Chapter 10

2015 Words
Ashley I knew it! Old habits never die. At first he looked like someone who has never smile before. I inhale and exhale to calm my beating heart. This is the first time I'm showing myself in front of a well known people so I have to pull myself together. I have to let go of all my insecurities. There's no turning back again. “What a scene to remember. The arrogant is nervous” Neil muttered beside me. Just as I turned around to give me a piece of my mind. The door was pulled open. “We shall meet later” with that being said, I adjust my shirt position before alighting inside with Mr. Dawkins tailing behind me with other employees. All eyes turned towards my direction as I walked inside. Some were whispering among themselves while some were just wearing a bored face. I know they must have been told before hand. My heels were making a c***k sound as I made my way in front of the almost fifteen people in the room. “Good Morning all. I know you've been told about my appearance, however, I will still introduce myself. My name is Ashey Richard. As you all know my father was attacked so he won't be working anytime soon. The police are already investigating the attack. So during his recuperation, I will be taking over his position. I hope you'll all give me your support like you always do for Richard Electronics to make it more successful. Thank you” I ended my speech with a professional smile. The room grew silent. Some are nodding their head while some only kept starting at me like I'm one kind of celebrity. Mr.Dawkins gave me a thumbs up from the side which gave me the privilege to continue “I’ll take your silence as a cooperation. Thank you for putting your full trust in me and Richard Electronics” ** “That was a splendid speech in there Miss. Ashley. I must say you're the true definition of beauty with brains” Mr. Dawkins beckoned as we make our way out of the meeting room. “Thank you Mr. Dawkins. It wouldn't have been possible without your help” he smiled in return. What I noticed about the man is that he likes receiving compliment. Who wouldn't? I was about to pull my office door open when I stopped turning to him. “I almost forget. When are you getting me an assistant? Getting the work done alone is a handful” “Oh yes, I will schedule the interview this Friday. Is it okay?” “Sure” “Then-” “Oh and Mr. Dawkins” “Yes” “I prefer an intelligent young lady. Male assistant are headache” From the corner of my eyes I saw Neils eyes on me. I said it on purpose. He need to know how his troubles are giving me headache. “Sure Miss. Ashley, I will arrange everything” “And you, I want to have a word with you” “Me?” he pointed to himself. I don't have to call his name for him to know I'm referring to him. Without giving him an answer, I walked inside leaving the door open. As soon as I heard his footsteps I began. “What the hell is wrong with you Mr. Man? Why can't you do your job?” His brows were furrowed in confusion. “I don't quietly grab what you are trying to say” “Exactly you won't grab. I don't know where my dad found you. I don't care about that but this is my father's company, I expect you to be serious with your job as you're being assigned to” His face was neutral that I cannot read out the expression on his face. “You can leave. Talking to you will only give me headache” I rubbed my hands over my temples. However, he stood rooted to the ground. “Do you need anything again?” I asked seeing as he didn't move. “I’m wondering how I'll be able to be serious with work. I don't think I can” “Why can't you?” “Because I'm used to it” Snapping my eyes shut, I rake my hands through my hair. For the first time in a while I don't know how to handle a problem. “Mr Neil, if you really want to be in peace with me then you have to get use to my lifestyle. Are you a teenage boy?. Wait, how old are you?” “Old enough to be a bodyguard” And that's it. The little patient I got in just exploded. “Leave” I muttered through gritted teeth. “To?” “Get.out.Neil!” I spelled the words out pointing to the door. “Ops. I think I just pissed my boss off” his lip curved up in a smirk as always The moment I heard the door was shut, I let out a hiss. Handling Neil will be harder than I thought. I let out a smile when an idea popped up in my head. We shall see who the boss is. After I'm done in the office with few meetings in and out of the office, I finally found myself free at least from the office work. I realised out a sigh slouching myself on the car seat. “You must be exhausted” “Only the blind wouldn't notice my exhausting self. Drive fast. I need to see myself at home curled up in bed” “What you need right now is not curled up In bed” my eyes snapped towards him at his words. “Then what? To keep arguing with you right?” I exclaimed passing him a glare. “Sort of. But I have a perfect remedy for your mood right now” “You do know that we haven't found the person behind my father's attack right. It might be dangerous to roam around carelessly” I voiced out. I might not have much worry regarding the issue but its better not to take the risk. “Why should you worry when you have your bodyguard. If anything should happen then I will protect you and trust me you'll enjoy what you'll see” I watched him suspiciously. I hope he's not k********g me or selling me off. “Where is this place Neil” “Where else, to rest from your exhausting day” I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his remarks. My mouth was hung open staring at the surrounding in front of me. A jogging field. “Does this place look like a resting place. Do you want to kill me?” I turned around to leave getting blocked by him. “Trust me this is the best remedy. It'll help calm your nerves down” he said stuffing his hands into his pocket. “Give me way I don't have time for your nonsense remedy and resting place. You can stay all night for all I care. So while I'm being nice, move away” I said forming my lips in a thin line. He stare me down and I did the same. He always find any chance to piss me off. I have no idea what type of person he is. “Ashley” a female voice interjected beside us. There Mrs. Lindy stood dressed in a jogging outfits with her cakey make up. Mrs. Lindy thinks of herself as a young woman. “Mrs. Lindy fancy seeing you here” I ushered moving past Neil whose hands were still folded together. “Indeed. What are you doing here? I don't know you as a sport person. And who is this handsome man” “He’s-” “Your boyfriend?” My mouth that was open stood still. From the corner of my eyes, I catch Neil smiling face. I bet he's enjoying pissing me off “No Mrs. Lindy you-” “Hello Mam, I'm Neil, Miss. Ashley’s bodyguard” Mrs. Lindy form her lips in a thin line. “Oh.. Hello young man. Sorry for my blabber, you two look like couples from one angle that's why I misunderstood it. By the way Ashey congrats on your new job” She extend her hands. “Thank you. News sure travels fast” I shook back. The media surely knows how to gossip around. They always find the little thing to say. And not to talk of how talkative Mrs. Lindy is. If its something that involves attention then she's in. “Ofcourse. You know the media are always hungry for gossip and your father's company is one of the best out there so it's natural for them to gossip about everything” “Yeah. It is” I forced out a smile. “So are you guys jogging around?” “No” “Yes” Mrs.Lindy broke into a fit of laughter. Her eyes going from me to Neil. “You two are funny. And the handsome guy is-” “Mrs. Lindy about our meeting, can we talk now?” I cut her off from what she was going to say. Knowing who she is, she might blurt out something inappropriate. And yet another smile broke out of her lips. “Oh right. Don't worry about that, your coworker has already explain everything to me and I understand that you're now a busy woman so we'll take it one step at a time. If you'll excuse me. My friends are waiting for me” she said glancing at her wrist watch. “Sure. Thank you for the support. Bye” “Bye. Bye handsome” I could swore I caught of glimpse of her winking at her and Neil as the fool as he is widen his teeth out. “If you're done smiling like a fool then we can leave” I retorted walking pass him towards the car. Have I known he'll be bringing me to this bored place, I wouldn't have wasted my time. I would've been in my comfy bed. Before we got in the car, I threw him a glare. As soon as the car stopped at the parking lot, I got out, packed my belongings and aligted away. The permanent guards are still standing in a statue posture as always. As usual, they bowed their heads in greetings. Ignoring them, I pushed the door open harshly. “Becareful not to break that door out of anger ” I heard my mom's voice from the living room. “I’m back” was the only thing I could answer then make my way to my father's room. Neil went too far. This time around, my father will have to reconsider about all the bodyguard thing. I let out a sharp breath. Forming my hand into a fist, I knocked on the door. “Come In” came his sharp voice. I see he's getting better. Pushing the door slowly, I popped my head inside. His back was rested to the headboard while he held onto a newspaper. “You’re back?” His words sound as if he doesn't want me to be back anytime soon. But I didn't waste time to dwell on that. I trekked to his bed and sat beside me careful not to touch his wrapped up leg. “Yes father. I would've been back earlier on but that Neil guy is finding any chance to piss me off. Seriously father, I can't take it anymore. I don't need any bodyguard. He doesn't even take his job serious, he's always joking around, pissing me off. I'm afraid to say you need to suspend him” I exclaimed, my voice rising in some point and some point in anger. Father removed the medicted glasses from his eyes and kept it on the nightstand, together with the newspaper turning his focus to me. “Ashley, I understand everything you said. However, what I want you to understand is, Neil is a skilled guy. He was recommended to me by a skilled investigator who happens to be his mentor. You might not like his behavior now but trust me he knows what he's doing. I think that's how his personality is” “But father-” “Besides isn't it a good thing, to have a funny and charismatic bodyguard beside you instead of an arrogant one. You need to be careful. The person who attacked me might be targeting you that's why I'm hiring two guards to keep guarding you in case of emergency” “What? You can't father. I'm not a kid. Seriously, one is enough headache why are you adding another one. I can't agree to It this time around” I ushered turning my face to the other side. I felt a warm hand on mine. “Then let him be. You know your father wouldn't hire just anyone. I know what he's capable of. He needed the money and I need him”
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