Chapter 6

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Ashley The drive to Collins high school, where I'm to meet with Kristen was not a pleasant one. Especially our constant bickering with Neil. He finds every chance to open his mouth and blurt out rubbish. Even with the daggers, I threw in his direction, it didn't make him a least bothered. Before I agreed for him to tag along, Mom had to get involved. I mean what's in having some rock hard man follow you around everywhere. Like Father said, the person who attacked him might target his family but I can't sit around idle just because of that. I halted the car in front of the school gate. Fishing out my phone, I dialed Kristen's number. "Where are you? I'm in front of the school" I said straightforward. Neil shifted beside me as he unlocked the door. In a swift moment, he was out of the car. I rolled my eyes at his back which was facing me before getting out of the car too. I scan the surrounding which was almost quiet since it's already closing time. Resting my back on the car, I folded my hands across my chest waiting for Kristine to arrive with the girl. Neil copied my action but instead, he stuffed his hands in his pocket. "Can you tell your guys not to follow me? I'm not comfortable seeing them around. You are already a handful" I mumbled down enough to reach his ear. Besides, if he wants to work as my bodyguard then he has to be ready for my demands. "I can't do that" he replied after staring at God knows what for a while. "And why is that?" "Because it's an order from your father" I didn't stop the laughter that made it way out of my lips. "Look at you. Right now you're working for me so you have to follow my orders instead" He muttered incoherent words which I'm not able to pinpoint. Pulling out his phone, he pressed it before sloping it back. "When is your friend coming?" he asked. My lips curved up in a smirk, getting off the car as I spotted Kristine from afar with a young girl who reaches to the level of her arms. "Working for Ashley Richard needs patience. So I would like it if you get yourself prepared" I said forming my lips in a fake smile. "As I said before, I'm more than ready. And mind you, waiting is an easy thing to me" Ignoring his words with a roll of my eyes, I focused my gaze on Kristine walking up to us. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I had to wait for her to finish her lessons" she ushered not noticing Neil beside me. "I will let it slide for today. So, is she the girl?" My gaze moved to the girl chewing something which I assumed as gum. To even let me know, she blew a bubble out of her mouth. "Hey girl, what's your name?" She blew out the bubble again with a grimace on her face. "Lisa," she said. Her eyes went beside me and in a matter of seconds, a smile, or should I say a blush, graced through her cheeks. Kristine and I followed her gaze towards Neil whose face was held in a smirk. And that is when Kristine decided to open her mouth to ask about him. I didn't tell her about the whole bodyguard issue. "Who is he?" she asked pointing a finger at him. "It's a long story but-" "I'm Neil, Miss Ashley's bodyguard," he said extending his hand. "Neil Roberts." Kristine's mouth was hung open as much as me. There must be something wrong with the guy. After Kristine finished staring at him or more like checking him out, she finally broke out of her trance and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Neil. I'm Kristine Brown. Ashley's friend and also her assistant." Her gaze lingers on him for a while before the other girl decided to break it with her interference. "Wow. You're handsome" she said. "You're beautiful too" A giggle erupted from her lips. My eyes traveled to her back to him finding him smiling at her. What's with him? Is he that carefree or acting to be. I opened my mouth to say something but my body was being dragged away by Kristine to the other side of the car. The rest of the guys are standing in front of their car, farther away from us with a statue expression on their faces. I puffed out an irritated breath. What the hell. "When did all this happen? Where did you find this hawty man" She ushered towards him with her eyes before turning back to me. "Who is hot?" I found myself asking. "Don't tell me you don't see how his bicep flex in that two-piece suit" I could swear I saw a ting of blush appear on her cheeks. I burst out with small laughter, reminiscing her words inside my head. "Don't tell me you're calling that rock hard man hot?" I remarked. "Of course he's hot and on top of that handsome too. What would it be like to run my hands on that six-pack of his" I almost choked. I didn't know Kristine has dirty thoughts in her head. To analyze her words, I twirled my head in his direction. A smile was playing on his lips as he talked with Lisa who cupped her face with her palms. God knows what he's feeding her. My eyes linger on the particular part Kristine talked about. It's indeed true. His bicep was clinging to his inner white shirt visibly to the eye. Why didn't I notice it before? It was as if he knew I was checking him out. He places both his hands on his waist which made the shirt cling more to the extent that I could see the trails of his six-packs. What will be the feeling if I am to run my five fingers around them. Wait did I just admit running my fingers around his body? Snapping myself out of the silly thoughts, I shifted my gaze back to Kristine but before I could do that, Neil turned his face around and our eyes met. A small shiver ran down my spine at his gaze on me. A kind of look I couldn't tell what it is. "Ehem... What are you thinking about?" Kristine snapped. Her tone held some kind of meaning but I wasn't going to heed to her silliness. "Let's get this done. I have to go back to the hospital before dad throws another tantrum" I muttered out the last part. Her face suddenly fell. "I'm sorry, I hope he's okay now?" "Yeah, he is. He won't be able to walk for some days due to a sprain on his leg. So I will be taking care of the company until he recovers" I don't know why he wants my to take his position. He can equally take care of it while at home. "What? You mean you're going to work in your father's company? As in CEO?" Her mouth was left wide open. Helping her shut the mouth, I made my way back to Neil and Lisa who are still having their never-ending conversation. "Answer me, Ashley," she said from behind me. "Exactly whatever your head is telling you. Enough with the flirting. Let's get this done. I have some other work to do" Glancing at my watch, it showed 5:30 pm. We arrived before 5 and we've spent thirty minutes without achieving what I came for. "So Lisa...." I trailed off my eyes going to Neil. "Can you leave us?" "I already know what you want to talk about so don't bother" "What?" "He looked friendly, so I told him everything" Kristine cleared out her voice from behind me. "I discussed with her first before she decided to meet you" Great. Just great. I think my life is about to turn to something else more than it was before. Calming myself from lashing out on the three of them, I forced out a smile. "So Lisa, how do you manage all those things. Who is your boss?" A chuckle made it way out of Kristen's lips. "She doesn't have any boss. It was all done by her" "How was I supposed to know when you didn't discuss with me first" I seethe passing her a dirty glare. She strolled back forming her lips in a thin line. "It was created by me and my friends. We are just doing it for fun" Lisa said with a shrug. "How much do you want? For you to manage my website or sell yours to me?" The gasp from her tells me she wasn't expecting it. "Five thousand, ten thousand, or more" I added. "Miss..." "Ashley" "Miss Ashley, I can't give you my answer now. I have to speak with my friends about it first" My eyes went to Kristine once again. So they haven't discussed the whole thing first before she decided to let her meet me. I like doing things straightforward and now Kristine and the young girl are trying to make it hard for me. "You have nothing to worry about. If you take the money to them, I know they won't be able to ask further questions. Besides money can solve many things. Especially you as a student" Her eyes were calculative for a while before she let out a sigh. "Still, I need time. I will discuss with my friends first" Snapping my eyes shut, I opened them again. Persuading the girl will be much harder than I thought. "Take enough time you need. I'm sure Miss Ashley will understand the situation you are in. Right?" This time around, it was Neil that spoke up. "And what right do you have to meddle in?" "Because it's the right thing to do." The right thing to do? He said the same thing at the hospital. Is he that busybody? "Yes he's right Ashley, let's give her some time" Kristine fished out her card. "Here call me when you've come to a decision" Before I could have a chance to speak up, Neil burt in again. "And think about what we chatted about. Believe in yourself and be strong" My brows raised in question as I study them both. "Do you have interest in her? OMG!" I couldn't dispose the laugh that threatened itself out of my lips. They were standing side by side and Lisa doesn't even reach his arm's length. She stood like his sister. "The girl is so young Neil. Don't hurt her. I know-" "It's not what you're thinking miss. He was just-" "Let her think negatively. It might be she herself is interested in me" "Inte... What?" He nodded his head in enthusiasm. "Something must be wrong with you. Why would I be interested In you? Did you look at yourself? You don't have the qualities I want in a man. And besides, you're so arrogant, busybody, and full of yourself. So better get those silly thoughts out of your head because it's hell not true and not going to happen" I was hyperventilating at his sudden confession about me. Does he think he's that handsome that every girl will fall head over heels for him? Then he's wrong. "What are you two looking at?" I snapped at Lisa and Kristine whose eyes were glued on me. "Nothing. I'm just surprised you're lashing out on this small talks" "Small talks? Have you forgotten you're supposed to address me with manners?" Realization dawn on her and she composed herself and mutter out a sorry. "Miss Ashley, I need to get going. I have some part-time job to run. I will call you if me and my friends have made a decision" She bowed slightly then turned to Neil and they both offered each other a smile. She waved at Kristine then sauntered away from us. I stared at her disappearing figure then switched my gaze back to Neil whose eyes were also on her. Is it really what I'm thinking? Upon all the women, he chose to flirt with Lisa, who is barely even matured. "Schedule a meeting with Mrs. Lindy, we need to adjust the whole reality show preparation" Kristine doesn't have to be told what to do, she answered back with an "Okay" I didn't give a glance in Neil's direction. I got in the car. Kristine followed my heed and opened the back seat. "What are you doing?" I asked. Her brows raised in confusion. "What do you mean? We're leaving" "Yes I know we are leaving but why are you entering my car. I thought you came here on your own." "Yeah, that's right. You're going back to the hospital, so I'm tagging along. I will check up on your dad and then go back home. As you can see I came here empty-handed. No car or bag. Just my phone" I didn't say anything and that gave her the cue to get in. She slipped her hand on the back seat handle when I halted her. "Sit in the front" Neil has been an earful already. I can't afford to listen to his act or have my eyes raked through his six-pack again than they already are. Screw your mind, Ashley. None of them uttered anything. They did as required. Kristine sat at the front while Neil ambled to the back. I didn't miss the words he grumbled out of his mouth. Drama queen. I heard it but decided to let it go. I will deal with his matters later. What I need at the moment, is a good rest to settle in all that is about to occur in my life.
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