Chapter 2

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Ashley Scribbling my keys through the lock pad, I unlocked it and got in. I could feel his presence. Which means, he's still taking in the fact that I said those things to him. But I don't care. He's married now, so he should stay away from me. Laying my bag gently on my desk which a glass banner was positioned on it with Ashley Richard written in bold on it. A smile made its way to my lips. I remembered the first time I establish the place. It was six months ago. A lot has happened in the span of those months but I must say they are all worth it. “Good Morning Miss Richard”. A cheerful voice said. I don't have to be told who that person is. I know her so well. Kristine my assistant and only friend since day one. “Morning Miss Kristine, the London girl” I empathize the 'London girl' in such a way that she would react and she did. The once smiling face of hers turns to frown. I like to mess up with her by calling her London girl. It happens when one of my client kept bragging about how popular she is in the whole of London. I could see right through her lies but Kristine believed her as she listened attentively to her rants. Since then, I call her London girl. “Excuse me, Miss Ashley, it wasn't my fault. I thought she was saying the truth”. Kristine remarked plopping her things on her desk and switches on her desktop. “Well, be thankful this Boss of yours is quick witted” Kristine rolled her eyes at my comments. “Talking of it, I received a call from Miss Lindy about that project” “Decline it” Kristine watches me with a frown on her thick eyebrows. “You didn’t even let me finish talking. Who knows maybe this time around she’s serious” “Nothing is serious with that woman. She always wants things according to her and you know I don’t work like that. If you are to hire me then we go by my rules. So don’t bother to tell me” I ended forming my lip in a thin line. Kristine didn’t say anything more. She knows how I can be. At times we argue on it but there’s nothing she can do or anyone can do to change how I am. If I want to change, I will but I decided not to. A few minutes of silence fell on us. Kristine is my assistant and loves photography just like my sister. She’s pretty at her work. I asked her so many times why she chooses to work in my small firm when she’s skilled and will have many opportunities in other big companies and her answer is always ‘I prefer it here’. I wonder why. But most of all, I’m glad I have her as a friend and assistant. She knows how I am and she still chooses to stick with me. “Kristine, did you get a reply from that site?” I started breaking the silence. She threw a glare in my direction and answered in a not so loud voice. “I didn’t but I’m still trying to find a way to know who operates the website. That way we can negotiate with them” I nodded my head in answer. I hope we will be able to get through them. By the amount of traffic the website has, if we negotiate with them and they upload our pictures on their website, we will get more exposure. “Have a look at this Ashley” Kristine said from behind me placing her laptop in front of me.  ‘Lindy takes over New York City with her new designer dress’ I resist the urge to roll my eyes. It was a picture that was taken by me at her villa two weeks ago. “And what does that has to do with me?”  Anything that will grab people’s attention is what Lindy will go for. I was snapped back to reality by a hand on my shoulder. “My dear boss, you said you’re quick-witted but you don’t seem to see what is written beneath the post. Dress from: Diane Blake Photographer: A & N I read out the name so many times not believing my eyes. Did I just see my firm name on the tabloid? “Call Lindy and tell her we will accept her proposal”. I have no time to waste this is my chance. A laugh resonates from Kristine’s lips. “And what’s funny?” “Did I just hear you say call Lindy. I thought you said you don’t have anything to do with her?” “Yes, I-” I passed her a dirty glare. “And what is the problem in changing my mind. Call her right away” “Yes Boss”. I hope things will be good from now on. Nikky I’m making it. “Good Morning Mrs. Lindy. I’m calling from A & N. Yes Mrs. Lindy. We will be there soon. Thank You” I waited for Kristine to hang up before speaking up. “What did she say?” I asked. “Well, she said we should come over to her house and talk business” Kristine tug her hair behind her ear. She’s enjoying joking around with me. “You mean we are to go to her Villa?” “Exactly or do you have any problem?” “No, I don’t. So without wasting any more time, let’s get this done” Kristine opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off plopping a gum in her mouth and plop the other in mine too. “Get your ass off the chair and let’s go. You know I don’t like waiting”. I carried the necessary things and also prepare a contract in case she’s ready to set everything then she will sign it then and there. I didn’t know getting inside Mrs. Lindy's villa will be harder than I thought. Here we are in front of her gate; her guard is not ready to bulge even after telling him the woman is expecting us. “Excuse me Mr. Statue man; do you know who my boss is? You even dare to block her way? Just by a little phone call, she can get you fired from your job” Kristine remarked glaring at the man who didn’t flinch at her threatening words instead he readjusts his gun position. A chuckle escapes me seeing her leaping backward within a second she’s standing in front of me. “Don’t you think we should call Ms. Lindy and let her know we’re here and besides she was supposed to notify them that she’s having some guest? I don’t understand that woman” “Exactly.  But we are not going to call her, I will get in myself. Watch and see” Pushing my bag to her body, I walked majestically towards the man, my heels making some scant sound. “I hope you’re not going to tell him who you really are?” She exclaimed but I didn’t heed to her words. Standing in front of the man, I let out a small smile. “Morning Mr. Man” I commenced. The guy glanced at me for a split second, before averting his eyes again. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. “Okay, no need to beat around the bush. As my assistant there said, we are here to meet Mrs. Lindy for an important project which I know you understand” My lips form a thin line as I ended my statement. “Madam gave me a strict order not to let any random person inside her house and-” “I’m not a stranger,” I said through gritted teeth. I’m beginning to be fed up with the guy. “But I don’t know you Miss” The smile on my face was replaced with a scowl. It seems I have to use another side of me. Taking out my card from my jacket pocket, I handed it to him together with my phone. “Check this out” I folded my arms across the chest waiting to see his reaction. Just as I expected, his eyes widened for a second before concealing it up with a smile. “You are the photographer who took Madam’s shot?” “Exactly” “You should’ve informed me? I wouldn’t have wasted your time?” “That is what my assistant has been trying to tell you and you decided to turn completely deaf to her words. So since you realized how important we are to your Madam, can you kindly let us in” He stared at me as if he’s trying to make out something which I don’t have interest in knowing. I waved at Kristine, indicating her to come over. “I’m sorry Misses you can go in. I’m sure Madam is waiting for you” He moved aside while opening the gate for us. As we walked past him, I stopped and whispered to his ear. “I’m sure your Madam will be delighted to know how her guard messes with her important guests” “Miss I-” I shush him by placing my palms on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’m not that desperate to tell her. In fact, I have other things to do” I dragged Kristine away liking the frightened expression on his face. “What did you tell the guy that made him agree?” Kristine asked as we made our way to the entrance door of Mrs. Lindy's villa “It’s nothing to worry yourself about” I answered absentmindedly. “Did you tell him you’re-” “No, and you know I won’t do that” If I tell him my real identity, I know he won’t hesitate in letting us in but I don’t want that to happen. It means he’d favor me because of my father which is something I don’t like. I prefer to gain things on myself without needing help which is why just few people know who I am. Kristine presses on the doorbell and we waited for Mrs. Lindy to show her face. “Good day, Mrs. Lindy” I began the moment the door was being open. The woman offered out one of her smiles. The bags under her eyes didn’t go unnoticed by me.  From what she told us, she’s a single mom with no son or daughter. And the husband left her for another woman. It’s heartbroken when someone you are together with throughout your youthful days, left you and that for another woman. What does she lack? Mrs. Lindy is a beautiful woman even though I’ve never seen her without makeup but I have a feeling she’s a pretty woman though, she can be annoying at times. I was snapped back to reality when my body was being pulled by Kristine. Mrs. Lindy led us to her living room where books, magazines, and few makeup things were scattered on the center table. Noticing were my eyes has taken off to, she quickly cleared out the center table. “So Mrs. Lindy what project do you want us to work on?” Exchanging formalities will only waste both her and my time. “What’s the rush? You didn’t even let me serve you something?” She was about to stand up when I halted her. “Thank you, but we’re okay. I just want us to get this done. You know, before you change your mind” Her lips broke into a smile as she plopped her leg on the other. “You know me so well Miss Richard” “Well, I don’t forget my clients so easily. I make sure I study them before we start working together. So….” I trailed off adjusting my sitting position. Mrs. Lindy nodded her head. “I like how straightforward you are that is why I choose you for this new project of mine and believe me, this project will not only bring a lot of money to you but also fame because it’s a big project” “I don’t know if it will sound weird if I say it but I don’t care about those things. The only thing I want is people to know my firm and photography skills not me” A moment of silence fell on us. Mrs. Lindy stared at me arching her shaped brows. “What are you doing?” Kristine whispered enough for me to hear. She slightly nudges me when I didn’t answer her. A loud laugh of Mrs. Lindy resonates through the whole living room. “You are giving me more reason to work with you. Good. So let me get straight to the point. I want you to be my personal photographer?” She stated folding her arms across the chest. “I don’t quietly understand what you mean,” I said joining my brows in a questioning manner. Mrs. Lindy emerges from her sitting position and walk up to where we were seated. “I know you won’t that is why I will explain to you. If you can remember our conversation that other day, I told you about my husband leaving me with another woman right?” I hummed in return. “So, something happened last night which is why I posted the picture you took to show the asshole I’m living well without him but what he told me was-” She choked at her words. I knew something must be happening in the woman’s life considering how she’s living all alone in a big house with no one to take care of her. Not knowing how to comfort her, I handed her my hankie. “Thank you, dear. And don’t mind me for getting emotional. So as I was saying, I want you to be my personal photographer” I was left confused with her words. I mean why would she wants me to be her personal photographer when she can hire someone who is more skilled than me. “If I may ask why do you want me to be your personal photographer when there are a lot of them who are more skilled than me?” She squats beside me placing her hands atop mine. “That is because I want it to be you and because I trust you and your work. And do you know what the main job is?” she asked. “No” “I want it to be a reality show”  
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