Chapter 3

2176 Words
Ashley My mouth was hung open as I stared at the woman in front of me. Her eyes glittering with happiness. It took my brain a good two minutes before it processed what the woman had just uttered. Composing myself, I removed my hands from her hold. “Mrs. Lindy I’m sorry to say but I don’t think I will accept your offer. Reality show is not something easy. That means I will have to follow you around everywhere. I don’t-” She took a hold of my hands once more giving it a little squeeze. “I understand your fears Miss Richard, but trust me it’ll be fun and besides, you’re not the only one I will hire. There are other photographers too. That way you will learn new things. I’m not saying you should give me your answer now. Take your time and I will understand if your answer is still no.” The emptiness in her eyes didn’t go unnoticed by me. For some reason, I kind of understood her. Living all alone can be tiring at times but by doing a reality show, maybe she would be able to enjoy her days with happiness. I don’t know if the decision I’m about to make will be a problem for me but I will just go with the flow. “Okay,” I uttered. Mrs. Lindy stares with a raised brow. “I mean, let’s work together” ~~ “Can you kindly explain to me what you did back then? Did you just agreed to work on a reality show with Mrs. Lindy?” Kristine bombard. We were now on our way back home. Since we have spent enough time at Mrs. Lindy’s villa, I decided to call it a day. “Yes, do you have any objection regarding it?” I retorted back my eyes straight on the road. Kristine let out a deep sigh. “Yes. No, I mean I thought you don’t want to be in a reality show and now you agreed, so I was surprised. That means you will encounter a lot of people. You know…” She trailed off. I totally comprehend what her words mean. That I don’t like entangling myself around people. I’m also taken aback by my own decision. Or is it because of the hopeful look in her eyes and also the thought of my sister. The car came to a halt at the traffic and I turned to Kristine who was already looking at me. “You know Kristine, when I looked into Mrs. Lindy’s eyes; I saw pain and hope. What will it be like to bring a smile to that face? To let her enjoy her days doing what she loves. Not only that, seeing Mrs. Lindy in that position reminds me of Nikky. I want to make an impact on something that I couldn’t do to Nikky. So please don’t ask me any questions again, just support me like you always do. And worry not, just because I was moved by Mrs. Lindy doesn’t mean my personality has changed. I’m still the Ashley Richard you know.” We both broke into a fit of laughter. “I know right. My strong headed boss” “Exactly” The red light turned to green and I press on the accelerator and took off. I dropped Kristine at her place before heading back home. The moment I parked my car inside the gate, I was met with a quiet place as usual but this time around the quietness was replaced with some unknown men dressed in black holding a gun by their side. Who are those people? It is unlike Dad to hire bodyguards. Mom despises being guarded so dad doesn’t bother hiring them and now they are in the house? The questions were running through my head as I made my way inside the house. The guard didn’t attempt to stop me. Which means something is differently wrong. Pushing the door to the living room open, I was met with my pacing mom. “Mom” I called out. The woman flinches as if she was caught doing something unpleasant. Dropping my bag on the couch, I focus on my mother's worry visible on her face. “Is everything okay? Why am I seeing some unknown men outside? I thought you don’t like being guarded?” I said again. Mom snapped her eyes shut and open them again. “I want you to calm down and listen to what I have to say” The way her face was all serious tells me something is indeed wrong. Whenever mom is all serious, then an important thing will take place next. “Tell me already mom I’m getting impatient” “Your Father was attacked” My eyes were glued to her as my brain tried to make out what I just heard out of her. My father was attacked? He was attacked? I repeated again. “What happened mom? Where is dad? I won’t be able to forgive myself if something happens to dad. Nikky-” The words couldn’t make themselves out of my lips when my body was being pulled into a warm one. “No don’t, your father will be fine. He’s getting treatment now” She ushered. I didn’t miss the sniff that resonates from her lips. Pulling apart, I stared into her eyes which has turned to rosy already. “What do you mean he’s getting treatment? What really happened?” Mom cleared out the tears from her eyes. “He got shot and was taken to the emergency ward” She let out slowly. I held onto the couch handle for support. “He got shot? By who? Why didn’t you go to the hospital?” “That I don’t know. Immediately I heard the news, I strived to go but the guards aren’t letting me that it’s a strict order from Richard himself.” “Who are they to stop me from seeing my father?” turning around, I made my way toward the entrance door. “And where are you going?”She asked “What do you mean? Hospital of course” “But he clearly gave strict order and it’s for our safety” “To hell with the safety. He was shot for goodness sake and he need us right now. I don’t care about safety, I will go to the hospital.” Ignoring her callings, I ambled to the door. I will see to it how they will stop me from leaving the house. As expected, the guards blocked my way when I was about to get out of the entrance door. “Miss Richard, we were given strict order not to let you out of the house as it’s still dangerous” My arms are folded across my chest as I listened to the man’s words. “Are you done?” I said. “Miss Richard, I’m sorry but I won’t allow you to go” I was trying my best to stay calm and he has the audacity to talk rubbish. “I will say it for the last time. move away” I muttered snapping my eyes and opened them again. Even with my threatening words, the man didn’t move an inch together with rest. Then I have no other choice than do things the other way round. Making sure his attention was averted as he stares ahead like the statue he was, I yanked away the gun from his hands, pointing it towards me. “I dare you to take a step and you will regret stopping me” I exclaimed leaping backward towards my car with the gun still pointed to me. “Are you crazy Ashley? What are you doing? Put the gun down” Mom shouted getting out of the door. The rest moved forward but was halted by the guy who stopped me. He must be their head. “Miss Richard, can you put the gun down. It really wasn’t my decision. It came directly from your father. It’s dangerous out there” “Yes, Ashley. Your dad is doing this for us” “Do you want me to stay idle when my dad is there battling for his life? There’s no way I’m going to do that. I will go to the hospital and no one will stop me” I unlocked the car door. “Miss Richard, I know you’re not going to shoot yourself” the man bounced forward and this time around, I pointed the gun towards him with a sly smirk at the corner of my lips. “Exactly I’m not but I can create a scene. So I advise you to stay away from me. Mom, you coming or not? I know you want to see him too” Mom nodded her head in return. My eyes went to the guy who stood rooted to the ground. Maybe thinking of what to do next. “No one should try to stop us. Mom, get in the car” She did as I said and no one dares shift, with the gun pointed at their boss. To be honest, I wasn’t going to shoot anyone. In fact, my heart was thumping as I held on to the gun. As mom got in, I ordered the gate to be unlocked and when they did, I got in the car too. Igniting the engine to life, I took off not before throwing the gun from the window and also waved at them. I know they must be thinking about what to tell my father when he lashes at them later on but I'm not going to dwell on that. My father’s life is in danger and he needs us beside him. “You know the stunt you pulled back then is inappropriate right?” Mom ushered. “I know right?” I answered with a question instead, grinning a little. Mom shakes her head and turned her face to the other side of the window. I didn’t miss the sign that resonates from her. I know what she must be going through at the moment. “Don’t worry mom, your husband will be fine” I assured squeezing her hands in a comforting way. She let out a smile and nodded her head. ** “Excuse me, we're here to see Mr. Richard who was brought in an emergency,” I said to the receptionist. Her face was caked with makeup as if she’s going for a fashion contest. “You’re…” She trailed off, her focus on us. “I’m his wife Helen. Helen Richard” Mom ushered. The receptionist turned to her computer. All the while, my heels were making noise on the floor. I was in a rush that I forgot to change out of the heels. I’m sure I will end up with a pained leg later. “Here, use this card. His room is located on the third floor. VIP 3” Mom grasps the card and sprinted away. She had completely forgotten about me standing by the side. Getting to the VIP ward wasn’t hard. Mom was getting impatient. She tried to stay calm but I know deep down she’s feeling the pain. The moment the elevator unlocked itself, she ambled toward the room. Before I could processed it, she was already inside the room. I followed her heed towards the room, seeing two guards in front of the room wearing the same uniform as the ones back at the house. Not having any strength in me to argue, I showed them the card and they shifted away. Pushing the door open, I was met with my pale father, a bandage wrapped around his leg. “Ashley” came his weak voice. Mom turned to me with her crimson eyes. Something like realization could be seen in them. “Dad” I let out moving towards the bed and taking the seat beside mom who was holding his hands. “Why are you here? I thought I gave them a strict order not to let you out of the house. It’s dangerous” “It might be dangerous like you said but we cannot sit idle when you need us” Seeing my father all weak and in pain sent a tug in my heart. It reminds me of Nikky. I brush away the strand of tear that threatens to escape out of my eyes. Whenever her memories graced through my head, I find myself getting emotional which is unlike me. “Tell me Richard, what happened? How did you got shot” Mom bombards boring her eyes into his. Dad kept mute and only stares at his wife back to me. Mom squeezed his hands in an assuring way. Mom and Dad have been together since their juvenile days but their love is still strong. She once told me dad came to her life in a short time and he changed her life. He was her first love. “Listen to me carefully” His words revamped to my ears snapping me out of my trance. His bed was being put up in such a way that he would be comfortable as he talks. “Tell us,” Mom said getting anxious. “The police are already investigating who that person is but I won’t stay idle. So my men are doing their own job too. Ashley” He called. “Yes Dad” He cleared out his voice before continuing. “It seems you will have to take care of the company for me. As you know I can’t work at the moment considering my leg and there are lot of work left unfinished. To make sure you are safe, I have assigned a personal bodyguard he should be here any-” Dad didn’t finish his statement when the door was pulled open followed by a man in a suit.
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