Chapter 11

2007 Words
Ashley So it's all about the money. The corner of my lips twitch up. I exhale out a sigh. “Alright then but next time he step over his boundaries then I have no choice that to fire him” A chuckle escaped his lips. “You’re free to. By the way, you did well in the meeting” “Thank you father. It's not an easy job” “Now you know how hardworking your father is, managing the company alone. I just hope you'll take care of the company well” it was my turn to run my thumb on his hands. “Trust me father. I promise your company will grow more successful. You have a hardworking daughter” he let out a smile. “Come here” he ushered. I leaned close and got into my father's warm embrace and that was enough for me in that night. ** “Good morning Mom” I kissed her on the cheeks before proceeding to seat. “Morning Ashley. You seem to be excited today. What's the secret? Did you meet a guy?” I almost choke at cup of coffee I was sipping “Mom!” “What?” “It’s nothing like that. I've told you already, I don't have anytime for dating. I have so much on my plate that to go on some kind of dates” the word date sounding creepy on my lips “Oh right? You want to be single forever is that it?” “That’s not what I mean. Men are not to be trusted” “How would you know the trusted ones if you don't go out on a date. You might meet the right person” I rolled my eyes at my mom's continuous talk about my love life. Sipping the rest of the coffee, I rose up grabbing my bag on the way. “I have no interest in men for now” I ushered. “I’m leaving” I stepped out towards my car when I felt a presence behind me. “You don't like men?” I abruptly stop my action and turned to him “I see now you've turned to an eavesdroper. You even stalk my move. Welldone” “I didn't intend to listen but my ears are open so they can't help it. Like your mom said you might meet a trusted guy” “That’s none of your business. And yes men are not to be trusted including you” I seethe getting inside the car. I know it's not something to lash out about but his behavior are getting me to the edge. Throughout our drive no words were spoken between us and I'm glad he decided not to. It'll only add up to my headache. “Good Morning Miss. Richard” Mr. Dawkins approached us as we stepped out of the elevator. “Morning Mr. Dawkins. I hope you slept well from all the exhausting work yesterday” “Yes I did it’s all thank to you for giving me the time to leave early” “I’m glad. So what are my schedule for today, I want to finish everything early today” “Sure. First....” ** I pushed the door to the restaurant I'm having the lunch meeting at with one of the company investor. “Here” a matured voice call out. It was a man in his mid thirties. “Sorry for keeping you waiting Mr....” I trailed off. “Adams” “Mr. Adams. I got into a traffic” “It’s okay” The meeting lasted for over thirty minutes. The food long eaten. My eyes kept going to the corner where Neil was seated with some high school girls around him. He was laughing to their funny jokes. Five minutes later, they left and their seat was occupied by a lady. Yet, Neil sat calmy and was staring at the lady as if his life depended on her. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. And he said he doesn't like woman. Liar. “Thank you for your time Mr. Adams, I hope you'll continue to support us” I offered my hand for a handshake. “It’s my pleasure” I watched him leave the restaurant. There are few people in the restaurant so I only got stares from few people. Yet, all the rest of the attention was on Neil. The young lady was still seated smiling to whatever lies Neil was feeding her. When the lady noticed my gaze on her, her eyes shifted to me and that's when Neil follow her gaze. He muttered something to her, sliding what I assumed as card in front of her before advancing his way to my seat. “I thought you don’t like women?” I uttered out the first thing that came through my mouth. “I might and might not” he ushered shrugging his shoulder. The lady was still seated her eyes on us.. “I see. She must've fallen head over heels for you. It seems she cannot stop staring at you” He lifted his face to her direction and winked at her. “Someone might think I'm the jealous b***h. Thankfully they're only few prying eyes. I can't afford to get into a scandal” “We both know that isn't the case. I don't like women and you don't like men so we're equal” I passed him a dirty glare. “I told you I didn't say I don't like men. I just don't like them for now” “Even me?” “You don’t-” “You must be crazy. Why would you even compare yourself to me? I don't like lousy and unserious men” “What if I changed your mind?” he uttered back his smirk growing wide. “That will never happen. We need to get out of here. People are beginning to recognise us” grabbing my clutch, I slid on my black glasses. We drove back to the office with our argument still on display. I made up my mind not to waste my time getting angry about his troubles. It'll only give him the pleasure to keep on provoking me. His phone rang just when he parked the car in front of the company. “Hey Suzy” his answer resonates to my ear as I got out of the car. She must be the lady at the restaurant. And he's saying he don't like women. What a big liar he is. “That is why I said men are not to be trusted” I muttered which unexpectedly reached his ears. “That is why I said women are not to be trusted. Especially arrogant and bossy women” his reply went flat to my ears. “Say whatever you want to say. You will never get that type of woman. Arrogant and bossy, yet busy with brains” a victory smile was played on my lips as I saw his loosen face. “We’re staying up late today so you can go and enjoy yourself with your lady ‘Mr I don't like women’ I emphasize the last word. “Sure ‘Miss I don’t like men” he ushered back. I only waved my hands in the air gliding towards the entrance door. The young man bow his head in a greeting manner. I wonder how he cope with staying in one position. Bending his head everytime. Tugging the office door open, the midday sunlight illuminate through my face. Slouching down on the comfy couch, I lifted my legs on the armrest the way I’ll be comfortable. My foot were already tired from walking around. I closed my eyes to the sunlight and before I know it, I fell into a deep slumber. “Miss Ashley!” A faraway voice called out. “Miss Ashley!” The voice was now closer to my ear. I unhurriedly unfold my eyes to Mr. Dawkins face. “Mr. Dawkins?” “You seem to be exhausted Miss. Ashley” He answered. “What time is it now?” I reached for my phone splattered on the side table beside me. “3:45pm. I slept for half an hour” “And too bad you have some work to do and that'll be in the next ten minutes” I let out a sharp breath. If I say I'm enjoying the job then I would be lying. I only work in the office excluding my photography firm. What will I feel if I'm to combine the both. “Alright” ** The rest of the day went by with me curled up in the office. I made a mental note to get a good massage during the weekend. Even after reaching home, I ignored whatever trouble Neil is trying to make with me. One thing I learn about Neil is that whenever he's talking, he always brag about his personality. It was night time yet, I found myself working. Kristine sent me a few sample of how the event will look like. A simple banquet hall. It is not my first time getting hired in a wedding. However, this time around, I'm contemplating on whether to accept the job or not. It's not like I have an issue with his wedding. We've parted ways long ago. So I'm happy for him at least he won't waste his time chasing me. I hope he loves the woman truly. Just one week ago he told me he wants us to start over and now he's getting married. What a good man he is. I did what could be done and just when I thought I'm in need of rest, my stomach made a sound. “What the! Why would you make a noise at this time” I muttered rubbing my palms over my stomach. It made another sound and a hiss left my mouth. It seems I need to feed the stomach of mine. I don't joke around with my meals but today seem different. I was feeling lazy to leave the room. After much contemplating, I decided to order pizza as I know cooking food for myself from the kitchen will only take time not to talk of the foodstuffs are mainly to my mom's taste. The room was unexpectedly empty and quite. Mom must be with dad and Neil, who cares. “Cares about what?” I flinch at his sudden voice. It was as if he knew I was talking about him and did I just utter the words aloud. “What a rebel thief” I answered instead. He always make his presence known in a sneaky way. He took the seat beside me holding two cans of beverage. “You want?” he asked passing the can towards me. My eyes traveled to him back to his stretched hands holding the can. “No thank you, I'm already occupied with mine” I didn't finish closing my mouth when the doorbell rang. I rose up to leave when Neil grabbed me by my arm. “Where are you going?” he asked in a whispered voice. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. “What do you mean? To go get my order ofcourse” His eyes were calculating for a while yet his hold on my arm didn't loosen. “Let me get it for you” before I could get the chance to resist, he was already halfway through the door. “Who’s that?” I heard him ask in a calm voice. “Delivery man” a voice answered from the other end. He peeped his eyes through the small hole. For some reason, I felt like bursting into a laughter. Is he trying to be serious with his work? And that not outside, but in the house. What a lousy man. “You should've sent Max to go get it for you. We can't let outsiders in the house just like that” he said placing the box of pizza and a pack of drumsticks in front of me. A smile made it way out of my lips. “Are you being serious right now?” He shrugged. “Do I?” “I almost thought some guy possessed your body. And why can't I order it directly myself. It's not like the delivery man is going to kidnap me or will he?” I exclaimed sarcastically. I tore one slice in a haste and the moment the taste collide with my tongue, I closed my eyes in enthusiasm. Its been a while since I last tasted pizza. Before I know it, I ate three slices. “Why are you quite now or do you want to have some” I commenced flashing him a smile. Yet, he was consciously quite only staring into space. Weird. He seem to be out of the zone. I wonder what trouble he's planning in that lousy head of his. My eyes snapped to his abrupt standing position. “Goodnight Miss. Ashley” And he left.
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