Chapter 12

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Ashley "Since there are no any objections, then I will take your silence as yes. Max" the man called max rush up to me. "Yes Miss. Ashley" "You should supervise the project. You've been working in the company for over seven years now so I trust your capabilities. Mr. Dawkins" "Yes Miss. Ashley" "I hope I'm doing the right thing" "Yes you are" "Alright then. My judgement might be different from my dad. However, I'm also doing it for Richard Electronics success. I hope you'll all understand" silence was the only thing that prevailed. I let out a smile. "All the best. Excuse me" As soon as I set my foot outside, the room picked it noise. I know some will hate the idea of me being the new president. Heck I know some are even badmouthing me but that won't stop me from doing my job. "What's next Mr. Dawkins" I asked loosening one of my top button. I'm suddenly felt head radiating off my body. "You'll interview the people who applied for the personal assistant position" I let out an exasperated breath. Today sure will be a hell lot of hard work. Neil was standing in front of my office door as I left him before I left for the meeting. Since the delivery event last night, he was suspiciously calm. No longer words were exchanged between us. "Thank you Mr. Dawkins. Send them in five minutes please. Before them I'll get to settle myself down" Mr Dawkins nodded before turning around and left. I watched his disappearing figure. The man is indeed trying. Working his ass off day and night to feed his family on the other hand bringing the company to success. What would I have done without his help. I glanced at my wristwatch. It's almost lunch time. I needed to get the interview done and get something for myself. The interview lasted for one hour. Out of the ten people who applied for the position, I was able to pick one which is also in other not to waste any more time interviewing some again. She's a fresh out of college looking for a job to crash in. Though she doesn't have any good experience, she's still better than the rest. "So Evelyn, Mr. Dawkins will show you around and explain everything to you. I hope you'll be serious with your job" "Thank you for giving me the chance to work for you. I won't disappoint you" she slightly bend her head. Her unsteady hair tailing over her face. "Follow me. Miss. Evelyn" Mr. Dawkins ushered politely. By the time I'm sure they're out of the office, I dial Kristine's number. "Hey Miss. President, you finally decided to call me after casting me out" Her voice was low yet, I know she was faking it. "First of all, I didn't cast you out. You know I barely get time for myself. Let's meet at Stewart's" "Your treat right?" "Sure" her chuckle resonates from the other end. The drive to Stewart's was a ten minutes drive. I planned on going alone but as soon as I sneak out to the car, I found Neil standing in front of me. I know I won't be able to enjoy my lunch in peace as far as Kristine and Neil are present. And it happened. Kristine kept glancing at Neil every now and then. And him with his own trouble wink back at her. "For goodness sake Kristine, if you don't plan on concentrating on what you're eating then I'll leave. And you Neil stop flirting with my friend" Kristine forms her lips in a thin line while Neil shrugged his shoulder muttering under his breath. "It's not like it is my fault that they find me attractive" "Attractive my foot!" I muttered back enough for it to reach his ear. "What you said is true Neil. You're an attractive guy. However, my hot headed and arrogant friend will never admit to the fact that you are hot. So if you feel offended, I'm apologizing on behalf of her" My eyes went to Kristine. I could swore I saw a hint of blush. A chuckle escape my lips. "Are you serious Kristine? Don't tell me you've fallen for him?" I asked disbelivenly. "Did you hear me say that? I just find him hot or is that a crime. Is it Neil?" she turned to Neil who was only smiling. He's beginning to make me hate the word smile. "No It is not. Besides, It's a good feeling to fall in love. But can I ask you something" he leaned over the table pushing his plate to the side. And Kristine with her ownself was interested. Though a little part of me was also curious to hear what he's going to ask her. Nonetheless, I showed no reaction. "Has your friend ever being In love? She said something about not liking men. Is that true?" Kristine face snapped towards me with her brows raised up.  "Is it true? You don't like men?" she asked. "If you two don't have something better to do while not hire the media and interrogate me instead. It'll be a movie to watch" I seethe. Anger was dimmed visible on my face. They're enjoying making fun of me. "Look Ashley, I-" I lift up my hands halting her from whatever she had to say. "No save it. You two are enjoying it. I can't stop you. And for you Neil, you can leave alone" without waiting for what they had to say more, I grabbed my bag, drop the bill and left. She didn't attempt to call out of me. She knew how I am so stopping me will be of no use. With my pissed off mood, I didn't go back to the office, instead I clashed to the Spa to get the massage done once and for all. Tomorrow will be weekend, so I will get time to rest. I know Neil will find his way back home since he's not a kid. ** The room was pitch dark with the small lamp illuminating through the room. It was past 1am yet sleep was deprived out of my eyes. The uneasiness I felt at the pit of my stomach was something I'm used to. But this time around it was more intense that before. I took in a deep breath getting out of the bed. The water bottle beside me was empty. I slowly got out of the bed and a sharp pain snatched through my head. Grabbing the bed edge for support, I snapped my eyes shut. I felt my body weak as I regained my posture and got out of the room. The hallway was quite as always. Everyone must be sleeping. And I'm the only one awake. A hiss left my lips as another pain shot through my head. I couldn't move again. My legs felt too heavy to move. What is about to happen to me? This is the first time I'm experiencing it. "Ouch!" I cried out holding my pounding head. The whole surrounding began turning in my eyes. My legs gave out and I found myself landing on the floor.  Heat radiate off my body and my breathing became haggard with each intake. "Ashley" Neil walked up to me crouching down on the floor. "Are you okay?" he asked. My hands were still rested on my head. "Can you hear me?" he said again. "I'm okay, I-" "Ahh!" "No you're not. Let me call your mom" he was about to stand up when I held his arm. "Don't. I don't want to worry them. Just help me up to my room. I can manage" I wonder if he can hear what I was trying to say by my weak voice. "You're sick they need to know" "Like I said don't tell them. Just help me up" I ushered. He's making it hard for me to speak. "Even in your sick state you're still playing prideful. But-" "No but" I. Interjected. He heaved out a sigh. Leaning closer, he slid his hands around my waist. The heat radiating off my body increases more. His breathing unraveled on my neck. I placed my palm on the wall for support of myself. However, he surprised me when he lifted me up in his arms. To say my breathing didn't pick up it pace will be a lie. "This will be better" he ushered his lips curving up as usual. My eyes went straight to his chest area. The two buttons of his shirt were left open. I found myself staring at it longer than I intended to. My eyes catches something. Much like scar. Before I could know what I was doing, my fingers made their way to it. They didn't last longer when my body was being settled on my soft bed. He buttoned them up. I know it's not my thing to meddle in his matters. Yet, I felt like talking. "Old wound?" I found myself asking. His reply came almost immediately. "Nothing for you to worry yourself about" I felt like a bucket of water has been splashed on me.  It wasn't the answer I was expecting from him. His answer came out harshly. "Okay, it's my fault for asking" A moment of silence fell on us after the small talk. I lift up my eyes to the ceiling closing them. "Here" my eyes opened to a glass of water and a tablet. "What do I need it for?" "Your head is pounding of course you need to take some pain killers" he ushered back. "But I don't like them" I turned my face to the other side. The next thing I felt is my body being lift up. "What the-" he dropped the pill just as I opened my mouth to talk that forces me to gulp it down feeling the abnormal taste down my throat. "What do you want from me Neil" "Last time I checked you were the one who asked for my help and now you're saying what I want from you" I don't know where I got the strength from maybe the pain killer did it magic by giving me an instant strength. "This is my life you have no right to meddle in it. Just because I asked you to help me up doesn't me it'll give you the privilege to do what you deem fit" He opened his mouth to speak up but I didn't give him the chance to as I continued with what I saying. "You are being paid for your job so do it properly not poke nose in matters that doesn't concern you" For a moment I saw something flash in his eyes. A mixture of anger or maybe surprise. But that isn't compare to whatver he's doing to me. "So you mean worrying about your health is poking nose?" he hushed out. I heard him take a sigh. "You know, your ego can go to hell. You think you're a goddess all because your parents are wealthy or you are? Let me tell you one thing. Life can be unpredictable. You might be bragging about your fortune. However, life can turn you to a nobody In a matter of second" "You are nothing but a fool in my eyes" My eyes abruptly snapped to him. "What did you just call me?" I asked to be sure my ears are not deceiving ne. "Exactly what you heard" his expression doesn't look a bit remorseful at his words. "Because only a fool will play with his life they way you're doing now" Anger took over me. A strength from nowhere over power me. My pal a collided with his face. "How dare you!" I roared. The corner of his lips twitch up. "I was expecting this. I'll give you an award for being a good slaper" "Get out. Leave from my house. You're fired" I blurted all together pushing him with all my strength. "I don't want to ever see you in this house or in front of my eyes ever again. So get out!" I deadpan boring my angry eyes into his. In a matter of second, my back shoved to the wall with a fury eyes staring right back at me. "Listen carefully. Your threats or slap cannot chase me out of the house. I was hired by your father. I won't leave until I'm done with my mission.
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