Chapter 8

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Ashley It's time! It's time! It's time! I let out a groan, pulling the duvet over my head. Yet, an annoying voice kept on ringing in my ear. Let me get a hold of the person responsible, he or she will regret opening their mouth anyhow. Unexpectedly, the voice died down. A faint smile made it way out of my lips. That person knew not to misbehave with me or my peaceful sleep. It's time! A loud yet husky voice revamped to my eardrums, very close that I have a feeling my ears might turn deaf anytime soon. With anger building inside me, I rose up but instead of me to lash out like I ought to, instead a scream was the thing my mouth was able to make out. I reached for the vase beside my nightstand and lunge it at him. However, my hand stood still in the air. “What the hell are you doing in my room!” I yelled. The next thing, my mouth was being covered. “Lower your voice. You might wake your father” He whispered through gritted teeth. “Uhm... Uhm..” I used my spare hand to smack him and grind my teeth on his palms which he immediately let go. “Do I care-” my words came to a halt when his words finally sink in. “What?” “My dad is back from the hospital? Why? When?” I bombard, eyes wide open. “Oh yeah he's on bed rest and for your mom, she's already waiting for you at the dinning” He ended his statement forming his lips in a thin line. Yet, I couldn’t understand what he was going on about. How comes he's back already. “What time is it now?” My hand roamed around the bed looking for my phone. “Looking for this?” He said hanging the phone on air. For a moment I stopped my movement and focus my attention on him. “Excuse me Mr. Man, haven't I made myself clear to you yesterday. And how the hell did you get in here? Who gave you the permission to” Last time I checked, he hasn't been given a room yet. And now he's standing in front of me blabbering rubbish. “You’ll get your explanation but first you need to get ready. You have thirty minutes to pull your shits together” He climbed out of the bed adjusting his suit. Wait! I didn't even notice his mode of dressing. His biceps... I mentally scold my dirty brain for checking him out. “What are you? My secretary?” “Oh God. Kristine” I've completely forgotten about my meeting with Kristine early morning. On the other hand my meeting with Mrs. Lindy. I really need to get my shits together. First I sent a text to Kristine to postpone Mrs. Lindy's meeting. Althrough my movement, Neil was still standing still hands folded together. “If you're checking out my body then you can leave. Like you said, I need to pull my shits together. Excuse me” Without waiting for what he had to say more, I grabbed my towel and marched to the bathroom. I almost rolled my eyes spotting my mom seated at the dinning, an empty plate settle in front of her. One look from her is enough to tell me that what she'd say or do wouldn't be a pleasant one and just as I expected she did. “Why didn't you take a decade in the room. Just look at the time now. You were supposed to be at the office as early as seven and now see” Her tone was dripping with annoyance. Just in time Daisy walked out with plate filled with dumpling. To save myself from anymore trouble, I grabbed one piece, sliding it in my mouth. “You can say whatever you want to when I'm back. And I heard dad is back. We'll talk later” Before she could get the chance to answer me, I peck her on the cheeks, grabbed my small duffle bag and alighted away. I dare not to turn around. Getting out of the entrance door, I heaved out a sigh of relief letting the late morning sunlight to cascade through my reflection. “Good Morning Madam” I almost flinch at the voice. My hands were placed atop my chest as I turned to my side. Seeing the same guys from yesterday. I've entirely forgotten about the bodyguard thing. Waving at them slightly with a small smile, I set foot towards my car. Unlocking it, I dropped my bag then got in the other side. “Leaving without me?” Snapping my eyes shut, I gripped the steering wheel. I stayed in that state for five second before unfolding my eyes open. “Can you stop making your presence known like one rebel theif” I said passing him a small glare. “Its depends on my mood. But I'll take it into consideration” “Like I care” Was my only answer before I ignite the engine and drove away. ** “Can you stop disturbing me with your c***k voice. As you can see I'm trying to concentrate on driving” I hissed out. He's been disturbing me with his sour singing voice. I don't know where my dad found a loud guy like him. And he's to guard and protect me when I don't see an once of protective in him. It was as if my words were deaf to his ear. He instead increases his singing voice. I hissed out once again stopping the car in front of the company. “Have we arrived yet?” Ignoring his looks towards me, I got out of the car. My eyes went to the vast building atop me. Richard Electronics written in bold letters. I exhale out a deep breath. Am I ready to start as a new person? Will I be able to achieve what I promised my dad? Will I be able to let go of my insecurities of being the talk of the media instead of the company? There's no going back Ashley. You have already taken a step the moment you accept the position. My inner mind remind me. This is just the beginning, there's no turning back again. Checking out my surrounding, only few people were roaming around the entrance door. No one seem to recognize or notice me as I made my way to the entrance door, my heels making a c***k sound with each step I took. “Good Morning Madamè” “Good Morning Sirè” the young security guard greeted with his weird accent. Like I did with the guys back at our house, I waved at him and embark on my way inside. The inside isn't a surprise to me because it wasn't my first time coming to my dad's company. Though it's been long. That time I was in college. Yet, the surrounding is still new to me. Althrough my way up, people were glancing at me. Some were giving me weird look while some decided to greet me. However, none of them bothers me. My only motive is to see me in the third floor where my dad's office is located. We got to the third floor with Neil quietly tailing behind me. I'm glad he decided not to open his mouth while we're at the workplace. At middle aged man walk up to me. By the look of him, he must be in his late forties. “Good Morning Miss. Richard” he commenced in a professional tone. He even know my name. Great! My dad must've planned everything out before hand. “Good Morning Mr....” I trailed off waiting for him to complete my statement. “Call me Dawkins. I'm Mr. Richard personal assistant and he had already explain everything to me. Let me walk you to your new office ” The man looked kind to my liking. He ushered me to the door few steps from where we we're standing. We stopped in front of the door with President written in white italics on the wooden door. Mr.Dawkins pulled the door open stepping aside for me to get in “Thank you” I ushered. I was about to step my foot inside when I felt Neil presence on my back. And also Mr. Dawkins curious look on him. “Oh Mr. Dawkins, I didn't introduce him. This guy here is Neil, my bodyguard” I said in a thin line. The bodyguard word felt creepy on my lips. “Oh, nice meeting you Mr. Neil” he offered his hand for a handshake and Neil shook it instantly. “I hope you’ll guard our president well. Her safety and our company safety is in your hands” The moment Mr. Dawkins uttered the words out, I knew we'll get along. I'm glad someone has a good thinking like me. “Trust me. That's what I'm here for” Neil retorted back letting out a smiles. As if. “Shall we?” Mr.Dawkins interrupted. I nodded and together we entered. The office was unexpectedly calm more that what I imagined it to be. Not to talk of the light illuminating the office through the small window. “Not bad” I muttered out glancing around. Everything was well settled. Clear and clean. Exactly the way I want an office to be. “Is there anything you'll like to change? From the exterior and other things” Mr. Dawkins said beside me. “It’s okay for now. When I need any changes I will let you know” “Alright them. Let me explain some few things to you” he added again. “I will be right outside” Neil interjected after keeping quite for a while. I only spare him a glance then tore my eyes to what Mr. Dawkins is trying to explain to me. I know working in my father's company is not an easy job. However, explaining the whole process to me is harder than I thought. We spent almost half an hour with Mr. Dawkins explaining every little details to me. “So to conclude everything, these are the schedule for the whole year” he pushed a stack of paper in front of me. That means my life will not be the way it is anytime soon. Here I'm thinking of managing my photography firm and also the company. But now looking at the stacks of documents settled in front of me to read through, I think I have to rethink my decision. “Thank you Mr. Dawkins. I must say you know the corner and end of this company” “I’m glad I could be of help. I will fix a date for the new assistant position. Is Thursday okay?” he said rising up from his seating position. I also did the same. My butt arching from sitting for too long. “I thought you said you're my dad's personal assistant why the need for another one?” my brows were slightly raised as I focus my attention on the calm man. A small smile resonate out of his mouth. “Yes I am Miss. Richard but your dad had promoted me from the assistant position so we have to look for a new one to make your work a bit easier” “A bit easier?” I repeated. “Yes. Being a president is not an easy job. So, I will leave you to work. Excuse me” He offered out a smile. Yet, my mind was already occupied with his statement that I didn't answer him back. The moment he was out of the office, Neil face surfaces. “Done already?” “Why asking?” I ushered back. His face crease into a frown. “Well you're my responsibility now so I have to ask about the little things” he answers making himself comfortable in one of the comfy couch. The couch that catches my eyes since the time we came in. Folding my arms across my chest, I leaned on the desk. “You know that you lack manners right?” “If you're calling this a lack of manner then you don't really know the meaning of manner” “Then why are you behaving as you like. Last time I checked, you're assigned to guard me. Don't you think you need to at least respect me?” I waited for him to speak up instead a chuckle was the only thing that came out of his mouth. “Am I funny to you?” I asked annoyance dripping from my voice. I'm almost at the verge of losing my temper. Before I could know what was happening, he was standing right in front of me. His face was merely two inch away from mine. I didn't miss a faint smirk that curved up his lips. “If you call that funny then I won't object to it” he muttered. “Miss. Richard, I forgot to.... Excuse me” And the door was slammed shut.
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