Book 1 Chapter 3 Alpha Anthony Prax

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Daddy, Daddy, Daddy" yells a six-year-old Madison Prax "Maddy, what is it, what is wrong?" I ask my beautiful blonde hair blue eyed daughter "I am six now, so I am big, please," she whines I laugh at my cute little girl as she begs me with big puppy eyes. "Alright, Alright, Uncle Devin said he just hired a new ski instructor last week, And I do need to check-in at the resort, so Alright get your stuff on and meet Me at the car in 10 minutes, ok?" I speak I laugh as Madison runs from my office towards the stairs. She is the light of my life. She is the most important person in my life. It has just been her and me since the night she was born. Her mother decided she did not want to be a mother or a Luna, she rejected me and ran off. Never to be seen again. Madison has never met her mother. And I really hope it stays that way. My family my pack and I have all given her a great life. I am the Alpha of the Elliot Lake pack and owner of the Elliot Lake Ski lodge. My beta Devin Saxon is my manager there and has been in charge for the last month as my parents and I took Madison to Walt Disneyland on vacation. Now that I am home, it is back to pack duty and my responsibilities. Devin informed me he had hired a new instructor, but he did not say much about her other than she was not from around here. I wonder what pack she is from, and if it is safe to have an outsider as a ski instructor on my territory "Come on, Daddy," yells Madison from the bottom of the stairs I hurry down the hall and meet her at the bottom of the stairs. "Alright, let's go. I guess we can stop at the packhouse later," I say “Hurry Daddies drive faster. I really want to ski,” says Madison from the back seat “I am going as fast as I can safely, kiddo. We are just about there; it's just up ahead,” I tell her Pulling the car to a stop in my owner's parking spot, I step out and turn around to get madison out when. I can not help but laugh as I see that Madison has managed to get herself out of her booster seat and hop out of the car on her own. “You are getting too big for your own good kiddo. What am I going to do with you?” I speak “I am a big girl now, daddies. I can do things myself now,” she says proudly “We shall see about that, Kiddo. Come on let’s go see Uncle Devin,” I say, taking her hand and walking towards the building Before I can open the door, Madison stops looking around. “What is it, Maddie? Is everything alright?” I ask her “Daddies what, what is that weird smell?” she asks I take a sniff of the air and hold back a growl. I was not paying attention when I got out of the car, so I missed it, but now? Now, I know that smell is human. “That is the smell of a human Madison,” I tell her “Let’s get inside” “Daddies me scared. Is the human going to hurt me?” she asks “No Maddy, I would never let that happen, ok? You're safe.” I reassure her I hate humans. Why the hell do I smell a human in my resort on my territory? “Welcome back, Mr. Prax, How was your vacation?” asked Trish “Hello Trish, thank you; the vacation was rather good and relaxing. I have to admit, my parents stayed behind for a few more days” I speak “Is Devin in his office?” “Yes, he just headed up five minutes ago to make a phone call,” says Trish “Great, I hear we have a new instructor. Can you take Madison to meet her and get her on the list for instructions? Please Trish. Madison wants to learn this year,” I speak “Of course, I’d be happy to, but did you want me to wait till after you speak with Devin?” asks Trish "No, you may take her now," I kiss Madison on the head and head up to the offices on the top floor of the resort. As I climb the stairs, I can hear Madison getting excited as she follows Trish out to the hills. I really hope this new instructor knows what she is doing because if my daughter gets hurt, I will kill her. I knock and then open Devin's office door walking in. I freeze when I see a Blonde she-wolf on his lap “Alpha welcome back,” says Devin “Leave us” I speak The girl gets to her feet and leaves the room. I do not recognize her; she is not from my back “Was that the new instructor?” I ask him “Her? Devin says, laughing “Not even close. That was some b***h from a pack in New York here on vacation. I did not even get her name” Devin says “Wow, same ole Devin, when are you going to grow up and settle down, man?” I ask “When and if I find my Mate, I will play till then, a wolf has needs,” he says with a smile “So how was the trip? Did Madison have a blast?” “Yes, she did. My parents stayed behind for a few more days, but we were excited to return; she is here now with me. There was this new resort there we checked out, it was fake snow on small hills for kid skiing and tubing” I said “Madison could not wait to get back and meet the new instructor you hired. Trish just took her to meet her and get her signed up for lessons” “What? Did you send Madison to meet Sam?” Devin asked, getting to his feet “Yes, why? Is she no good? You informed me she was the best you had ever seen, so What is the issue?” “Yes, Sam is the best I have seen; she is even better than you are Anthony, but there is something I did not tell you about her” Devin says “Oh? Better than me, you say, well, that is impressive. I will have to test her out on the hills sometime” I say “But what is it you did not inform me of her?” “Well, you see, Anthony, now do not get mad, please, but umm, Sam is” “Out with-it Devin, Sam is what?” I asked I watched as Devin moved towards the door nervously. He is hiding something. What is it about this Sam chick he is afraid to tell me? “Well, you see, Sam, well Sam is a Human” "WHAT?" “Tell me you are joking Devin, tell me you are just messing with me, and you did not hire a human to work here,” I said No wonder I smelt the human outside. “Sorry Alpha but I did,” said Devin “WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING? You know humans can not know of us, with a human working here she is bound to find out and inform the rest of the humans about us, then we will be hunted down and killed,” “I know I know Alpha, but when I first saw her, wow she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, I was so attractive to her I did not care or even think about her being human,” said Devin “When Trish told me you would be pissed I came to my senses and was going to fire her but then I watched her teaching kids to ski, she is good, they catch on and learn fast with her, families are coming from all over to have her teach their kids, I myself even went for a ski run with her, man Anthony what she can do on ski’s is out of this world snowboarding to, I could not bring my self to fire someone with skills like her” “You put us all in danger. I have to let her go before anyone finds out” I said “Wait Alpha Anthony, trust me, just check her out. See for yourself. I am telling you, you're not going to be sorry,” says Devin “Plus wait till you taste her cooking; the restaurant has never been as busy as it has been the last 4 days. Once the word of her cooking got out, we have been swamped” “Come on Madison is with her, I have to check on her, she is only six years old she does not know anything about humans, and she may even open her mouth to her,” I said “We will finish this talk later. Right now, I have a mess to clean up and a human to fire,” I said What was he thinking? A human working for an all-werewolf ski resort and living in a werewolf town. We worked too hard and long to protect our existents from humans and hunters. I cannot and will not let this one human destroy all of us werewolves’ hard work. Hiring her because of her looks? She is human; she can not be as beautiful as Devin says she is, no human is. I head to the door leading to the ski hills when I hear Madison scream. “Dear God,” I said, running out the door with Devin right behind me I round the corner and stop in my tracks as I see Madison laughing, happy screaming as she comes down the little beginner’s hill. She has the biggest smile on her face. “Your doing great Madison, now turn your feet and legs parallel whilst starting to bend your knees and dig into the snow with your inner edge of both skis, that’s right now push through your heels the more you dig the quicker you stop.” I hear the human tell her and watch as my daughter follows her instructions to the tee “Ok now angle and flatten out your skis so you do not fall over” “I did it’s I did it’s” Madison cheers “You sure did, way to go, sweetheart, excellent job, are you ready to go back up and try it again?” The human asks her “Yes, yes,” says an excited Madison “Daddy daddy, did you see me? Did you see me? I heard her ask me I walk over to Madison and pat her on the head, “I sure did sweety, you did great, give me a high five,” I tell her “Sam is very nice, Daddy. I like her; she's a good teacher” says Maddy For the first time I look up and over at the human, our eyes meet, so blue, so beautiful, her long blonde flowing hair the small dimples in her cheeks as she smiles, I can not take my eyes off this human, Devin was right, she is the most beautiful human, hell women I have ever laid my eyes on, even Madisons mother was nothing compared to her. “Sam I would like you to meet the owner of the resort, Anthony Prax,” says Devin “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Prax, I really enjoy your resort and working here, “says Sam I notice she has extended her hand out to me. I take it and shake her hand. Her skin is so warm and soft. “The pleasure is mine, Ms.” I speak “Please call me Sam” she says with a smile. I lose my train of thought in her smile. She is like a drug. Madison's mother was my mate, but I never felt with her what I felt and was touching Sam. Could she be my second chance, mate? No, she can not be; she is human. But then why do I feel this way? Come on, Anthony snap out of it; she is a human; you cannot feel this way for her. “Watch me, Daddy, me going to go again” says Madison I watch as Maddison takes off with Sam to the top of the small beginner’s hill. “Told you” I hear Devin speak beside me; I had forgotten he was there “Shut up,” I tell him “So can she stay? Or do we let her go?” Devin asks “She can stay for now, but we need to keep an eye on her. You know some wolves do not take well to humans,” I say “Where is she staying?” “I put her in the cabin next to mine,” says Devin “Of course, you did, Devin, of course you did” For the next hour, I watch the human teach my daughter to ski. Madison is picking it up well. Sam is a very skilled teacher. “Great work, Madison. You should be proud of yourself; you did an awesome job” I hear Sam tell her as they are high five “That is all for today. I have another student in ten minutes, but I will see you back here tomorrow for more practice, ok?” says Sam “Can I do that hill tomorrow?” Madison asks, pointing to the next hill over Sam laughs a little “Not yet, Honey, that is the next step, but you have some more work on the beginner's hill first, I am afraid” “Aw, really But I want to do that one. I'm big now; I can do it” Madison argues “You heard your instructor, sweeter. You are not ready yet” I said, walking up “Do not rush yourself, Honey,” Sam says “In time, you will get to that hill, but let’s make sure you're safe and ready first, ok?” “Ok, I wait, Its’ fun anyways” Madison smiles Madison rushes in and hugs Sam “Thank you, Sam. I'm going to get hot chocolate, see you tomorrow” Madison says, then runs off “She is a great kid, Mr. Prax, you and your wife must be so proud of her,” Sam says as she watches Madison running towards the inn. “Oh, umm, it is just me. I am afraid, no wife, but yes, I am very proud of her” I answer “Oh, I am sorry,” she says “Well, it was nice to finally meet the boss, man,” she says with that intoxicating smile “I have another student, so I need to go” “Yes, of course, thank you for making my daughter happy,” I say “You are welcome; she is a delight,” she says over her shoulder as she jogs away towards a family of wolves waiting for her. I head inside and find Madison in front of the television, watching cartoons with a cup of hot chocolate in her hands. “Trish?” I call over my receptionist “Can you keep an eye on Madison for me for a few moments, please? I have something to do in my office quick before I take her home” “Of course, Alpha, it is not a problem,” she says I head up to my office and sit in front of my computer. I need to see what I can find out about Ms. Sam if I am going to allow her to stay and work here.
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