Chapter 4

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Ashley "Welcome, Neil. I was just notifying my daughter about you" Dad said. The man in talk walked up to us at a slow pace. One hand stuff in his pocket while the other was holding a duffel bag. My eyes flicker to his face which was held in a small smile. I didn't miss noticing the small cut at the side of his jaw which was replaced by a few stubbles. "Good day, Mr. Richard" His manlike voice flew to our ears. Just like me, mom was also looking at him. A look I knew so well. Checking him out. Dad readjusts his sitting position as he shook hands with him. "Meet my daughter who you will be working for. Ashley and my wife Helen" the way he uttered out her name made me cringe but all that stopped when the Neil guy turned to me with an outstretched hand. The smile on his face didn't waver a bit. "Nice meeting you Ashley" my hands were still glued to my side as I take in his greetings. His brows were knitted as he waited for me to respond. I let out a little smile. "Nice meeting you too Mr. Neil" I didn't shake his hands instead I folded my hands together. Something like disappointment could be seen in his eyes but I couldn't care less. I have a bigger problem at hand. Turning to my father, I began straightforward. "Why did you assign a bodyguard to me. I am capable of working alone without the need of a guard" "Ashley can't you see the young man is still here," Mom said passing me a frown. It will be better if he hears it. I don't need anyone to watch over me. "I'm not a kid Dad. There's no need to assign anyone" He didn't say anything only stare ahead. "Dad!" I exclaimed. "Neil can you give us a minute. I will inform you when I'm done giving the stubborn daughter of mine a piece of my mind" Neil slightly bowed making his way out of the room not before glancing at me with my eyes already glaring at him, he sent me a smile or rather a smirk. The moment he was out, I proceeded to our conversation. "Dad I'm not-" He didn't let me finish my statement raising his hands up stopping me. "I don't want to hear anything from you. I can not let your stubbornness lead you to danger. I know the reason why I assigned him to you. He might not be very skilled in the job but I know he will protect you so get prepared to start going to the office tomorrow" with that being said, he revises the bed and laid back, turning his face to the other side. I thought of a new objection to say but no matter how I c***k my brain, no excuse came and not to talk of the constant glare mom had been giving me daring me to talk. All of a sudden, anger soar inside me and I find myself darting out of the room. I need to have one on one talk with the guy himself. He was leaning on the wall beside one of the guards, pressing on his phone. Noticing my presence, he lifted his face up, and yet another smile took over his face. I rolled my eyes in return. "Mr. Neil, can I have a word with you?" His eyes were thoughtful for a moment before he nods his head and followed me to the other side of the hallway. "I want you to tell my father that you can not go ahead with the job" "And why?" A hostile breath made its way out of my mouth. Didn't he get it when I told my dad back inside that I don't need anyone to watch over me? "Because I don't need a bodyguard or anyone to watch over me" I declared. He stayed quite staring at me. "Why are you staring at me? Go and tell him already" I said feeling irritated by his gaze. "I'm sorry to say Miss Ashley but I can't go back on my word," he said. His once smiling face now turned to a serious one. I wonder if it was all an act. "Excuse me, I advise you to save yourself early before it becomes late. I can pay you a bigger amount than what my Dad offered you. What you have to do is tell him you're not going to go along with the job" I muttered out the last part through gritted teeth. His presence is beginning to get on my nerves. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and strode closer to me, bringing his face closer to the extent that I could feel his breath fanning my face. The scent coming from his body is a mixture of Lavender and musk. I won't deny how the scent beat through my nostrils. Looking at him up close, his eyes are blueish in color. I have never seen someone with blue eyes. And to say I was allured by the color would be unlike me. A whole Ashley Richard. My brain finally realized what I was doing and the position we are in. Using my index finger, I nudged him away from me and maintained my composure by clearing out my voice. "Look, Mr. Neil. I'm being nice here because I don't want to get you into any trouble. I can see you look so innocent. So if the offer is too little, I will triple the amount that should be able to retain you for two years for you and your family" Something flashed in his blueish eyes. Somewhat like bitterness and anger. Before I could process what was happening, he hauled me to the wall harshly with a venomous look. "You don't know anything about me or my family. I'm advising you to think before you blabber anything out of your mouth. And for your information, I don't need any money of yours. Be it triple amount or your entire fortune. I've already accepted the job and I will try my possible best to protect you" he seethes. For a moment, I was lost of words only stare at the furious man standing in front of me. If someone told me he's all smiley few minutes ago, I wouldn't believe it. When his words finally clicked inside my brain, I shoved him away glaring at him equally. "Who do you think you are? It's left to you if you don't want to take my offer but let me make myself clear Mr. Neil. Working with me won't be an easy job so get yourself prepared because I will make sure you quit with your own self" His vindictive eyes didn't waver a bit by my words instead he replaced it with a smirk. "Then I will be looking forward to the day. Excuse me, we still have unfinished business with your father. See you around. Miss Ashley" He patted my shoulder lightly before making his way inside the room. I stood rooted to my spot staring at the door. Did he just walk up on me? When I'm not yet done talking? An annoyed smirk made its way to my lips. We shall see how his job will work out. I will show him who the real boss is. Following his heed, I ignored the knowing look the guards are delivering to me. "Neil, I assumed you have settled the matter with my daughter right?" Dad began as I set my foot inside while mom was busy smiling at him. The urge to smack him increases but I decided to keep that aside for some other time. "Yes, Mr. Richard. I made sure I explained to her that her life might be in danger if she decided not to listen to her father's decision of protecting her" My mouth was left open hearing the lie he's feeding my Dad. "That is good. I'm glad I made a good choice in hiring you. I'm entrusting my daughter to you. What are you standing there doing Ashley" He proclaimed. The corner of Neil's lips curved up. At first, I thought of taking my seat but I think it will only anger me as far as Neil is still present in the room. "No need for that Dad. I'm about to heed out" I said. "To where?" Now my dad has turned to an investigator. "To the reception. I need some fresh air to take in all the new things happening in my life." "That's good then. Neil should tag along" My eyes almost popped out of its socket. It can't possibly mean he would follow me around everywhere. "Is he-" "Yes. he will be with you 24hours. That way my mind will be at ease. The person who shot me might be targeting my family, so we can't be reckless." "By 24 hours, you mean everywhere I go? including the people I meet with?" I asked trying to be sure. Maybe my ears are deceiving me. His next word answered my negative thinking. "Exactly. You will have to focus on the company so quit that firm of yours" Firm? Does he know about my job? My eyes immediately went to mom. No one knows about it except her. "I have no other choice. Besides, sooner or later he would find out so why drag it again" she retorted before I could confront her about it. Betrayed and hurt was the word I could think of to label what I felt at the moment. My mom betrayed me and told the truth even after promising me she won't tell Dad. On the other hand, my Dad thinks I can't take care of myself and assigned a bodyguard to me. Those two things tug at my heart greatly. A lone tear I didn't know where it came from slipped from my eyes. "Ashley," they both said at the same time. Mom rises up from her sitting position. I halted her in her steps before she could reach up to me. "No don't. Am I some sort of a toy to you? I'm not a kid for goodness sake father. I don't need to be guarded and mom you always try to hook me up with your friend's rich sons. Who am I to you? I'm your daughter. Why can't you understand my feelings? I chose to be this way because I prefer it. I don't want any more addition to my already problem." I didn't care if Neil will laugh at me. Heck, I know he's doing that already. "Listen to me, Ashley. Calm down and stop exaggerating. We can sort this out." It was as if Neil knew that he was invading our privacy, he stood up from his seat. "Excuse me. I will be outside" Before he could make himself out, Dad stopped him. "No need for that Neil. Since she decided to show her disrespectful attitude and stubbornness in front of you then there's no need to leave. I won't say much. Think whatever you want to but my decision is final. You will understand why I'm doing this one day." "Really Dad? Don't you care about your daughter's feelings?" I let out calming myself from saying something inappropriate. "Feelings? Where were you when your sister was in pain? You were there spending time with that asshole and your friends" His words stung to my heart like a perching needle. "Richard" Mom exclaimed and he immediately shut his mouth. To say I was shocked and taken aback by his words will be an understatement. The tears I've been holding in made themselves out in no time. I can not believe my father is blaming me for my sister's death. "Are.. you... blaming me for Nikky's death?" I stuttered out disbelieving. His face didn't show any once of regret rather anger. My legs wobble back and I grip the chair for support, my eyes still glued to my father. "Never for once did I think a day will come when my own father will blame me for his first daughter's death." "Ashley-" "No mom. It was all my fault that Nikky died. It was my fault." I repeatedly uttered out the words as I managed to move my body out of the room ignoring my mother's calling and the stares Neil is giving me. He must be enjoying seeing me in tears. The words kept echoing in my skull. Where were you when your sister was in pain. You were there spending time with that asshole and your friends. I lost balance and fell on the floor feeling as if a rod had been banged in my head. I held on to my head as the pain increase together with the words echoing in it. I bite my bottom lips trying to get off the floor but my body lost balance once again. This time around I fell on something hard and the next thing my eyes could make out is darkness. A complete blackout.
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