Book 1 Chapter 1

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Adam Woods and I Samantha Robertson, have been high school sweethearts since we were fourteen years old in grade nine and now here we are twenty-four years old and still together and about to walk down the aisle to get married. As I stare at myself in the mirror, I can not help wondering if this is something I still want for my life. Do I still want to marry this man? Am I doing the right thing? Things have always been good between Adam and me. That was until this last year. This last year between us has not been so great at all. He comes home late every night and hardly speaks to me, and when he does, we end up arguing. He blames it on the stress of the wedding and tries to make a partner at his family's law firm he works for, and while most of the time, he blames me. Sometimes, I wonder why I stayed with Adam. Why did I not just leave? But then I remember the good times and forget everything. But now here I am, just a few moments away from walking down the aisle, and I cannot help but ask myself. Do I even still love Adam? "Earth to Sam, Hello, did you hear me?" asked my twin sister Jade. Even though we're twins, we are nothing alike. Jade has green eyes and brown hair, and long legs, she was always popular and well hated, but most people. She was a stuck-up b***h who always got what she wanted, with our parents wrapped around her finger. Then you have me born 5 minutes later with blonde hair and blue eyes. I had a lot of friends but was not as popular as Jade. I stuck to myself and tried to like everyone. Plus, unlike Jade, I was still a virgin. Jade slept with the entire football team in high school. "What? I say "Oh no, sorry, Jade, I was daydreaming. What was it, you said?" I responded "I said it is positive. I..I am pregnant," says a shocked Jade "Oh, my God, Jade," I said, placing my hand on her shoulder "I didn't even know you were seeing anyone. Who is the father?" Jade turns her head to me and looks me in the eyes; she looks scared. "Oh, hey, listen, it is your day, Samantha. You are about to get married so. Do not worry about me right now; we can talk later," Jade says not looking at me. "Hey, it is ok, really. We have a few moments," I say Something just seemed off with Jade; she was never this quiet, and she normally only thought about herself, so for her, not wanting to talk about it now and steal my thunder is strange. "No, no, really, we can talk later; in fact, I am going to go make sure everything is ready for you to walk down the aisle," Jade hurries out the door before I could say another word. Something is up with her. Then I laugh as I think, "Wow, she is pregnant; she doesn't want to talk about it with little ole me, hell no, I bet she is out there right now announcing it to my guests making today all about her," I say aloud to myself in the mirror. I finish the last of my makeup and head out the door to where I am supposed to stand and wait for my Que. "Finally, there you are, honestly Samantha, even today of all days, you must be late," my mother Gale Robertson says as she walks up to me. My parents never treated me the same way they treated their special Jade. They have even told me a few times I was not even wanted, "I am not late, mother. I am early," I say "Did Jade tell you the good news?" she asks "Yes, did you know she was even seeing someone?" I ask My mother's face snaps to me, looking me in the eye, "You mean you don't know?" she asks "Know what?" I speak "While I would hate to be," "Mother father is looking for you," Jade's voice cuts mother off "You better go find him now," "Jade dear, do not be rude. I was just going to," "I know what you were going to do, mother. Go find Father now," Jade cuts her off again "Very well, this should be interesting," Mother says, walking away with a smile "What did mother just mean by interesting?" I ask "Who knows with, mother," Jade says with a smile? Something does not feel right; why are they acting funny? Do they know something I don't? "Ok, I got your mother seated. Let's begin, shall we?" My father, John Robertson says, coming around the corner The music starts, and my best friend Niki starts down the aisle with Jade a few feet behind her. Once they reach the front, my music starts, and my father leads me down the aisle towards Adam. But as I am walking, I notice Adam is not even Looking at me, he is looking at, Jade My father places my hand in Adams and then takes a seat beside my mother in the front row. The Minister begins his speech, but Adam has still not looked at me once. What is going on? Why is he not looking at me? "Adam, repeat after me," says the minister Adam finally turns his head to look at me; a sad look comes over his face. "Wait," says Adam "I have something I need to say," He says "Sam, I have been with you since we were both fourteen years old. I knew I had to make you, my girlfriend, and one day, my wife." A happy tear rolls down my cheek as I smile at Adam and his words. "But that is not something I ever wanted, I never wanted to be with you, I still do not want to be with you, I have never loved you, it was all a lie, something I was forced to do for the good of the family," Gasps are heard from the guests. "I am sorry, Sam, but I have been in love with someone else this whole time, and a year ago, I made her mine, And know she is having my baby," Adam says "Adam, you do not mean this; you can not mean this?" I cry “I do mean it," Adam says, holding his hand out past me. I turn to look at who he is holding his hand out to and gasp in horror as my own twin sister Jade steps forward and takes his hand. I watch as Adam kisses her cheek and pulls her to his side "You see, Sam, it is jade who stole my heart; it is Jade who is now carrying my baby," says Adam I stand there frozen, staring at them. How could my own sister do this to me? I hear laughter coming from the front row and turn to see my mother laughing. "Oh, Really Samantha, do not look so shocked, Jade is better for Adam than you could ever be anyways, we I always knew that. If only Adams' father saw that as well, " My mother says More gaps fill the room from the guests; my father pulls my mother aside, telling her to be quiet. "I am sorry, Sam, but you know I always get what I want, and well, I wanted Adam," says Jade "How could you both do this to me? Why? " I ask, crying I pick up the bottom of my dress and run from the church to the waiting limo, ordering him to drive. My own sister, I knew she was a selfish b***h, but I never thought she would steal my fiancée from me. And now? Now, she is having his baby. He swore he was a virgin too; we promised each other we would wait and be each other's first on our wedding night. I knew something was wrong for a year now; I just never expected this. I look out the window and watch the houses pass by. What did he mean by he was only doing what he was forced to for the good of the family? "Where to miss?" Ask's the Limo Driver "Stop at my condominium. I want to get my bags and change, and then you can take me to the airport, "I tell him there was no way I was going to stick around here and be the laughing stock of this town. I knew I had the right to question my feelings about Adam. Thank God we did not get married. It's a good thing he stopped the wedding and came clean before we said I do. I will not shed a tear for a cheating asshole like him. You can have him, Jade, may karma get you both. When the limo stopped in front of my condominium building, I rushed in and packed my stuff. I take everything I would need or want the rest I can replace. Taking my wedding dress off and tossing it on the floor, I change into a pair of black tight jeans and a Purple cardigan. Toss the ring across the room, pick up my things, and head down to the Limo heading to the airport. The drive is a Thirty-minute drive to the airport, so I searched the web on my phone for a place to go and never return. Oh, here we go, Elliot Lake Ontario, a small town; no one will look for me here. Oh, And look, they have a ski hill. I love skiing. I open another tab, type in ticket sales, and book a one-way ticket to Elliot Lake, then book a hotel room for a month. That should give me enough time to Check out the town and decide if it is a right fit for me or not, then I will find a job and a place to live. The Limo pulls up to the airport. I grab my bags and head inside to check in when My phone dings. I look at my phone and see a message from Adam. "Where did you go, Sam? We need to talk and get back here now," I ignore his message; there is no way I want to talk to him right now. My phone dings again. "Come on, Sam, stop being like this, just answer me," says Adam "I am sorry, Sam. I really am; talk to me. We need to talk," Really? He cheats on me and gets my sister pregnant, and he thinks I want to talk to him. I click on the message and type back, "Listen asshole, I took what I needed and left, the condominium is yours enjoy your life with your baby and Jade, do not ever contact me again,” I hit send, then quickly block his number and turn my phone off. "First thing tomorrow, get a new phone and number," Sitting on the plane, I looked out the window and saw the lights from the ski hill. I used to work at in the distance. "Goodbye B.C. and betraying family, May karma get you all," I watch as the city below us gets smaller than disappears. I place headphones in My ears lean back, and I closed my eyes. As a single tear runs down my cheek, my Heartaches in my chest. How could they hurt me like this? Even if I was having second Thoughts about my feelings for Adam, I did not deserve this betrayal; I loved that jerk with all my heart. I remember my mother's last words and the smile on her face as I left the church. She never did like me. Well, Mother dearest you get your wish. I stare out the window at the darkness as tears flow. I must have cried myself to sleep because the next thing I knew, the flight attendant was waking me up, telling me to prepare for landing. A couple of moments later, I was entering the airport, heading for a cab, and hopefully a new beginning.
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