Chapter 9

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Ashley “Will you back off now?” I commenced after a moment of silent. God knows the dirty thought Mr. Dawkins is having seeing us in this position. “Ops.. Sorry. I didn't know my presence is affecting your mental state” “Neil!” One word from me is enough to tell him I'm almost losing my temper. “I’ll be right outside Miss. Richard” with that he bowed and left. I heaved out yet another sigh my eyes glancing to the desk with the pile of document in different colours. It's my first day at work yet, I'm starting to dislike the job. The blaring of the telephone which I hardly notice ever since we came in, rang. Pressing the accept button, I placed in to my ear. “Hello Miss. Richard, it's Dawkin speaking. I forgot to pass an important information to you and earlier you were-” “Get to the point Mr. Dawkins” I cut him off immediately before he could blabber out nonsense. I know he probably had a wrong thinking about our position. I don't blame him. Anyone can misunderstand it considering our close proximity. “Sure Miss. Richard. It's about the shareholder meeting that will be held tomorrow. Mr.Richard instruct me to pass on the information to you. A meeting will be held regarding your appointment as the new president of Richard Electronics.” I listened as he explain another long details, heaving out a sharp breath with each passing second. “So, I will prepare everything before tomorrow so that you'll get to prepare yourself too” “Sure Mr. Dawkins. I'm really grateful for your help” “It was my pleasure Miss. Richard” By the tone of his voice, i could tell the left corner of his lips was curved up in a smile. “Alright. And do call me Ashley” I ushered. ”“Sure Miss. Ric-” “Miss Ashley” with that being said, I discontinued the call and slid it back down. I was about to start on reading through the documents when the door was banged open with a panting Kristine. “Why are you here? I thought we decided to meet by 3pm” I said my brows furrowing. Kristine made herself comfortable on the same seat Neil sat. What's with them with the couch? “I know but I needed to tell you this important information” she answered still panting. “Information about what? I hope its not another funny act of Mrs. Lindy?” I exclaimed flunging my hands in the air. “Sort of but this is much more interesting. By the way, you look good as the president” I rolled my eyes at her remark. “Did you finally noticed?” “Yeah. The position suit your authority personality. And on the other hand, a hot bodyguard. Did you see the way he was standing. Even his posture is a scene to drool over” She said with a giggle. “Are you here to tell me about something or talk about some guy” I was on the verge of getting pissed. First she talked about his biceps which in turn made me checked him out and now she's talking about his hot posture. Great Kristine! One glare from me is enough to make her maintain herself. “Oh yeah. You remember the high school girl?” I nodded in answer. “She decided to work with us” she uttered in one breath clapping her hands together. “She should've given us her answer yesterday if she was only going to think about the offer for only one day” I muttered which I didn't know reach Kristine's ear. The next thing I felt is a smack on my back. “What the hell!” I yelp out. “You know sometimes I used to think you have a bipolar disorder. Who was the one pestering me to get her no matter what and now you don't seem to be bothered. Are you really my friend Ashley?” her hands were folded together as she tear me down with her glare. No matter my difficult personality, whenever Kristine threw me her glare, I lost the words to say. I wonder how we became friends with our opposite personality. “Why don't you accompany me to the hospital for checkup” I finally spoke up passing her my own glare. “That will be the best trip of my life. So what do we do? Now you'll be a completely different woman” she let out a sigh. My brows raised in question. “Different as how?” I asked. “You’ll be one of the youngest female CEO in the city and also in the top five successful electronics company. Isn't that enough to change you into a completely different woman?” Come to think of it what she said is indeed true. I'll become the talk of the media as soon as am announced as the new president of Richard Electronics. From then people will know me. I will barely get time for myself. Why didn't I think about all this? “But you know what? It's a good opportunity for you. For the past years you've been hidden. Only few know you as Mr. Richard's daughter. Nikky is the popular one. Don't you think it'll be your chance to become a successful business woman and also a successful photographer” If what Kristine just uttered is indeed true, what will it be like to see my name on the headlines being talked about. What will it be like to achieve something for myself? I admit I was a bit envious of Nikky whenever she's out with Father, she's always being talk about as the beauty with brains daughter. Our parents favorite. What will It be like to be that beauty with brains? “Ashley are you listening to me?” Kristine's faint voice brought me back from my little reverie. “Yeah what did you say?” I asked my voice coming out low. She walked up to the couch, grabbed her bag and turned to me. “I’ll take my leave. I will take care of the work including Mrs. Lindy's meeting. Think about what I said. Remember you want a new life” “Okay” was the only thing I could manage to answer her. She waved in return before walking away, she muttered out “See you later” ** Throughout the day I kept thinking about what Kristine said. I admit sometimes I hate my sister for always getting the attention whereas I'm left as the second daughter. Yet, I don't blame her. It wasn't her fault. No matter how I tried to brush off it off, deep down there's this feeling inside my heart and that was why to feel less guilty, I decided to achieve her photography dream. “You’ve been drawing circles on the food for the past five minutes. If you're not going to eat it keep it aside don't contaminate the food with germs” Mom uttered closed to my ear snapping me out of my thoughts. “I can't help it that was because we're always eating the same thing for dinner every day” I muttered. “I heard you and so, I can cook whatever I like even your dad don't have a say in it. Eat or order take out. It reminded me of Nikky. She can eat it for the whole day without complain. Yet, you always open your mouth and complain even though you're used to it” She lash out. Her voice dripping harshly. There she goes again with her praises. Like I said I'm just the second daughter with no decision of myself. If I try to talk it'll only get worse. She'll think I hate my sister which isn't the case. I love my sister so much as much as I love my parent but sometimes it's just hard for me not to get angry at how much they both praise her and that in front of me not caring if I'll feel bad. “I’m sorry mom. Don't get angry on this little things. Besides Father is also tired of eating the same food. And now he's sick you should think about his meals” She passed me a glare and I chuckle In return. “You see you know it too.” “Whatver let me check up on your dad” without without for my response she alighted away. I was left alone in the living room, on the dining area. I hurled out a breath I didn't know I was holding. “Sighing from exhaustion. I see” Neil said from beside me. “Oh God, why do you always appear like a thief. From which door did you come through?” My eyes squint in curiosity. He took the seat facing me folding his arms across his chest. He was still in the black attire which I assume is for his work clothes. “The same door you came through” “Don’t joke with me Mr. Man” “Too bad I don't joke and Neil is the name” I gripped the fork tightly. “You know that I can attack you with this right?” I said my eyes glancing to the fork back to him. He glanced at the fork back to me. His lips curving up. “I know you can. I don't dare to forget the hot slap I got from you” he ushered rubbing his thumb over his face. “Well that's because you deserve it and if you're not careful, then you might receive another one. Let me even ask you a question?” He rest his arms on the dining table, leaning close. “Sure” I stare at him for a millisecond then fold my arms together, leaning back on the chair. “Are you normally like this or you choose to be lousy towards me only?” the smirk that covered his lips in return got my brows raised. “There you go again. What's funny in what I just said” “I always try to keep my personality hidden but since you're curious to know, I can tell you a bit of myself” I ushered him raising my brows. “I don't like women” I was surprised at his statement. However, I stayed calm “And why is that?” I asked. “That will be a discussion for another day” he answered letting out a smile. “If you don't like women then do you like men?” A loud chuckle follows. “I like men? Wow this is the first time someone got a bad description about me. If you're even thinking about that then it's not true. I'm not a gay” his voice turned serious at the end. “Then why don't you like women. Your mother is a woman. Maybe you have a sister or a girlfriend. Aren't they all women?” If I'm not mistaken then I'd have said I saw his smile lossen at my words. “Like I said that will be a discussion for another day. I'll now take my leave. Goodnight” pulling the chair back, he rose up and walked away. I watched his disappearing figure. Who exactly is he? ** “Good Morning Miss. Ashley” Mr. Dawkins popped his head through the door offering out a smile. “Good Morning Mr. Dawkins. Come in please” He walked inside holding a white file. He set it gently in front of me. “It’s all the information you need to know about the shareholding meeting.” “Thank you Mr. Dawkins. When is the meeting starting?” Mr. Dawkins glanced at his watch. “In half an hour” “Okay thank you. I'll be able to sort things out before then.” “Excuse me” bowing down professionally, he turned around and left but the door was left open and Neil enters. “I thought I told you I'll call you when I'm in need of you” I uttered coldly. It's better if I show him who the boss is here. “I got a call from your Father that he wishes you the best?” “Why didn't he call me instead” I didn't try to hide my disappointment towards the information. Neil stood tall and calm Infront of me. “I heard him said you didn't pick his call” Realizatin dawn on me. I forgot I didn't take the phone out of my bag and I also left it on silent mode. Just as I checked it, I saw two missed calls from him, one from Mom and a text from Kristine. “The phone was in silent” I said to no one in particular. But obviously I know Neil is hearing me. “Since I've rely the message, then I will take my leave” I thought he won't smile like he always. However, the corner of his lips twitch up and he turned around.
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