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CHAPTER FIVE Almost half a dozen shots later I was drunk and Elisa had left me a while ago to flirt with some hot dude in the corner. I felt the seat beside me move as I turned my rather blurry gaze towards the man. I couldn’t quite figure out his exact looks but for the first time I never really cared about being cautious. He could some serial killer and I would care less.   “Why is a beautiful lady like you drinking all alone?” he faced me as I tried to focus on his face but failed miserably.   “Probably because the world hates me,” I slurred then burped.   “Let me guess, a breakup?”   “Naah! A breakup would have been nicer. All my life is going to a drainage and I can’t seem to do anything about it. I have worked hard for that company and now my dad just going to give it to that bloody Sinclair. That company is my home and one of the last few connections I have of my brother Noah. I can’t bear the fact that I going to lose it. I hate Frost Sinclair! He is such a f*****g asshole, taking away my life from me. He is a green eyed monster taking advantage of others! When I walked in on him f*****g one of his workers this morning I wanted to smack him so hard that…” that was the last thing I was blubbering about before I passed out.   When I woke up the following morning I was lying on a really comfortable king size bed covered with a black and white stripped duvet. A sexy cologne wafted its way through my nostrils as I turned to find the source only to realize it was coming from the shirt I was wearing and it was a man’s shirt. A man’s shirt? I sat up throwing the duvet off me with one swift motion and to confirm my worst fears, it was the only thing I was wearing apart from my lacy Victoria secret’s bra and matching lacy panties. I looked around now in full panic mode but I saw no one in the massive room. Where was I? I slowly slipped off the bed, feeling pain throbbing through the skull in my head as I tried to find my dress. It was nowhere to be seen, only my heels were under the bed.   “I took the liberty of ordering you coffee. Hope you take it black “a young man of about 24 or probably 25 years walked in smiling with two cups of black coffee.   He was 6 feet or so with a panty dropping smile and a body any straight lady would gladly have a piece of. He had sexy, broad shoulders with a face that reminded me of Ryan Gosling, only he had black hair with a darker skin tone. Damn! I would definitely smash that.   “Why do you have your shoes in your hands?” he pointed at the heels that I didn’t even realize I was holding.   “Um…I was going home. Where is my dress?” I asked tugging back a strand of hair on the back of my ear.   “You kind of puked on it. I had to pay one of the hotel workers to send it to the dry cleaners at 5.00 a.m. It should be back any minute now,” he explained sneaking a glance on his wrist watch.   “So we didn’t…you know,” I stuttered. “Sleep together? No, we didn’t. You were pretty much wasted last night and I know when not overstep my boundaries. Although I might have overstepped a little when I had to get rid of your messed dress. Hope you can forgive me for that,” he stated.   “I should be thanking you for helping out. I really should have a grip on my drinking. I hoped I wasn’t blabbering too much yesterday,” I crossed my fingers hoping I didn’t spill anything inappropriate.   “You just talked about how Sinclair is taking your company. You must really hate that man,” he commented as he handed me one of the cup to which I muttered a thanks.   “You have no idea,” I sipped the coffee, its hotness making my head feel much better.   I sat back on the bed as he sat on the coach, his muscles stretching at the white V-necked t-shirt. Silence engulfed the room as we sipped our coffee quietly with me looking anywhere else but him. A few times I had felt his hot gaze trailing my face but I refused to look at him. The awkward silence was broken by a knock on the door. He rose up, placing his coffee on the nightstand before walking off to answer it. I watched the way his muscles rippled when he yanked the door open. I was still transfixed when he walked back with my dress.   “Here, you can finish your coffee first then get ready,” he handed it to me as the familiar ringing tone of my phone filtered through the room.   “I forgot to tell you that has been ringing for quite a while, you might want to take it,” he pointed to the nightstand with his chin.   I picked it up drinking the last contents of my coffee. I saw my mum’s name flashing across the screen. It was uncommon for her to call me this early in the morning especially when she knew I was out with El all night.   “Mum,” I spoke on picking up at the second ring.   “Zoe I have been calling you for a while now. You didn’t come home last night. Are you okay?” she sounded worried.   “I slept over at Elisa’s,” I lied smoothly.   “I called her parents. They said that both of you didn’t sleep there but that is the last thing on my mind right now. I really need you to come home right away, like really fast,”   “Is everything okay mum?” it was my turn to get worried.   “Just come home,” she hung up.   I took the dress rushing into what I figured was the bathroom. I quickly changed into it after getting rid of the shirt. Hurriedly I walked out sliding into my heels then ran a hand through my hair to lessen its messy look before rushing back to the bathroom to clean my face. After I dubbed my face dry before picking up my purse and phone.   “Is everything okay?” he questioned.   “It’s a family emergency. Thanks for everything um…” I trailed off realizing I actually didn’t know his name.   “It’s Reagan,” he answered.   “Reagan. Hopefully next time we ever meet it will be under much more favorable circumstances. Good bye,” I smiled before rushing off to find a cab.
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