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CHAPTER SIX I tiptoed hearing my parents talking in the kitchen. I was about to take a step up the staircase to my bedroom when I felt my parents' presence behind me. Turning around I found them looking at me like I was a ridiculous fool and may that was exactly how I looked like with my heels in my hands.   “In the kitchen,” mum ordered. She did not sound angry but more like urgent and that really scared.   Seconds later I was sitting looking at my parents from across the kitchen table.   “So the Valiente family is coming over this morning,” dad began.   “Was that why you guys made me come home so fast like there was an approaching huge tornado? “Now I was the one eyeing them ridiculously.   “Remember when I told you there was a way we could save the company? The Valiente’s want to help us,”   “That’s very good news, so why the long faces?” I wondered watching their crestfallen expressions.   “Because they want something in exchange,” Mother said.   “Increased interest?” I inquired.   “No. It’s something else,” She paused, took in a deep breath before continuing, “They want you to get married to their son,”   “Wait what? Is this some kind of sick joke?” they must be out of their freaking minds to even think something like that could be possible.   Which prestigious family would even want to arrange a marriage for their son? Certainly not the Valiente’s. Their son had gorgeous, high earning models and actresses from reputable families always filling his i********:. Why would they want me to get married to their son? I was barely a nobody and social life had never really been my thing.   “I told you this was such a bad idea honey,” mum told dad.   “Wait, you guys are serious?” I had to make sure they were not messing around with my mind.   “Don’t worry darling. If you don’t want this it’s okay. We are not going to tie you down in a marriage you don’t want just because we want to save our company. We respect your decision, darling,” my dad said in his usual wise filled voice.   “No, its okay dad. If it’s the only way to save the company then I’m in. That company is our home and Noah would be very much grateful from wherever he is,” “the prospect of being married to Ryan brought the familiar sweet tingling sensation running through my body. Yes, I had to admit the idea of being married to man dripping that unmeasurable amount of sexiness was really appealing. Anyone in my place would have felt the same way.   “Are you sure honey?” my mother asked, a look of surprise fixed on her caramel face thanks to her Kenyan descent.   “Yes, although you guys should have just told me earlier instead of acting all weird. And when are the Valiente’s arriving?” as though to answer my question the doorbell rang.   “And that would be them, “Dad was already scurrying to the door.   I cussed rushing to my bedroom. Changing into a simple light purple knee-length figure-hugging dress, I made a quick brush of my hair and teeth. Finally, I wore my black flats fixing my hair into a high ponytail leaving a few tendrils falling over my face. I walked downstairs to find the two families exchanging pleasantries but upon my entrance, they all looked up at me smiling. I shook their hands with a flustered smile flashing on my cheeks.   “Where is Ryan?” My dad questioned.   “He used another route. The paparazzi seem to mind more about his business than theirs but no worries, he will be here any minute. I’m so glad you accepted Zoe. This means so much to your parents and us. You are helping strengthen the weakened friendship our families have,” Mrs. Valiente pressed my palms with hers affectionately.   “I’m glad too Mrs. Valiente,” I stated though deep down I had a feeling my marriage to Ryan was more about the Valiente’s than it was about my family’s company. I had no idea why or how but the feeling was etched deep within the roots of my soul. Whatever it was, did not really matter to me. All I wanted was to save the last link I had to Noah.     The doorbell rang as my mother went to get it, her face full of the familiar happy smile and even today there was a light spring in her gait.   “Ryan, come on in,” she ushered him.   I watched Ryan walk in what seemed like movie slow motion. For a moment I forgot what it felt like to breathe as he greeted my parents with my mum gushing over how handsome he had grown to be since she last laid her eyes on him. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t move as he finally turned towards me with his priceless smile set on his breathtaking lips.   “And you must be Zoe. It’s my pleasure to make my acquaintance, Mi Amor,” he mock bowed and I barely heard my mother comment how adorable that was.   “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you too Ryan,” my cheeks were flushed and I was barely managing to hold myself together.   Meeting Ryan in real life was ecstatic enough, being in the same room with him was tolerable but having him standing next to me, talking to me was in a juicy way unbearable.   “You really do look great in person Zoe. My mother’s description of you wouldn’t do any justice on your beauty,”   “You don’t look bad yourself,” Somehow I was able to pay back his compliment without stuttering.   Minutes later we were all sitting together sipping juice while our parents gushed on and on about how adorably fit we were for each other. Personally I was enjoying their conversation since it was the only distraction from thinking of Ryan sitting next to me but unfortunately, Ryan seemed to think otherwise.   “If they keep talking like this I’m going to leave. Their conversation is making me really sick. It’s not like we are even going to get married anyway,” It was hard to ignore the fact that he had leaned in to whisper, leaving literally no air for me to breath.
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