Chapter 7

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Ashley The rest of the hour we spent at the hospital was exhausting. Kristine with her funny self cracked a joke every now and then. It was as if dad isn't in pain seeing him laughing with all his living being. Mom wasn't left out too. Mine was a professional one to avoid getting mouth pain due to laughter. When it was time for her to leave, the smile on dad's face vanished. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his remark. It's not that she's his source of happiness and I know he's still hanging on our little argument. Neil and mom's words skim through my head. Apologize to your father Give him a chance. Deep down I knew the way I acted was uncalled for, considering he's my father. But sometimes when you're blinded by anger, you can barely control yourself or actions. Mom has stepped out. Only me and father were present in the room with a thick silence hanging in the room. Dad's eyes were glued to the newspaper, maybe checking out if there's any news about his attack. I know probably the media are hungry for a highlight. Rising up from the two sitter couch, I trekked to his bed, taking the stool stationed beside him. He turned to me for a mere second, before averting his eyes back to his newspaper. I let out a deep sigh, yet, I reach for his hands rested on his sides. "I'm sorry father" I began. "I know you're trying to protect your family. Right now, we don't know the person who attacked you and why he attacked you. Hopefully, the police will be able to figure it out. And about my photography firm, I'm sorry for not telling you. I was waiting for the right time. Rest assured, I will take care of the company. You just have to recover soon. I want to see my father safe and sound" At first his emotionless face didn't waver a bit. However, when I uttered the last part, I saw a hint of a smile at the corner of his lips which he immediately covered it up with all seriousness. Still playing hard to get. Great! "Come on dad! I've apologized already. Can you at least smile" I ushered clutching his hands tightly. "For me" He cleared out his voice then turned to me. "Well, I know sooner or later, you would come to me. I'm just putting on act to make it fast" A smile was plastered on his face as he pinched the bridge of my nose. Something he always does to me whenever he's in good mood. "I'm glad you decided to heed to my words. I won't stop you from your job, but you have to manage the company. Maybe this is a chance for me to rest a bit from work and stress" I felt lighthearted by his word. Yet, his last statement wasn't satisfying to me. Managing the company means I will be known by people which is not something I'm looking forward to. However, to bring a smile to dad's face, then I will have to counter it. Squeezing his hands once again, I let out a smile.  "Rest assured father, I will take care of the company. Just make sure you recover soon and take enough rest" The sound of the door opening snapped us out of our conversation. "Did I interrupt something?" Mom said. Her hands were stuffed with two nylon bags. Both I and father didn't say anything. She watched the two of us through her eyes before her lips curved into a frown. "Why do I feel like you two are keeping something away from me" she began again, taking her seat beside dad.  "What? No, we're not talking about anything. Right, dad?"  "Yes Helen, I was just passing her the company's information. Nothing special to raise your goosebumps on" Mom passed him a glare which dad shrugged in return.  "What's the crime in raising goosebumps, I have the right to know what my family is up to." Even with her raised voice, dad didn't stop talking. And that's when their bickering began. Reaching for my bag, I slowly left the room. If I try to stop them, it will only worsen so it's better if I let them be. To have their couples fight.  I closed the door quietly behind me and turned around only to bump into a rock hard surface or should I say a rock hard chest. My heart hammered in my chest at our proximity. We were so close that I feel like my heart is going to come out of its socket. The manlike scent coming from his body penetrates through my nostrils. My eyes straight to his chest. I didn't know from where it came, yet, I found myself thinking about Kristine's words. But before I could rummage my eyes through his body, he cleared out his voice which snapped me out of my trance. Placing my palms on his hard chest, I pushed him off my body giving us enough space. His eyes were slightly widened as he balanced himself from falling from my fist for the second time.  "Excuse me, can't you watch where you're going? Perhaps you want your body to touch mine. Huh?" I was expecting his lips to curve up as he always does.  Instead, he took out his phone. "Last time I checked you're not deaf. And whenever I'm talking, I expect that person to listen attentively" I confided. His next word made me so sure that indeed the guy has some issue in his brain. "It's not like you're some goddess. And besides, you're not that bossy enough that will make people fear you. If you're done, shall we? Mr. Richard had already explained everything to me." Before I could answer him, he walked past me, leaving me with my eyes on his back. I didn't miss the looks the two guards are giving me. I don't know what to label the coldness that washed over me. Maybe embarrassment. How dare him! The Ashley Richard herself. Even after getting down, I found him leaning on the car. My car. Ignoring the grumpy look on his face, I took out the keys ready to unlock the door when he snatched the keys. Being me, someone who doesn't give up easily, I held his hands and was about to snatch the keys back, yet he held my hand tightly that almost made me let out a yelp. "What the hell is wrong with you? Don't get on my nerves. I have bigger things on my plate than to listen to your annoying self" I seethe through gritted teeth. Ever since I met him, he left nothing but a bad impression. What the hell is wrong with the man? I try to snatch my hands from his grip once again but he held it more, this time around he pulled me to him, my other hand landing on his chest. For the second time today. "I'm warning Mr. Neil. I'm not someone you can play with however you like. If you want to keep your job then you have to behave well. So while I'm being nice, let go" I said in my most calm voice. I don't think he would like to see the other side of me which I think he's trying to unleash. And that will be very soon. His chuckle revamped to my ear. He loosened his hold a bit which gave me a cue to pull my hand away. The first thing I did was connect my palms with his face. "How dare you!" I exclaimed. The smile vanished from his face immediately. His jaw clenching as his demeanor changed. "I'm warning you. Do your job" I was about to turn when I stopped. This time around, it was my turn to smirk. Moving a bit closer to him, I placed my fingers on his chin, stroking them slowly. "Make sure you massaged the area to avoid it swelling up," I said with must enthusiasm. I could swear I saw something flicker in his eyes which I don't mind knowing. Maybe it has something to do with my actions. I know I should've let him be like that, but something at the back of my mind kept telling me to provoke him more. Bringing my face closer to his ear, I whispered. "Mess with me next time and you'll experience more than this" Patting his shoulder, I unlocked the car door and roared the engine to life with a victory smile playing on my lips. Up to my way back home, the smile was still visible on my face. Does he think he can mess with me and get away with it? Ashley Richard is not a weak woman. This is the new me, not the old Ashley who doesn't take action whenever people mess with her. Just as I got in the house and parked my car, I texted Kristine to meet me at home at 7:30 am earliest tomorrow. The guards were still standing the way I left them. Yet, my eyes catch something or rather someone. To say I was surprised to see him will be an understatement. How did he arrive before me, when I left him and drove away.  The amused smile dangling on his lips proved to me that he arrived before me on purpose. But how? I thought there's only one shortcut and it's already jam-packed with traffic. Then how did he surpass it? I tried not to show my surprise, keeping my face straight. "Welcome back Miss. Richard" the guards greeted while a certain person was only looking at me, hands folded together.  "Good day to you too" I answered making my way inside. The footsteps that emerged from the door made me halt at my steps. I let out a deep sigh before turning around. "What is it again? Isn't my small slap enough for you? Or do you need more?" I said slouching down on the couch.  "Apologize for your actions," He said. My face immediately snapped towards him. "Me? Apologize? You must be joking" I retorted, a small chuckle escaping my lips. "Does my face look like I'm joking?" I searched his face for any form of a joke but found none. Indeed something is wrong with the guy. I decided to just ignore him. I stretched my legs on the center table and lean my head down. "I said you should apologize" I heard his voice closer to my ear. My lips let out a hiss. Peeling my eyes open, I rose up. "Apologize for what?" "For your actions back at the hospital" I'm tall but needless to say, he was a bit taller than me.  "And what if I don't? What will you do?"  He turned his back to me, folding his hand across his chest. "If you don't..." he started then stopped. "Then what? You'll slap me back. Is that it?" I retorted. Folding my arms across my chest too. The silence that hung in the room all of a sudden was something I didn't see coming. I know he's consumed with his thoughts, so do I. I waited for him to react. Maybe he will slap me back or blow a fist on my face. I'm already looking forward to that. The clock tickles with each passing second. Anger consumed me and I found myself shoving him around. The grumpy look was still on his face but this time around, it was a mixture of something I couldn't pinpoint.  "I'm warning you for the last time Mr. man. Stay away from me. You're assigned to guard me, then do you work" "And what if I don't?" "Then you'll suffer the consequence for your actions because Ashley Richard isn't someone to mess with" The fury in my eyes was dimmed visible. If he triggers me once more, then I have no choice than to unleash the other side of me. And he did
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