a smile on his face. "Yes, I am Samantha Robertson, but please call me Sam," I say, holding out my hand to him He takes my hand, shaking it, our eyes still locked on one another. This man is gorgeous. I can not help being lost in his eyes. "Trish tells me you're here about our job openings. Tell me," Sam, how are you at skiing?" asks Mr. Saxon For the next hour, I answer all of this handsome man's questions while trying not to make a fool out of myself and say something about him I am thinking. But after An hour I am excited to say I got the job as their new ski instructor, and when I do not have lessons; I will be the head chef in their restaurant. "Oh, and Sam," Mr. Saxon says, turning back around "I forgot to tell you, as part of the job, you get a cabin in the staff housing around back. The cabin next to mine is free," he says with a wink "I will have Trish show you so you can get moved in. You start Monday morning, so you have the weekend to settle in, oh, and you can call me Devin," I can not help but smile and watch his tight ass as he walks away. Down Sam, he is Your boss, be professional. But hot damn he is fine. After Trish shows me to my new home, which is incredible, I head back to the hotel in town and back up my belongings. I think since I do not start till Monday and today is Thursday, I am going to hit some stores to furnish my new place. I can order the rest online. Well Sam, here is to a fresh start and new great life. My phone vibrates, I Look at the caller ID Jade. I opened the message and read it. (Message) Jade. " Have you calmed down yet? We need to work this out. Sam. " "You need to come home. Where did you go anyway? Adam is going crazy you just took off like that without talking to us; he needs, we need you to come home, Sam. " I sigh and shut my phone off. Not happening, Jade; you betrayed me I no longer Have a twin sister. Why the hell do they care where I am? And why the hell do they insist I come home? I stuff my phone in my purse and head out to find a cell phone place first. I need to get a new phone and number.
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